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=== Eets: Rogue Squadron ===


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Dear Designers and especially Eets


It seems you are going to update RogueSquadron.Net at last :D are not you? I thought that it must be in the style of game itself. Now you can extract game interface elements in TGA format using RogueDat utility released not much ago... Please remember RogueSquadron.Net must be something special, not a copy of JKII.Net...

Regarding slogan I think it must be taken from game itself. I'll post if will find something interesting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Personally me and I think all Rogues were waiting for this change a really long time. Please, take a look, here is my draft version:design01a.jpg

Please don't reject it at once just because it is by me. Hope you understod what I meant when writing "in the style of game" more clearly. Actually I think that buttons should be half size in height... Aargh, now I must go...

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Ike, R9, and myself chose a slogan, and we think you'll be pleasantly surprised. :D


As for your design, Luka.. I do like it, alot :D But i've already finished bringing almost half of the site up to date, and I'm not about to do that work over again...

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Eets thanks for nice words, really. You probably said them to not make me sad ;) I'm always late :( ...

By the way, I probably missed something, because I can not find your design. If you really want to use something from mine I'll be glad to send some files to you. Actually the template (header/menu) is in HTML. I'm here for a week...

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Thanks, Eets! Hope you don't mind I upload them to Internet, but I'll send it by e-mail as soon as I will get on my e-mail account. Check out, this is it: http://www.araz.netfirms.com/rogue/design01/intro01.htm

Some notes:

1. I could check it at 640x480 and 600x800. Hope it will work at other resolutions.

2. I noticed that the HTML code could be simpler a bit. But it must work fast, since all files weight less than 58Kb

Also it would be great to see your design if you will provide some link. That's all I think. Sorry I'm out...

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Hey Rogue15, only sidebar ;) ?

Do you really did not recognize my avatar? It's Luke's vision at Sith Temple ruines on Dagobah, when he cuts off Vader's head and sees that it's himself - EpisodeV (I most like)

Eets sorry I could not send files today, but I'll try to send tomorrow... if you want them ;)

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Rogue15 actually there is not such a frame in the movie. So it is not very stange you did not recognize it ;) I liked it and extracted from "Star Wars: Behind the Magic" bundle files by using RogueDat. LucasArts guys made some slight encription there ;) By the way, there are some Eastern Eggs in this title not released yet...

Eets at last I just have sent the files to you. Hope they will be usefull... somehow...

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