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one of those days...

Darth Homer

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1st, going to park in the usual lot, but can't today because a big fat dump truck is blocking the entrance


2nd, get caught in class reading & posting here...stupid teacher...imagine, he wants me to pay attention and "learn"


3rd, get a test back today (different class)....65....ugh....


4th, get out to my car and I have a ticket waiting on me...$15 for parking in a legal spot, but with the wrong type of parking sticker...nevermind the fact that there were no signs around indicating what sticker I needed...(I should have parked on the grass, that's only $5 :rolleyes: )


5th, I have a test in my next class, for which I must go back out and find yet another parking spot...


will someone please take me away from this hell??

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oh it gets better....that test? 10 questions (all had to be programmed in sql so it's worse than it looks)...didn't even figure out an answer for 3 of 'em and 2 more didn't work right...I know I've failed it...


also, I would just huddle up in my room w/ some angry music, but I have to go home for supper w/ my parents...mom laid a guilt trip on me so it's unavoidable now...at least I don't have to go to the dentist until monday....

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I love going to the dentist. Their motoo is we cater to cowards, of which I am when it comes to dentists. Anyway the reason I love the dentist so much is I get to sit in the "moon" chair and get so hopped up on nitrous oxide whilst listening to my personal collection of The Best Beatles Stoner Songs. (I am the Walrus, Strawberry Fields, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, etc.) 45 minutes later they pull me back down to reality and I groggily walk away.


I love the dentist. :D


Anyway about your day. Just remember, the universe is balanced between the good things that happen to you and the bad. Sometimes you just don't realise it. But thew universe will find a way to balnce out that day.


If only I could get my luck back. :(

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i feel for you, man. artoo, you'll never get anymore luck after friday. :rolleyes: anyway, my dentist is nice, and since i got my braces off, i only have to see him once every 6 months! yay! i don't get any happy gas, but i do get the moon chair and novacain.

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

By angry music do you mean like Marilyn Manson or something (yeah I think he's a freak too but is that what u mean?)?


no, no MM...I have gone through my Powerman 5000 cd (Tonight the stars revolt, which is the only one of theirs that I give a damn about), and gonna hit the Rammstein (Sehnsucht or Mutter? I don't know) and maybe System of a Down (Toxicity) before nights end...oh yeah, also picked up my very own copy of UT 2003, so I'll be having a fraggin' good time later on....right now, I've got some accounting hw to finish....if I didn't know that it would be graded, I'd be "all up in it" right now...

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I had that for a weekend. Worst weekend I ever had.

I had to complete 24 essays total, not including extras I wanted to do.


1. History Project- Colonial Newspaper recaping Revolutionary War (which wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't been so sick that I couldn't see my keyboard for two days) -22 essays, 12 Ads


2. English Essay on 4 different short stories of which 1 was mildly interesting. -1 essay, 2 hours+ (of which I could have used for sleeping)


3. Chemistry Lab Writeup- 8 pages of insanity followed by utter confusion on Monday when we all found out that she had told us how to do a formula wrong...


4. Raid of the Lost Satuday- I had to get up early for a trip to my grandparents and from there eat lunch and go to football game thereby killing my ENTIRE satuday and getting me home at 1:00.


5. I spent a total of 28 hours or more working on all these projects


...and through all these projects I remembered I had a Greek test on Monday...which I got a 4 on...I had no time to myself or even to sleep (although I did kind of enjoy the football game, but near half time I got depressed because My team was winning by a alot and there was no point in staying...I was thinking of cutting out on gloating and getting home to do Home Work :eek: the horror!) So hopefully you can understand why I havn't posted in nearly a week...

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