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TTT for PS2 Game Review

Rogue Nine

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I had the chance to sit down for a few hours and sink my teeth into this game. Here are my impressions.


You can play as one of three characters: Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. You play as Isildur for one battle and there is a secret character you can play as once you've unlocked more of the levels to the end.


This games is a bit of a button masher. It throws tons of goblins, trolls, orcs and Uruk-Hai at you. And I mean tons. Which is why the parry button comes in handy, especially in the middle of a heated melee battle. Each level is quite unique in its own way, with difficult challenges to overcome. Depending on which character you play, levels will either be a breeze for you, or it will frustrate you to no end. The levels start from the Mines of Moria all the way to the last battle of Helm's Deep. There are a number of secret levels you can unlock once you reach the later levels.


Now for character breakdown:


Aragorn is by far the best character to play as. He is well-balanced, has a great reach, good attack power, good long range shooting ability and great foot speed. It's easy to get through most of the levels with him. Just parry, parry, string together some combos and look damn cool while doing it.


Legolas is a great archer. He has a huge 60-arrow quiver and excellent long range shooting ability. He unloads arrows faster and more accurately than Aragorn, but that's to be expected. His melee attacks leave something to be desired, however. He uses two elven swords that look damn cool, but do far less damage than Aragorn's sword. And he takes more serious damage than the other two characters. In this game, his lack of a good melee attack and resistance to damage makes him a hard character to beat the game with.


Gimli is a short, strong powerhouse. He uses a huge battle axe that does an incredible amount of melee damage with each swing. In a heated battle, he can clear out several enemies with a few swings. He also has great stamina and does not receive as much damage as the other two characters. However, he's not as quick as the ranger and the archer, but he's no less agile. He has throwing axes, but few of them (25) and he throws them rather slowly. Still he's a scrappy fighter and my second favorite character to play as.


You can level up in this game. By stringing together combos fighting, you attain a ranking for your attack. Based on how you attack and how well you do it, you either receive a Fair, Good, Excellent or Perfect ranking. String together enough Excellents and your weapon will power up, allowing you to execute Perfects. At the end of the mission, the game tallies up the number of different attacks and allots your character experience points accordingly. The better the attack, the more points you get. You can then use these points to purchase upgrades and new attacks for your character. Gain enough experience points and you level up, allowing you access to more attacks and upgrades.


This game is not too shallow, not too deep. It's a great game to play and certainly a lot of fun. The extra scenes from TTT interspersed with the cutscenes are a great touch too. I recommend it highly to veteran LOTR fans and new fans alike.



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You buy different combos as you level up. You start off with a basic battery of combos, I think depending on the difficulty you choose. Some combos are more "fun" than others. I personally like knocking someone down, slashing them, then shoving my sword down their throat.


The music is taken from the soundtrack, mostly. There are original pieces, as well. They add to the overall appeal of the game, I think.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

I personally like knocking someone down, slashing them, then shoving my sword down their throat.




:eek: Man, I'm gonna have to watch out for you Nine!! ;)





Thank you for a very detailed review of the game.......I'm looking forward to checking it out!! The graphics look pretty kewl from what I've seen on that commercial.

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