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Your style of playing..........

Guardian Omega

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My style? Well i play no force saber only duels so...


well its not style but principals of play that matter to me...




I like to let the opponent play to me, ie; I dictate the pace when ever possible, be it fast or slow, depends on my mood really.


I like to do moves that look good not just the most efficient method of killing, winning is one thing but winning well is another.


I avoid doing the same power moves more than once at a time, eg never more than one dfa without another move to break it up.


I Change stance every couple of seconds almost without exception. not necessarily through choice its just habit now, the plus side is that thye opponent never knows what moves coming next, the downside is that you can occasionally get wrong-footed this way, admittedly its rare.


Red combos and yellow spinning attacks seem to make up the bulk of my style but it really depends what the other dude is up to, it's hard to say 'this is what i do every time '

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When I start out I use saber instead of bryar. As I accumalate non-laser weapons (ok ok ANY EXPLOSIVE WEAPON ;) ) I start to use those.


In saber/gun ffas, I play to win instead of pretending to be a Jedi. You can't kill fast enough with the saber only in 1.04 FFA...




In Duels, I start out with Medium (or the stance that I see best to use against the guy I've been speccing) and switch between Medium regular strikes, occasional Medium DFAs, Heavy sideswings, and a little Light Lunging to keep him guessing.

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In FFA, I very rarely use my saber, it's simply inefficient... I like rockets... I am a rocket whore and I am proud. I pretty much stick to the Tenloss, Rocket Launcher, Felletche, and Repeater


I don't play CTF or Duel much, mostly casue I suck at CTF and I'm sick of pull kick dummies

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FFA: I tend to use my saber more then guns, but then again those who piss me off usually look down the barrel of my disruptor rifle.


Duel: People usually bitch when they fight me because I am very evasive. I use rolls, jumps, flips, anything to get out of your reach. I only take swings when I know you have a nil chance of succeeding or your back is torward me. As for stances, I am light-medium most of the time, will go red if I wish to use a few aerial manuevers.

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I play duel and that's it.


First of all I usually stay put more or less, if my opponent wishes to "flee" it's ok with me, but I damn well won't trudge around the entire map to catch him.


I mostly use yellow, with no jumping around, no rolling and generally staying to the same area. For me, there's nothing more fun than a yellow vs yellow match, and I clap my little hands whenever I find another yellow user to fight against.


If I should change stance, it's usually to "scare" my opponent with a little manic blue'eing or using red to keep my enemy at bay if they get a little too close.


I use little to no specials at all, only the occassional lunge if I happen to be in blue stance, or if my opponent was foolish enough to do a yellow finisher right before me.


Of course, all of this is ditched, when it comes to playing in hermes place :D Jah can testify LOL...

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Originally posted by cjais

I play duel and that's it.


First of all I usually stay put more or less, if my opponent wishes to "flee" it's ok with me, but I damn well won't trudge around the entire map to catch him.


I mostly use yellow, with no jumping around, no rolling and generally staying to the same area. For me, there's nothing more fun than a yellow vs yellow match, and I clap my little hands whenever I find another yellow user to fight against.


If I should change stance, it's usually to "scare" my opponent with a little manic blue'eing or using red to keep my enemy at bay if they get a little too close.


I use little to no specials at all, only the occassional lunge if I happen to be in blue stance, or if my opponent was foolish enough to do a yellow finisher right before me.


Of course, all of this is ditched, when it comes to playing in hermes place :D Jah can testify LOL...


LOL, dunno man you described your modus operandi pretty well i reckon. Whatever your tactics are pal they work pretty wel you scrae the bejeeezuz out of me.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior


LOL, dunno man you described your modus operandi pretty well i reckon. Whatever your tactics are pal they work pretty wel you scrae the bejeeezuz out of me.


Nah! :D


Okay, if I have to cut it out for ya:


In hermes I tend to use every stance more than just sticking to yellow, I sometimes end up with even relying more on blue than yellow... :eyeraise:


I spam schmunges and DFA's like a pig.


And lastly, I often jump around like a rubberball on crack.


All in all, I'm way more "wild" on your server man, maybe it's because you haven't seen me play on the public's yet, I'm more like I described earlier when playing on those.

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My style, huh? Wellm, okay -lessee here...:rolleyes:


First off, I strive toward style, grace, expert movement -I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it.


I use the Lightsaber almost exclusively. I am not opposed to guns -in fact, I'm glad they're there- but I use them very rarely due to the fact that they are (by enlarge) tactless, arbitrary weapons designed for those who are concerned only with racking up points quickly. I don't care much about my score.


