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Dark Tides

Havoc Stryphe

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Originally posted by DashRendar

Well for one this isn't an RPG...it's a plain out story...two, they probably have the same reason as everyone I invite [whiny voice]"But I don't have the tiiiiiime."[/whiny voice] which is impossible for people like Havoc and Rhett, and YD (whom has special circimstances, but I still felt like picking on him:p)


Although I haven't seen the JKII board's RPGs if they're more fast paced the most of the others maybe they DON'T have enough time.


YIPPEE First post second page!


Well the invitation is open, the link is on my sig. RPG or not, I would allow it, for lack of better material over there. Bravo, well done, I applaud all of you! :clap2:

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I would have been good with a lightsaber, but i'm DEAD! (and yes, i'm going to keep bringing it up :D )


anyway, good chapters none the less, guys. (woulda been better with me, but ...;) ) keep it up. i think it's time for some jedi action, too.

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

So, we're waiting for YD's next chapter, which Fergie may or may not continue, correct?


Well I'm kind of hoping to explain a bit of the Sith side of the story with a special Sith Eye View.


BTW, no double sabers k...I mean I got upset over Maul having one when it was the super distinguishing thing about Exar Kun. So don't fret about not having one...k. I'll give you other capabilities like force joke!...erm...force choke!;)


BTW 2.0, If I'm suposed to kind of know the plotline to do this (i.e.- set in stone developments) please tell me. But if it's go where you want and let others react then tell me that too...thanks in advance...

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

ok, fine...no double-bladed saber...just give me two sabers then...or try to come up w/ an interesting weapon on your own if you're gonna include me in a battle


Oh yeah! You'll take what we give you and you'll like it!


Ingrate! :mad:






We'll try to make it fun to be a Sith, after all you characters are going to die. Might as well die happy! ;)

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Chapter 10 Unmasked


Dash guided Redwing trough the Casino. Altough, Casino ... The coridors they went trough were just like the corridors of any space station. This was the non commercial area, most visitors would not see this part if Young David did not want them to.


At last they came to Young David's office. It was a big office with two big windows. A nice view of the stars on one side, and the main casino floor on the other side. At the far end of the office was Young David's desk, but near the door was where Young David stood.


"Please, be seated mr. Redwing" Young David gestured toward an expensive Endor couch with real fur on it. Redwing stayed where he was.


"Alright then, you can stand there if you like. I hope you don't mind if I sit down."


Young David settled down and grabbed a datapad from a nearby desk. Wraith 8 came in with two glasses of Correlian wine. Redwing grimaced at the man who seemed to have lied to them. He refussed the glass offered to him.


"Mister Redwing. There are several reasons why I have called you here. First, it appears that you have witnessed the destruction of Dark Eye 1. Second, you are not who you want us to believe you are."


Redwing made no move.


"Mister Redwing. I don't want you to be my prisoner. Please feel free. You can listen to me if you want to, or you can walk away if you like."


Redwing nodded and turned around to get back to the ship.


"If you walk trough that door, you will never find out who killed your father."


Redwing stopped and spoke for the first time.


"How do you know ..."


"Please, mister Redwing. That is my business. This casino does not only earns me money, it gives me information too. I know more about you than you think"


"Who killed my Father!?"


"Mister Redwing, let's not get ahead of things. First I want to know more about what you saw what happened to the Dark Eye 1."


Redwing told him the story. He was about to visit Tie Guy to deliver some fighter parts when some sith Fighters appeared followed by a Kuat Drive Sith Cruiser. The fighters engaged all the ships in the area while the KDSC started blasting the stion to pieces.


"I was lucky that I was just entering the system. If I were there a minute earlier I could not have escaped the sith. I calculated my exit vector as soon as those fighters came my way. It was a close call."


"Do you think Tie is still alive?"


"To be honoust sir, I believe he is. The Dark Eye 2 was not present when I arrived. I have good feelings he survived."


"Do you know where I can find him?"


"I wish I knew, sir."


"Thank you. I'm glad that there is still hope for Tie."


"Sir," Redwing continued "I'd like to know now who killed my father. I gave you my story, now give me yours!"


