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Cantina 8


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((OOS: Deac, did you intend for Kal and Ida to enter the ship too?


Scar: Sejiko/Farran is not using the Force))


*The doors of the Council chambers open. Sejiko enters the room, drawing his katana-like sword dramatically. He is flanked by at least twenty Vanguards*


I have been sent by Farran Darkholme. I am Sejiko Hishen Darkholme, master of the Vanguard. I have come to challenge you, Lokiphet Darsktar...

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red: in a sence telempathy and communicating through the force does sorta go hand in hand... so if the actual meaning of using telepamthy was used to call the Vanguard, even though it can/cannot be read, it could as well be felt...


*Irvine sees Vanguard burst into the Council Chambers*


Irvine speaking to himself softly: "Well, I might as well look..."


*Irvine compresses his powers more, in a sence to help lokpehit, as he creeps up behind the vanguard whom reluctantly forget to guard outside.*

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*inside the Securiy Center a gaurd and a technician investigate what Chavo did to the computers*

Technician: Let's see: The thing he put on the cable, I can't do anything about it. It's nicknamed the spider. Not supposed to exist. You attach it to a cable and it gets absorbed in. Then It sends little signals that upload all the info on them to a specific computer. I managed to track the signal to a wireless *points at PDA-like object on security screen* problem is, i dont know where it is now


*an anonymous council member leaves the room and heads to the roof*

???: It's supposed to be somewhere around... here

*picks up PDA-like object*

???: let me see, hmm

*sends signal into NRI computers

???: that takes care of my part in this bloody buisiness

*takes PDA-like object to prison center where he inserts it in the food tray for Chavo*

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*Kioet's R-41 Starchaser arrives back on the system, Kioet hops out of the cockpit, with a concussion rifle at his side, and the hologram disk in a pouch hanging off the belt of his imperial guard suit. he is also wearing a helmet.*


Kioet to self: I'm not getting my ass kicked again.


*Kioet walks into the Imperial Council Building and is approached by a guard*


Kioet to guard: I was told to meet a guy named 'Farran', can you take me to him?


((OOS: This would be the imperial guard uniform seen in shadows of the empire, btw, all red...look for a pic of luke skywalker in imperial or coruscant guard disguise for an example))

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[Redwing: Yes, they are meant to be aboard the ship]


*Lokpihet turns to Darkholme, and activate his double shafted saber*


Prepare to die...fool!


*Lokpihet uses force lighting, and leaps into the air, bringing his blades down*

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Irvine hearing the commotion: "The party started..."


*Irvine relises he needs to get rid of the Vangaurd, with out them noticing him, or at least his powers directly...

Irvine then notices a pilliar, he reaches out a hand and performs a force grip on it the crack the pilliar into pieces. With the pieces Irvine propells some good sized hunks into the backs of the distracted Vanguard, thus knocking them all over instantly.*


Ivan noticing the Vanguard topling over: "Thats enough! We shall not have this, I don't care what farren sent for you to do, how ever he has to abide by the Council before any rash desisions are made. Do you all hear me?!"


Irvine remaining out of view: "hmph, its over before I could lay a fist down on the guy..."


*Irvine walks in and stops stright infront of Darkholme. Irvine turns to him and give a beast like growl.*


Irvine: "He is my prey, I decide when if the waking moment of the new day if he shall live or die. And when that time comes, it shall... be... by... MY HANDS!"


*Irvine Unleashed his most powerful punch he had ever bestow upon one person, even more powerful then the Elder version of himself had ever laid a fist on anyone. This sent Darkholme flat on the ground, stuned and surprised that the blow wasn't absorbed.*


Irvine: "Vangaurd or not. You can't take a punch like mine, where other abilities that depend on the force to be used, the one I use is purely, internaly contained..."


*Irvine walks out of the Council chambers, with the other Vanguard just standing back up from their off guard attack.*


*Irvine yells back in a much lower tone, more like a second voice from his mouth.*


Irvine: "Go abouts your businesses!" *voice returning to normal...* "I wish to be left alone..."


*Irvine proceeds to his quarters...*


Ravan: "Well, uh, I believe we should take a break for a few minutes, perhaps an hour might be sufficent..."


Ivan: "Yes indeed... Perhaps Farren should be present for this one..."

