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Paradoxes and Riddles too... for those who want to be pedantic


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Ok some more


1. If 50 pounds of feather,and 50 pounds of meat fell at the excact same time,which would get to the ground first?


2. If a clothesmaker has 10 clothes, made 5 clothes a day,with every other day making 10, how many would he have in a year?

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only one foot eh? well im afraid i have to agree with spy even though you say hes wrong. because the errm, protrusion on the snail is called a foot and it does have only one. i know thats not the answer you're lookin for but its still right.



and tyrion, out of curiousity why'd you pick the left leg to get blown off? i always thought if a leg were blown off it would be my right...... ive said too much





Edit: tyrion if both cases of 50 pounds were condensed to the same size and packaged the same way i suppose they;d hit at the same time. need more detail to be sure. and as for your second question: is it a leapyear?

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Originally posted by Darth Talliusc

only one foot eh? well im afraid i have to agree with spy even though you say hes wrong. because the errm, protrusion on the snail is called a foot and it does have only one. i know thats not the answer you're lookin for but its still right.



and tyrion, out of curiousity why'd you pick the left leg to get blown off? i always thought if a leg were blown off it would be my right...... ive said too much





Edit: tyrion if both cases of 50 pounds were condensed to the same size and packaged the same way i suppose they;d hit at the same time. need more detail to be sure. and as for your second question: is it a leapyear?




Well I am right handed so...and it was mostly arbitary

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did you find that inside a christmas cracker, leXX? he he


sivy b riddles


1. There are 2 words in the English language where the letter "f" is pronounced like the letter "v". "Of" is one of the words, what is the other?


2.Which country makes panama hats?


3. What starts with "e" ends with "e" and contains only one letter?


4. This you should always keep - no one else wants it.

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In Egypt , a man was selling carpets on a market. Business was slow, so the man got bored and fell asleep. He dreamt about the french revolution, and that he was about to be decapitated in a guillotine. Just about then his wife came to the market and saw her husband sleeping. Angered, she took one of the carpets and tapped him on his neck. (his head was bent forward) But the man thought he was being decapitated and died on the spot of a heart attack!!!!


He died on the spot, he had no time to relate the dream to anyone.....:D


Oh, and Sivy:


3) An Envelope.




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Originally posted by Sivy B

did you find that inside a christmas cracker, leXX? he he


sivy b riddles


1. There are 2 words in the English language where the letter "f" is pronounced like the letter "v". "Of" is one of the words, what is the other?


2.Which country makes panama hats?


3. What starts with "e" ends with "e" and contains only one letter?


4. This you should always keep - no one else wants it.



3. An 'EnvelopE'!!

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A number with ten digits is constructed so that the first digit tells how many 0's there are in the number, the second digit shows how many 1's there are, etc. etc. until the tenth digit that shows how many 9's there are in the number.


What's the number?



4. This you should always keep - no one else wants it.


Your name ???????

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Pound of gold and a pound of sugar fall on top of lucasforums from the same height at the same time. which hits first.


if you mean a pound as in currency, then its the sugar.

if you mean a pound in wieght, then its both at the same time

if your being silly, then none because nothing can fall on top of LF



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see, most people who arent nit picking my wording would say that theyd hit at the same time.... (gimme a break. had to think of something for them to fall on)



but anyway, precious metals are measured in a slightly different weight system, and a pound of gold is heavier, so it would hit first.


Strange fact of the day :)

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Originally posted by Sivy B

sivy b riddles


1. There are 2 words in the English language where the letter "f" is pronounced like the letter "v". "Of" is one of the words, what is the other?


2.Which country makes panama hats?


4. This you should always keep - no one else wants it.


2: I am pretty sure they are made in ECUADOR - or that is where they originated anyway..........


4: Your mind?

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Are you meaning more of the Carat system of weighing precious metals?


To my knowledge, a pound is a pound, is a pound. It isn't like the difference between a tonne and a ton, one imperial and one metric.


And anyway, there is no bottom of Lucasforums, it is a bottomless abyss, into which our spam disappears.........

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