Young David sipped from his glass.


"You think it's that easy, mister Redwing? We have not yet reached the point where we discuss our deal. There are some other things that need to be cleared up. It appears you are not the simple spacer you want us to believe you are."


Young David stopped here to read Redwing's expression. No change there.


"It appears that you are a bounty hunter, or at least was until some 'unknow' fighters attacked your fathers ship and bankrupted your credit account."


"You speak as if you know who did it."


"That is not an issue now. Together with your bothan friend, kkrode or something I believe his name is. Together with your bothan friend you bought the awfully ugly, but cheap, Red Rabbit and started to transport fighter parts. While not as heroïc as hubting for bounties, it offers a steady income for you and allowes you to search for the one who killed your father."




"I will give you the information, plus a million credits when you can trace a certain person for me."


Redwing nodded.


"Who is it you're looking for?"


Young David nodded to Wraith 8 who handed a small datapad to Redwing. "That's the man we're looking for."


"But ... but that's a Jedi! How can you accept me to track ..."


"I'm offering you a lot of money and valueable information. What will it be?"


Redwing hestitated, but nodded.


"Good, I will gave you all the resources you need. You can contact my aide Wraith 8 about it. He will be your contact person from now on."


Young David nodded to Dash. "Dash Rendar will now take you to your appartment. You will be able to refresh yourself there and contact your friend from there."


Redwing left the room and Young David went back to his desk. Five minutes later Wraith 8 entered the room again.


"Sir, the sith ..."


"Let him in, wraith."


Wraith nodded and a moment later the hooded Darth Fergie came walking in. Young David stood up.


"Be welkom ..."


"Spare me you're gentle words." Darth Fergie quickly replied. "I assume you don't have the Jedi yet?"


Young David kept silent.


"I'm only here to bring you a small message. YD's casino will no longer exist if that Jedi is not found within the next two weeks, fourteen days, counting from now."


"But ..."


"No negotiations. I have my own Jedi Jawa to meet. Fourteen days, no more" With that Darth Fergie left the room.


Young David picked the bottle of Wookiee Wodka, the toughest he had, from under his desk and took a long sip. This were not pleasant times.

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I had some time and my part of story needs some catching up :D. So here's a free chapter for all of you. This is the first one where I don't play a role (only mentioned). Enjoy


Chapter 11 Nice and clean


Redwing walked out of the shower in one of the most luxurios appartments at YD's. He had a nice shave and smelled fresh again. He did not look like a scoundrel anymore but like ... well, just like a clean Redwing actually. It's the clothes that make the man, Redwing realized. He opened one of the closest and picked a nice Naboo costume. Now he was dressed in style. He looked at his old clothes and decided to keep them, it was a good disguise after all.


When he picked up his jacket a small transmitter rolled out. Redwin immediatly recognized it and knew that someone could be listening to him this very moment, he had to act like nothing happened. Redwing made a yawn.


Half an hour later Redwin was walking to the Red Rabbit with a small suitcase in his hand and a black robe covering his beutifull suit. Krkode welcomed him.


"Glad to see you in one piece, sir. Those security guys told me you're ..."


Redwing interupted him by gesturing him to be quit en to get in the ship.


Inside the Red Rabbit Redwing immidiatly closed the door and started to search the ship like a paranoid. He checked Krkode's clothes, the sleeping quaters, the communications room and the bridge. Nothing.


"Hey, what's wrong boss?"


Redwing silenced him. Only when he was very sure that there were no transmitters anywhere near them he talked.


"I suspect that Young David's spying on us. There was a transmitter in my pocket."


"A transmitter in you're pocket? Sounds like an amateur, Young David is no amateur."


"I know, I know. But who else could it be? I think he wanted it to look like someone else did it."


"But why ..."


"We'll think about that part later. You think you can track it?"


"Sure, where is it?"


Redwing grabbed the suitcase. "Please, be quiet".


He oppened the sound-proof suitcase ans a soft snoring sound came from a small speaker. Krkode grabbed his equipment while Redwing went to the bridge to inspect the status of the ship.


Ten minutes later Krkode came walking in.