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*interrogator tosses lunch into cell*

Gaurd: you gave him food 1 hour ago. We're supposed to give them less food not more

Interrogator: It's a psychological effect. he's losing any sense of time. It seems to him like he's been here about a week already.


*inside cell*

Chavo: ah finally

*sees whole Vangaurd scene on PDA*

Chavo: Irvine's hiding something, according to his profile he shouldn't be able to do that... I've got to find out more

*sees vent on roof*

Chavo: Hmmm.

*grabs tray and stands on bed, using the the tray as levreage, pulls the vent out*

Gaurd: Not falling for that one, you used it already

Gaurd: what the?

*Chavo quickly clambers up vent

Gaurd: probably nothing

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((OOS: Scar. Stop godmoding. You pretended Lokiphet wasn't there, gauged Sejiko's powers before I even revealed them, and showed his reaction as if he was your character. You also showed the reactions of the Vanguard - you can't be making them stupid to show your character superior.


Since I don't want to wait for you to rewrite, I'm going to disregard the godmoding parts))


*Rwos looks up suddenly* Do you sense that?


Ida: Sense wh...oh.


*Both Blades stare around the ship without focusing on anything, as if trying to make out something unseen*


Ida: *to Rwos' unspoken question* But...that's impossible. You and I are the only ones authorized to be in this dimension!




*Sejiko laughs. Lokiphet's lightning dances around him and vanishes* Did you really think that the Master of the Vanguards would be weaker than they are?


*As Lokiphet brings his blades down towards Sejiko's head, Sejiko swings his sword around to catch and deflect them, faster than the eye could see* And while between you and them, they are certainly the weaker...


*Several of the Vanguard suddenly topple over from Irvine's attack, the rest dodging, feeding on the power of their master and Lokiphet. The fallen Vanguards rise almost immediately, their high-impact armor saving them.


Sejiko smiles wickedly* I, however, am your superior!


Ivan: That's enough! We shall not have this, I don't care what Farran sent for you to do, however he has to abide by the Council before any rash descisions are made. Do you all hear me?!


Sejiko: *to Ivan* What kind of a fool are you? If you would rather this man *referring to Lokiphet* kill you, then so be it. You are free of my protection. *to the Vanguard* You. Disable the nuisance.


*The Vanguard raise their weapons at Irvine*

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*Kioet bursts into the room where Farran and Irvine are, conc at the ready*


Kioet: I got the disk for ya, Farran.


*Kioet looks at the Vanguards*


Kioet: Could I possibly get one of their suits in return for this valueable information?


*Kioet throws the disk up in the air, not giving a damn*


Kioet: Whoever gets it, owes me a favor.

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*Lokpihet lands*


Hmmm...more impressive than I thought. But some rebel will find a weakness if I don't.


And don't forget, you kill me, and the Raging Death will get you...


Now face the power the Jedi have forsaken!


*Lokpihet hurls a ball of pure Dark Force Destructive energy at Darkholme*




Deac: There's another one from your dimension here?

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*crawling through the vent*

Chavo: This thing is priceless

*checks map on PDA*

Chavo it should be... here

*falls through vent into armory*

Chavo: let's see... 1 backpack,1 uniform with a high rank. 1 rapid firing blaster, 1 rocket launcher, and 1 comlink, oh and 1 keycard. good

*grabs rapid firing blaster, puts on uniform, hangs comlink on belt and puts rocket launcher in backpack.*

Chavo: good, I'm done

*exits room*

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Red: You can't have a guy who's supposed to be more powerful then everybody and not use it ^.^


*Irvine walks infront of Darkholme, and takes all the power from the pure Dark Force Destruction with force absorbsion.*


Irvine: "Lokpehit! Your a fool." *staggers for a sec for absorbing so much pure dark power.* "You should know that these guys will only absorb your power and use it agenst you..." *standing back up stright again. and turning to the side.* "The only way to hurt these guy's is not by hitting then or having any direct or active force such as lighting or seeing..."


Ivan not taking it anymore: "THATS IT!" *slams fist on table.* "Stand down all of you! I know I can't singley over rule another Council member, but a few of us can!" *Ravan, Marcus and a few others stand up.* "You all do what we say or we will see to it that the Vanguard project and the two of you..." *Glances over at Irvine and Lokpehit* "...Liquified on the techincal level if you get my drift..."


