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So who is the greatest of them all?


Who is the greatest Star Wars character?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the greatest Star Wars character?

    • Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
    • Yoda
    • Obi Wan Kenobi
    • Luke Skywalker
    • Mace Windu
    • Qui-Gon Jinn
    • Count Dooku
    • Chancellor Palpatine
    • Han Solo
    • Jango or Boba Fett

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I voted for Count Dooku/Lord Darth Tyranus for these three reasons:


1: The Dark Side of the Force.

2: Master of the Lightsaber (second only to Yoda).

3: The power, strength and mystical energy he embodies.


Some people may vote for Obi-Wan Kenobi. I simply remind those people about the slash to the arm and stab to the leg. Some people vote for Anakin Skywalker, and I remeind them about the severed arm. Some people will vote for Yoda. I simply say that Dooku is his Dark equal, and that the Dark Side of the Force is infinatly more powerful than the Light Side ever will!


Long live Count Dooku, and may is defeat in "Episode III" be glorious and worthy of a great warrior!

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Originally posted by AgentSmith

I voted for Han Solo. He's not a bad guy or a Sith so to speak, he doesn't have any Force Powers but he's just the coolest bad ass scoundrel of them all. :cool:



GASP! You have abandoned AAyla Secura! The last sign of the Apocalypse!:D

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Look at my Signature and Avatar. I wonder who I'm going to pick. :p


My man is Darth Maul. He's just the man. It takes so much skill to use a Sith Lightsaber. He also relied on his pure talent rather than the Force like other character's did. He also took on two Jedi at a time. I know someone in here is going to say what about Dooku but he really didn't take them on at the same time. It was like they took turn's. Maul just took them on both at the same time without hesitating. He was also an Apprentice and not a fully fledged Sith Lord. Imagine if he had made it to that rank or even used the Force more? He's just deadly anyway you put it. It's just a pity that the Sith died :(


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Ok, RatmJedi raises some good/valid points....I'm going to throw in my opinion.


If and that is a big if. If Darth Maul was not killed by Obi-Wan, if he had made it to become a full on Sith Lord......I believe that he would have been the most powerful Sith ever! Even more powerful than Anakin/Vader.


Like RatmJedi said, just imagine if Maul had used the darkside of the force a little more rather than just relying on his physical skills......nobody could have touched him.



Please tell me where I have gone wrong....... :)

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Originally posted by Norin Radd

GASP! You have abandoned AAyla Secura! The last sign of the Apocalypse!:D


Hell no! :mad:


Aayla Secura is my favorite Star Wars character, period. :)


But from the choices on the list I'd say Han Solo. If I'd have mentioned Aayla people would start to think I have nothing else original to say.

Besides Aayla's doesn't have a bad ass but a gorgeous one at that. ;)

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