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ya i have an awful schedule...


I go to work from 11pm - 8 am. Then I go home and fall asleep around 10 am and wake up around 6 pm. So when everyone is eating breakfast I want dinner. When everyone is eating dinner - I'm like...gross I just woke up. It is extremely tough. Mondays are hard because I have weekends off - thus my schedule gets all switched around. :oP. I can't wait to go home play the sims and get my butt to sleep

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Ha ... you have about the same worktimes as me, just on the wrong continent ;)


I have worked some nightshifts too at a nearby cheese factory. I came home 6.05 (it was a 5 minute walk) and my family is just waking up ... It's so weird. I have never done it for a whole week tough.


But what did you say? Graveyard? What you're supposed to do there at night? Make sure noone escapes?

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no the shift is refered to as "graveyard" i dunno why guess cuz its creepy and only the dead work it.


I am working at a 3M warehouse. 3M is like post-its, scotch tape, car stuff, filters...over 50000 products. I am in the office on the computer all night. Data Entry. I am a Cycle counter. I'm in charge of inventory Audits etc. There are other people in the warehouse but they fill orders and receive. I'm basically their computer support at night as I am one of the only ones who has access or permission to over-ride the system when it comes to inventory. They also come to me to find Lost product etc. It gets really boring if nothing happens. And I'm in the office all by my self....sniff sniff cry cry.

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Warehouse, huh


I work there too from a time to time (biggest homeshopping warehouse in the Netherlands :D) Then I work till 1 am the latest.


But not now. In december I hope to work there again (After shool, in the evenings).


One hour till I can go home ... hmmm ... 'm gonna pour myself another cup of hot chocolate.

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eww practice giving birth...how does one do that. I think if someone walked into the office at the wrong moment they would have some serious problems with that. ESPecially since none of them know i'm expecting. LOL


22 more min..and the count down continues...i too do things inbetween my posts...just not right now

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How does one do that? No clue, never been pregnant (and never will be). But you know what they do on tv, with puffing and the pushing ...


Actually, it was only a joke :D


But the one with the book wasn't ... do you have a CD player there? Can you listen to your own music? Or maybe you can setup a chrismass tree already and make nice ornaments ...


Or ... well ... there isn't much what you can do for the next 20 minutes, right?

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ya i have a cd player..but whenever people come into the office they always have something to say about the music...and you can never be to careful about "offending someone" :p


I know nothing to do. I try and do stuff on the comp. If I read a book they might think I have nothing to do.

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Alright I get to go HOME> THANK GOD.


To give this thread some sorta direction....



What do you do when boredom/insomnia strike?



and to all a good night


oh and I'd also appreciate it...if anyone had some sim codes. I have the deluxe version. My people are so unhappy help :(

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I either come here, draw, ride bike, mess w/dumbells, play FF7, look up stupid stuff on google, read, clean my room, go for long walks to nowhere, go to the library to get a video, watch tv, daydream, play a game on the computer, play game on n64, or play game on ps1.


But if i'm with some people and I'm bored and away from the house, then I just listen to the conversations, observe my surroundings, think of how the surroundings were made, plan an escape, think of something funny to laugh about, and plan levels in my head to make for Mysteries of the Sith.


There's no such thing as boredom if you use your head.


unless you are VERY tired and don't want to sleep...that happened to me on saturday cause me and my friend stayed up 'til 8 am watching movies and playing games. I felt an awesome calmness and a 'i don't care if i die today' feeling, and all i did that day was post and listen to music.

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Cheese factory, heh. I love it! :D



Sorry I couldn't help ya when you need it but I can give you some websites! :)





Has almost every Urban Legend ever heard of here and it investigates them and tells you wether they are true or false. You'll be shocked!


Customers Suck


A place were employees go and tells their horror stories. Really funny.


Mr. Cranky


This guy tells you how bad almost all movies are in very amusing ways. :D He hates almost everything.

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Here I am again!! 12:25 am. When all you people are sleeping...or in other countries living your lives. Hey if I moved halfway across the globe my sleep schedule would be normal. ;)


Those sites are kewl I am going to check them out when I am done reading the rest of the posts and after getting some work started. The PopCap site doesn't work at my work. Gaming Sites, anything that has to do with anything....EVEN OUR ADS! are blocked and filtered and fire walled. Sometimes I can get around them if it is one that doesn't have games in the description or in the url. Sometimes though they catch on. I used to play GB at work but it got boring all by my lonesome. The zone was blocked! I would bring my sims over here but that game doesn't "multi-task" hide very well. I'm broke too....no RCT2 for me. RCT 1 was the best to play at night but it got old. NE ways I'm up tonight if anyone wants to talk

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There we go again :D


You should work in the Netherlands, you make the same hours as me. Maybe you should learn dutch and visit the dutch forums. They're very active during day time :D (when everybody is supposed to work)


Maybe this works. The dutch LotR site (url=http://www.thefellowship.nl/webgames.php]The Fellowship.nl[/url] has some flash webgames ... maybe those work (the page is in dutch, the games are in english)

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well, this is a good site if you're bored. it's a really long list of practical jokes. some of them are stories of jokes the guy who wrote it played on people or that got played on him, and others are detailed descriptions of how to do them yourselves. it's pretty funny. some of them are down-right hilarious. i'll probably use some of them. :D

The Ultimate List of Practical Jokes

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