Ravan: "We shall have order, and it'll be now. Vangaurd troops return to your posts, now. Darkholme, return to whatever dark sanctum you came from. Irvine and Lokpehit your two are confined to quarters until further notice..."

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*The SUper Star Destroyer Vengence burst into view, it's support fleet folowing suit. Tojo boarded a shuttle, and left for teh Titan. The large powerful fleet sat quietly in the abyss.


Tojo disembarked his shuttle in the belly of the Titan. Cracken stood waiting. Tojo walked upto him, bowed quickly, and walked along the Emperor*


Cracken: we have new information. rally the majority of the fleet here. we are to attack the Crimson Star II.


*Tojo stopped suddenly.*


Tojo: Another Crimson Star? that's maddness. They'd tear...

Cracken: It's not finished. we have little than two days to finalize a plan. we'll get the final destination from a worthy informant. from there, we'll engage until Alys, Starr, and myself are aboard. from there, we'll destroy it.

*Cracken looked at Tojo* the fleet will retreat and continue the war against the Seperatists until you hear from either me Starr or Alys.

Tojo: In all due respect this is mad....

Cracken: It's the only chance we have! *Cracken snapped angerly at Tojo. Brilliant as he was, he was still a traditional Imperial Admiral, hard to take new and unorthidox methods*

I'd rather attack it now, than go up against a pure unstoppable war machine! You have your orders, carry them out!

*Tojo nodded, still disproving of his Emperors' plan. he walked to his state room aboard the Titan, to relay the call.*


*Alys meditated in her private docking bay. She felt a dark surge, then nothing. her father, most likely. She felt another presence, calmer, softer.... softer? she opened her eyes, and looked behind to see......*

Alys: Starr, is there something you need?

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((OOS: Scar, you were the one who decided he was more powerful than anyone else. That doesn't mean he is.


You also have facts wrong - Vanguards can't feed off of active Force power; a ball of Destruction would have "washed off" them, not be rechanneled ^.^


Also, Ivan should know there's no way for the Council to liquify the Vanguard project, since Farran has direct control over it ;)


And...don't they realize that Lokiphet can just kill them, regardless of what they order?



















Is that a correct representation (with the asterisks "*" representing empty space)? Or is it more like this:

















I used asterisks for empty space because actual spaces won't work -.-))




Rwos: I...I...I can't tell. It feels like it...but it's unlikely. There's no crossover energy, and I would have sensed it before now if it was true. *looks at Ida for confirmation*


Ida: I'd agree, but I think we should investigate. We can use my ship - make it a fast detour. *she shrugs* It's probably nothing.


Rwos: It could be nothing...or it could be bait. Let's not turn out to be fishes.




*A Vanguard picks up the disk* Lord Farran is not available at the moment. *ironically* You'll come with me, if you please.


*Sejiko grins, ignoring Ivan's blustery but empty threats* You're wrong, Lokiphet. You forget that to use your DNA, we just need you, not necessarily you alive...


*Sejiko raises his sword, which had been resting on his shoulder, to a defensive stance. The sword shimmers as a magnetic field comes up around it*


Well? Aren't you going to attack again?




*Starr, meditating, senses the surges in the Force created by Irvine and Lokiphet*


What wouldn't I give to find out what this means...


On impulse, he got up and crossed the hallways, calming himself. He sensed another presence...Alys?


He turned out of the hallway into an unused docking bay. A figure was meditating in the corner. The figure spoke* Starr, is there something you need?


Starr: Eh, no...rather...yes.


Your father has asked me to train you in the Force. So...what do you wish to learn?

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((OOS: Scar, you were the one who decided he was more powerful than anyone else. That doesn't mean he is.))

i get ya, theres always a bigger fish eh? :p

*Irvine quickly gets to his quarters, and locks his door, taking no time to get on his personally givien computer terminal. He types a message to no one...*


*the message reads:


I know whom ever sent me the message I recived earilyer is reading this. I very well know I am not supposed to have this knowledge of you and your kind, however do not ask me how I know, for I can't explain it myself.

As of right now the Imperial Council is in choas. Theres is no control. This war between the two Imperial Factions is the direct cuase of it. If you promissed your help, I believe this would be the most effective time for it.

