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The Final TTT Poster Is Here!

Boba Rhett

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Tolkien includes plenty of descriptions in his books. You have to be able to handle that. It's not like a Star Wars novel where the action sometimes picks up right from the start.


The first few chapters or LOTR are solely describing Hobbits and their way of life. Tolkien really wanted us to understand how unlikely they were as a race to save Middle Earth. Although some people find it slow, it really is crucial to the story. I'm glad the extended cut of the movie restores the description of the Hobbits at the beginning. It's much more fitting and true to the book.

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ok, let's take stock here...over 30 posts and 200 views (I'll give you benefit of the doubt and say over 150 when you looked) in this thread and you ask "Who cares?", Ackbar? Are you trying to incite a flame war? It occurs to me that there are at least 15 different people here who DO care.


I don't mean to be harsh, here, but it occurs to me that almost everything you post is "I think this is stupid" or "Who would waste their time with that?"...you wouldn't happen to be Trolling, would you? I'm surprised you gone this long without getting seriously talked to at the least. At other forums I know, you'd be banned by now.


One more time, I'm gonna tell you this, Ackbar...If you don't like a thread, don't post in it. It's a simple concept and it's the last time I'll tell you it. I admit that I'm not terribly excited about a poster. I'm gonna go see the movie, but rarely do I care what the latest poster is. Yet, I haven't posted here until now...wonder why...

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

WOW Rhett A poster!


who cares? :rolleyes:


This is coming from the guy who copy and pastes other stuff and tries to get the credit for himself?:rolleyes:


Anyways..the first poster wasnt right,but the third post was really great,shows that a evil power is menacing..

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Originally posted by Tyrion


This is coming from the guy who copy and pastes other stuff and tries to get the credit for himself?:rolleyes:


Anyways..the first poster wasnt right,but the third post was really great,shows that a evil power is menacing..


everybody pastes boy


some pepole paste even posters


so why give a link when you can paste


and somethimes a link does not work for some reason


if everybody sould give credit to the site he pasted from that would be nuts



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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Cut out the insults, Ackbar. When you copy info from a site it's best that you put a link to the site at the bottom. Nobody has shown a poster in an effort to try and get people to think that they were the artist.


i understand what you mean


but what does it matter?

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar


i understand what you mean


but what does it matter?



Tell that to a college professor.




Anyways, just to attempt to stay a little on topic, i hate the new poster, and i like the first two better. I mean, what the heck is wrong with the guy's hair? Its just ugly. It would have been cooler if it had shown his face or something, but that just looks awful.



OH, and BTW, i knew the good parts were coming, but i got to the point where i didn't think i could read another page of any it, so I quit and went back to SW books.

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Yeah, I read that one yesterday ... It's soaked with spoilers ... some I don't like.


The movie stop earlier than the book stops. Some great chapters like The voice of Saruman, The Palantír and Shelobs Lair are missing. Frodo does some freaky things in Gondor and Aragorn rides a warg almost to his death ...


The changed too much, it's not superman you know.

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