I practice frequently with BOTS and the timescale adjusted to about half the normal game speed, and I increase the speed gradually from there. This allows me to focus better on what I'm doing, how I'm doing it, and how I could improve upon it. It works well, but only if you up the speed gradually. Otherwise, if you go directly into full-speed it's a lot like jumping into a cold swimming pool. It would be interesting to play against real people this way, but I don't think it's possible.

*Fun Factoid: If you play in slow motion long enough at one time, it affects the way you think. You start moving/talking/thinking *in* slow motion. It can become very trance like (I haven't listened to any Trance music while playing yet -perhaps I should).


I avoid spam moves at all costs. I avoid going for the easy kill. There's really no sport in it. It's cheap. It's amusing to see everybody in a game endlessly repeating the same move. Talk about 'Clone Wars'...:rolleyes:


In general I don't feel that JO is up to the same level of gameplay that a game like Soul Caliber, or Virtua Fighter, or Tekken is. But I feel that it could be, given the right mixture of balance, and moves. It certainly has the potential. Hopefully some of the very talented people we have in the editing community will bring us closer to that.


I guess it's like Jah Warrior was saying: it's more of a matter of principals in gameplay. I don't concern myself with a 'style' as much as an ethic. I'm here to have fun, and I don't mind losing at all if we're all having a good time. What I do mind is losing to players who are so obsessed with getting the most points, that they will gladly hit below-the-belt any chance they get. The only victory they'll ever know is a hollow one.

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas

I guess it's like Jah Warrior was saying: it's more of a matter of principals in gameplay. I don't concern myself with a 'style' as much as an ethic. I'm here to have fun, and I don't mind losing at all if we're all having a good time. What I do mind is losing to players who are so obsessed with getting the most points, that they will gladly hit below-the-belt any chance they get. The only victory they'll ever know is a hollow one.


If thats you ethic you would probably liek our server Hermes place, check the link in my siggy to find details of the server and you are welcome anytime bro.



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Originally posted by Jah Warrior


If thats you ethic you would probably liek our server Hermes place, check the link in my siggy to find details of the server and you are welcome anytime bro.






One more customer, comin' raaaight up sir!


:D j/k

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My style?


i used saber instead of guns, in fact, i liked to play in saber only servers, where it was fair u wont get sniped while you are dealing someone else.


favorite gun? tenloss. i used to be a good sniper


i always use red saber stance and i will jump, flip, roll, do anything i can to get away from you and slash you when you werent paying attention:D i sometimes use the blue stance back stab ......

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Well, in most cases I tend to use saber as much as possible... However, one of my favorite moves of all time is to collect a rocket laucnher before I begin saber-fighting someone, and then when they begin backing me up, I whip it out and blow them to smithereins(sp?):D . It's also lots of fun to watch people running around with their sabers, thinking that they are invulnerable to blaster fire, then picking em off with the briar pistol with one well-placed shot. (Of course if they're smart and ever use force pull I get beat up really bad, hehe.)

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I study my opponent's movements when I come into close saber combat. When it's guns against force and saber, I tune more into my sense of hearing and dodge whenever possible, or I pull out blue style combat and force speed to reflect all the shots back at my opponents!


I time my attacks more often than I like to, so it's pretty hard to guess when and where I'll strike.........

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I usually use the fast style and the E-11. Then when i get my tennlos, i sit in a corner and snip awile until someone gets it and splaters me with whatever.


On NS streets, I'l push em' down into the place by the tenloss. Then I wait for them to get back up to the ramps to fight. I then lure them up to the top place, and grip them and put them over the edge; right over the pit. On some i'll just rais em' up and let them fall when it stops. HA HA!!!!:bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2:

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  • 4 months later...

I play NF Duels exclusively, and my style of play is 90% red stance with 1% blue and 9% yellow.


Red stance is, quite simply, the God of all stances. It has a counter to absolutely everything and, though it is in some cases more difficult than simply switching stances, it can still be done without any real trouble.


I also will switch to yellow if they're below 25hp.

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I usually time weapons and ammo. I never use saber whether in ff duelz or ff guns or ctf. Except in guns to block while running to get more health. In ctf i'd prolly just self instead of block. In ff sabers I only kick and throw and pull and drain and grip. Occassionaly i might push, but rarely, never do i use saber because i dno't play tffa or ffa. But my main gametype is ctf and ff /nf guns so i don't use saber much except to block. Im very aggressive besides timing ammo and i use bryar to chase and retrive since many times in some maps you don't have time to get another gun and secondary bryar is powerful.

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