Although this Vangaurd idea that the Council has is not very bad of one if i do say so myself, how ever the Council is not doing anything with it. Not only that theres too meny people in there who want the disire to have some leverage over someone, even myself. I had no choice in the matter, if I didn't put my two cents in, the whole thing would have been a tragic downfall for the whole Council.


Irvine saves the letter with out sending it to anyone, already knowing there would be a reply anyway soon...*

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*Odin, and Burnhilde were sitting in his office talking*


Brunhilde: We have tracked another potential dimensional crossover. Rwos and his companion may investigate.


Odin: If they do, dispatch a frigate. Standard orders, back them up if necessary. I don't like these cross overs. Keep me updated on this.


Brunhilde: Yes sir. Oh Irvine Cracken has asked for our aid. Here is the message, and other updates concering the seperatist.


*Odin reads the message, and the updates*


Odin: Have the Valkyr send this message, and give another to Farran.


*A short time later, a Valkyr slips into Ivan's quaters and sends Irvine a reply. A moment later she slips out leaving no trace of her presance.*


The message reads:


Irvine Cracken,


You have no true knowledge of me or my kind. Your council is in chaos not because of the War but because they cannot settle their differences peacefully. You are no better then they are. You act like a spoiled child who believes he should get his way since he is slightly more powerful then others around him.


Furthermore, you have basically condoned the killing of innocents. Even if not directly responsible for it you have done nothing to stop the Raging Death. You also seek to use a superweapon, one that would hurt more innocents.


You want us to step in and set things right, think again. You must earn our help, and so far you haven't. Currently you have not shown that you have any honor. Only when you have done so will we consider rendering any aid.


*The Valkyr then slips into Farran's quaters again and delivers a second letter to Farran, and leaves with out a trace*


Farran's Letter reads:


Councilman Farran/Sejiko (which ever you prefer).


If you do not stop the infighting then the Seperatist will lose, and lose quickly.

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*Irvine lays in bed, and suddenly hears a message bleep on the council that he'd worked on.*


Irvine: "Not even 5 minutes. and a reply." *he opens the letter and notices it came from his foster uncle's console.* 'Amasing how they can do this with out any one knowing...'


*Irvine reads the message. and gives out a sigh. and writes a reply, again not going to send it.*


*Dear my Unknown benifactor,


First of all, I don't disire the Crimson Star II, you of all people know that I single handedly made it useless for that time being. I'm sure you'd have someone evetually destory it before it would be used? Well, I bet If i were still on it, I'd mgiht take control over it and whipe as much star systems then a few of your torpedos can. (Yet again, don't ask why I knew of that Info.)


And as for the Raging Death, I believe the time has not pPresented itself correctly to give me the right opertunatity to stop Lokpehit's plague. I accept that I had condoned for those killings for my yet blunt attempts at trying to defuse that situations of the pity differences in the Council.


Next comes the comment about my actions, how else would someone act to the fact that everyone else around oneself is bickering while no ackcomplishments are being done. I over reacted thats all, if you want some form of repentiveship, then I applolgise for my earilier actions.


I guess I shall try to eliminate some problems here, in the mean time...*


*Irvine saves the message right nex tto the previos one, w/o sending it to anyone at all.*


Irvine: "Alright, I'll get back to ya, in a few..." *hoping that'd he get some sort of a progress report when he returns...*


*Irivne walks out of his quarters and locks the door, and runs back to the Council chambers were the situation hasn't quite been resolved...*

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[it was more like the latter, Redwing]


*Lokpihet does not move.*


Lokpihet: "Confined" the only laws I follow are the one I impose on myself...


*holds up control switch*


Do I have to give Councilman Ravan the Raging Death?


And as for my DNA, what good is it if it stops replicating...or I vapourise myself...?


*Raises blade*


Tell me...can your suits go against this?


*In his other hand, Lokpihet holds a needle*




Deac: Ok. Here's the plan. We slip in, disguised as a transport ship. We land outside the citadel and make our way in. Any questions?

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Ravan: "Try me."


*Ravan force pulls out a lightsaber from his belt, and Inites a green blade from it... Then Irvine bursts in...*


Irvine: "Hold on here, just a minute! While we fight for who's gonna have do waht to one another here, NEWS FLASH! The Imperial Loyalists are attacking systems whom should belong to us, our navy has not been deployed" *looks over at lokpehit.* "Now with this plague your only going to make it worse when it is found out that it was someone from our side who did it." *Turning back to rest of people in room* "While all at the same time we argue about who's better then who. How about we decide like a bunch of adults, in a gentlemen like manner, how are we going to fight back, and not each other may i remind you..." 'That better gotten their attention...'