"It is indeed work of an amateur and I tracked the source. It seems to be coming from that ship over there." Krkode pointed to a bunch of metal that carried the name 'Pringled Can'.


"'Pringled Can' huh. I heard that name before. Let's see"


He consulted his database and after a few second the information appeared on his screen.


"Look at that, Chase Windu, the scruffy looking nerfherder. It's a miracle that stuck up basterd is still alive. I think I know of a way to teach that scoundrel a lesson."


Thirty minutes later the Red Rabbit asked permission to leave and took off.

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Chapter Twelve: Reunion


Havoc quickly turned to Tie, “I’ll just stay with the ship.”


“Come on Havoc, that was nine years ago! You still can’t be mad about that can you?”, even though he knew the answer.


“Can’t I”, snapped Havoc as he turned and began assessing the damage to the Raven Star.


Tie Guy decided to let him be and quickly made his way across the docking bay, “Leon is that really you?”


“It’s been far too long, my friend”, The man replied as they embraced. Taking a step back they immediately began to size each other up.


Leon was a tall, lanky man, but he wasn’t gangly or awkward either. His dark hair looked misplaced next to his fair complexion, and his eyes seemed to hide more than they told. But, All in all, Tie concluded that Leon hadn’t changed a bit, except for being better dressed and a little older. For a few seconds neither man said nothing as they smiled. They seemed to reminisce without words. Each recounting their countless adventures together in their minds.


Tie was first to break the silence, “So, what have you been up to for the last nine years?”


“A little of this and a little of that.”, Leon replied, “I ended up here about five years ago. It didn’t take long with my training to move right on up the ladder, and here I am. Nothing happens on this planet without my knowing it or approving it.”


“Look at you, a lush resort planet.”, Tie turned to Leon and smiled, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you went soft!”


Leon laughed, “Well, after the Dark Eyes, everything seems a little soft!”


“So why did you leave?”, Tie suddenly became serious.


“Come on Tie, you know why I had to!”, Leon suddenly become very uneasy.


“I know, but come on… a woman!”, replied Tie, a smile returning to his face.


“Not just any woman, my wife!”, replied the man, smiling now as well, “She set me straight, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!”


“Neither would she!”, came Havoc’s voice reeking with disdain. Havoc had silently joined the men, coming up from behind Leon.


“I know that voice. Just a pleasant as ever, I see.” Leon replied as he turned to face the mechanic, “You still holding a grudge, Havoc?”


“She was mine, Leon, and you knew it!”, accused Havoc.


“That’s not what she said!”, Leon retorted.


Tie Guy stepped in between them, “Come on guys, that was nearly a decade ago. Let’s at least put it behind us. We have bigger problems right now.”


Leon stared at Tie for a minute than glanced at Havoc who was still steaming, then back to Tie. “You’re right, Come on you pirates, let’s go back to my office and talk about what happened to your ship and we can catch up on old times!”


Havoc was just about to say something nasty when Tie gave him a look which cut him short.


“Sure thing, just give us a second, Leon.” Tie turned to Havoc, “Why don’t you just stay with the ship.”


“Gladly!”, came the gruff response, “I have to make sure his people don’t mess up my ship!”


“Just don’t piss anyone off, okay!”, Tie replied with a smile.


Tie turned and rejoined Leon and they started making their way across the remainder of the docking bay. Havoc didn’t move at first. He just stood watching the two men walk away. Then Tie stopped and turned around, “Oh, Havoc almost forgot. Tell the men to practice their…”


Leon cut him short with a laugh, “Tell the men to get off that ship and enjoy Iphgin. The resorts and all they have to offer are at their disposal. If I remember anything of how Tie runs a ship, then I know they could use the relaxation!”


Tie turned back to Leon and the two men continued their exit and before long they had vanished from sight through the doorway. All that could be heard was the two men’s laughter echoing down the corridor into the docking bay and ringing in Havoc’s ears.


It was only a few minutes to Leon’s office and as the two friends entered the office, Leon became serious, “So Havoc’s still mad at me huh? I would have thought he would have gotten over it by now!”


