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Bob Gnarly

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Got it, playing it, and it's good (if you like that sort of thing ;) ). It's a bit different from the original, and some of the differences I like, and some I don't. Assault mode is missing, and should be brought back, IMO. So should local stats. It feels a bit Quakeified, which doesn't suit my particular taste, but the maps are good, the graphics are great, the physics add spice.


I'd say try the demo first if you haven't already, because it does play somewhat differently from UT. ;)

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Originally posted by gorganfloss

Its too bad they dont have those handguns anymore. It was cool having two at a time.


I absolutely agree with you there. Nothing like pumping 4-5 rounds into the head of your opponent to get a kill...or just getting in close and letting rip with secondary fire.


I'm not fussed on the new sniper rifle, either. I'd have preferred the Shockrifle with a zoom, rather than a lightning gun. :mad:


The absence of the Ripper? Hmmm....undecided on that one. It was a spammy weapon...and I didn't like secondary fire...but it was also nice for getting headshots.


I just hope someone does an explosive ammo mutator...heh. :D

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I think H-P means Hermes Place (the oh so fabled server), but why do you want to start a clan like that in ut2k3?


It's probably alright with Jah, but I don't see the point unless you have a "hermes place"-server in that game as well....


And the tag just won't be the same without the colors :(


Speaking of which, can you do colored names in that game as well? :naughty:

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The basic instructions and commands for vehicles are there, and theres a little demo vehicle in it, but no actual vehicles that shipped with the game.


They're either gonna let the community do that (there's insstructions on them, I think), or they'll ship some vehicle based maps with a bonus pack (there will be one).

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The game is great, it is a little to fast but you get used to it.


I like the adren powers that they have now, speed rocks in Bombing run!


Speaking of Bombing run, Why TF didn't Raven thing of this game type. It ownz!


The levels rock, the weapons were made less spammable which makes the rockets feel weak but in the long run its better for the on-line game.


The lightening gun was added so that snipers could still kill from a distance but they would be spotted easily, so as to prevent the annoying super campers of UT.

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Just tried the demo last night:


Great game over all, I'm thinking of bying it tomorrow.


A little too fast compared to the original I feel, but a quake clone isn't that bad IMHO.


I've thought about a football like mod for First Person Shooters for a long, long time, a shame it's only now that it's recognized.... :(


Graphics are great too, I hope they include the ragdoll effect for the "real game" - Unreal 2.


The shock rifle is ugly, they could have made it look better. The bio rifle doesn't tie in well with the style of the other weapons at all - downright disgusting. The sniper is okay, but they could have made the beam look like it belonged to a pinpoint accuracy weapon (it looks way too random).


Why do the corpses dissappear after 3 friggin' seconds??? :eyeraise: It would be way too cool to have them stay around and get blasted to oblivion by nearby firefights.... Speaking of which: Why can't you blow up them corpses like in the prequel? They've already shown they can detach limbs, why not have it done on corpses as well???


The grenade launcher on the rifle needs a lot more "oomph", you barely notice or hear the grenade being launched.


The water is excellent, but it doesn't react to objects like the water in Outcast did - now *that* game had über l33t water!


Yeah, I know I'm nitpicking extremes here, because it truly is a good game.... Way to follow up on UT!

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