*meanwhile, around couresant...*


Jenova: "Arriving in the Couresant system now, Commander."


???: "Thank you Jenova, proceed to drop from Light Speed."


Jenova: "Disengaging Hyperdrive Engines... Warning, Warning, Republicain Naval Fleet detected!"


???: "I can see that. Thanks for the heads up, Disengage all engines, power down, and only allow passive scaning. I don't want them finding us..."


Jenova: "Acknowledged Commander. Shutting down all unnessesary equipment, Shutting down main systems, Engaging secondary and passive systems..."


???: "I have to admit, them Aesir sure programmed you computers good..."


Jenova: "Thank you Commander."

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((Scar, major problem in the second part of your post. You are taking control of the Aesir (in an indirect manner, but you are still forcing them to do things they would never do. Which is sharing technology, or letting some one steal it.


If you haven't noticed the Aesir are secerative. They tend to remain hidden (only revealing themselves by Odin's orders). They guard their borders closely and do not allow people to penatrate them.


They do not share technology, nor are they careless to let someone steal it.


Then there are the other problems it creates but I will not go into those. It is suffiecent to say that it can't happen and I will not let it happen))

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Sejiko: A needle? Against high impact armor? Don't insult me, Lokiphet. Besides...if you're not going to give up the cure anyway, it makes no difference to me whether you vaporise yourself or not.


You're up against sixteen of us; your sister, Irvine, Ravan, the Vanguards, and myself. Incompetent as some of your opponents are...you are hopelessly outmatched. *taunting grin* Give up.




Rwos: Better yet, we can use Ida's ship to cloak your ship to appear however you want...as long as you can provide a hologram. Also, with warp space jumpers, we can get there in minutes...*at Ida's look* It's our mission, not his. We won't be misusing anything.


I believe I've located the disturbance...it's, I believe, on a small but well-defended planet in the Corporate Sector named Ulna Shardes. It's the only habitable planet in the area of disturbance...but close enough hyperspace-wise to be considered in the very heart of the Corporate Sector.

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admiral: well, i was trying to place this character were he'd had done quite a long list of jobs that he'd done for the aesir. besides you could just say the Jenvoa isn't up to par with Gultop on purpose...

yet again, theres always 7.5 for that matter :)


Irvine: "Sejiko, shut the hell up. none for this is getting anywhere, I'm damn sure the lokpehit won't infect anyone unless he has a reason to. So back off. Five minutes ffrom now guess where we'd be at? Back at square one. This arguing is pointless..."

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((As I said before that would not work. The Aesir do not hire other people for jobs. Even if they did they wouldn't tell that person their true idenity. Furthermore as I said before they do not share technology, even if out dated by their standards.


If the Aesir need or want to do something they do it themselves. There is no way your character has Aesirian technology, or any ties to the Aesir. You will just have to rethink him. PM me next time))


*Above Vanaheim a Frigate leaves orbit, cloaks and jumps towards the Corporate Sector. Odin prepares to go and vist Alfheim, along with Heimdall, currently he is with Brunhilde and Sigurd*


Odin: Brunhilde, have the frigate track Rwos through the beacon I gave him. Unless things have really changed then the Valkyr and handle any communications with Irvine. Sigurd, what did the raid uncover?


Sigurd: We have located a special Jotun. Plans are already underway to rescue her before the Jotuns kill her.


Odin: What is her age?


Sigurd: Very young around thirty. Her is all the information we have on her.


*Sigurd gives Odin a data reader, Odin proceeds to read it, finishing he looks up*


Odin: Move quickly, these Jotuns appear only once every thousand years or so. It is so rare that one of them is born good, we can't let the Jotuns kill this one.


Sigurd: We are already preparing a mission.


Odin: Very good. You are both dismissed.


*Brunhilde and Sigurd leave, and Heimdall enters*


Heimdall: Hello father how are things?


Odin: Good. Almost ready to go?


Heimdall: I just need to pack a few more things.


Odin: Same here. I'll meet you in a couple of hours then.


*The two leave Odin's office and go off and pack*

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