“Oh, come on Leon.”, Tie got equally serious, “They were engaged to be married! I mean, you and her ran off together two weeks before the wedding! What do you think he’d be? Happy?”


“You make it sound so bad, Tie. We were young and in love. We didn’t know any better.”, replied Leon.


“Look, I’m not taking sides here. Let’s just talk about my ship!”, Tie replied letting his exhaustion show.


“yeah, okay.”, Leon shifted gears, “Don’t worry about the repairs. My men are top notch. I’ll cover any expenses, you’re men can enjoy Iphgin’s resorts until the repairs are complete.”


“I can’t let you do that, Leon”, Tie said, the smile slowly returning to his face, “It’s going to cost a small fortune!”


Leon looked straight into his friend’s face, “Hey, It’s the least I can do for the great Dark Eyes!”


Tie could only smile and nod. Seeing he had won that battle Leon moved on, “So, what happened to your ship? And don’t tell me an asteroid jumped out in front of you!”


“No, not an asteroid! I wish it were that simple.”, Tie became solemn, “We had a run in with the Crimson Blade.”


“The Blades, huh?”, replied Leon, “I should have known. They keep popping up here in the Iphgin system. They prey on the luxury cruise ships that pass en route to the resorts here.” Leon’s gaze turned distant, “Sometimes they are bold enough to actually set up camp on the planet. Our security forces can usually deal with them, but lately it’s not been without heavy costs.”


Tie read his mind, “Yeah, I lost several good pilots in this last scuffle.” Tie went silent for a moment then added, almost under his breath. “There were so young, Leon, just kids."


Leon stared at his friend. Why did he seem to take it so hard. He had lost men before. Some just barely teenagers. Tie had always been strong, able to remove himself personally from the battle. Was it because he was getting older, or was it something else. Leon guessed it was something else, and if he were a betting man, he say Tie’s exhaustion and disheveled appearance were also a result of whatever it was.


While Leon pondered, Tie continued his story starting at the beginning with the Jedi star fighter and Darth Homer. Then on to Jatt13 and his betrayal. Leon was equally as surprised as the Dark Eyes to hear that Hannibalscipio was alive and still leading the Crimson Blade, and as Tie finished his tale, Leon was completely enthralled.


The two men talked well into the evening. Reminiscing of old times, telling new stories the other had yet to hear, but no matter how long they talked or what they talked about, Leon couldn’t shake his dread. The Sith War had come knocking on his doorstep.

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Yup ... good chap bro.


Sith war at our doorstep ... we need some more about the Sith.


Fergie will write something about himself and Eets I think.


Rhett will write ... I don't know if he's gonna write. Otherwise it's gonna be an almost pure non-jedi perspective story.


Questions to think about when you're waiting for the next chapters ;)


Who is the Jedi that Tie picked up?


Who killed Redwing's father?


Will YD find the Jedi within the next two weeks?


Will Havoc claim back his girl?


What is Redwing gonna do with Chase?


Will Darth Fergie kill Eets?


Will Darth Homer find Tie Guy?


Will Darth Fergie find his Jedi?


Will Viper be defeated?


Tune in daily on this thread, and find out :D

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Originally posted by Young David

Will Darth Fergie kill Eets?


No. If he does, I'll make him and the author of the chapter eat my dog's poodoo and walk around NYC naked.


I think Eets should turn fergie back to the lightside. :D





And don't you think I can't do it, beeyotch! :mad:

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Hey since we're short a couple of starfighter pilots, can I return to my true calling and pilot one of them snubbies?


I think that's completely possible and a good idea! :D


Oh, and Eets, Don't temp me! I had no quams killing off Jatt13, you'd be just an afterthought! :cool:





I still think you should have been a talking womprat, but I guess every dog has his day! :p

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Oh, and Eets, Don't temp me! I had no quams killing off Jatt13, you'd be just an afterthought! :cool:





I still think you should have been a talking womprat, but I guess every dog has his day! :p


That's exactly the reason why I shouldn't die! I've died in LotS, and I was a frickin DOG in the other story! :p


But now I might as well expect it, after all the bitching and moaning I've done..

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