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How did you come to find LF?

Boba Rhett

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Hello, my name is Jatt13 and i'm an alcoholic...


oh, wait wrong group...:o




anyway (arg! i said it again!), i was no stranger to forums, and had fun on them. i related some of the funnier moments to artoo, and he said, "Shizzle my nizzle! i've got a tweaked out forum you need to grace with your presence!"* hetold me i needed to check out lucasforums.com. so i was like sure, that sounds cool. but i didn't for a while. he kept buggin me a/b it, so i did. and that was the start of my life as Jatt13.



*his exact words may have been slightly different.

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I like your interpretation better than mine. :D


Well, back in July way back in July like over a year ago. Fergie told me about this great game, and he mentioned this great site.. and that was about it for about a month.. and he told me where to go and everything... but finally he got me to look at it and my words were, "Meesa like." And so I joined.


Not that complicated... too bad I could have been one of the earliest members if I hadn't been as slow in joining.

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My story is rather dull and boring. I just got the GB game for XMas. I was doing a little searching online for GB stuff when I stumbled onto GB.net. I checked out the forums and decided to register. Mainly because it linked many good Lucas Arts game sites that I also played and took advantage of them too.


I own and play alot of Lucas Arts games so what can I say, this place is great for me. :D

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Well.. i was just getting realy into more star wars sites and into Star Wars Galaxies... when i was looking for some more....


and here in the Netherlands ... a lot of people use a internet page called: Startpagina.nl

and we have loads of smaller subject pages like that. like:





and ofcourse:


At the moment i searched for that page i was playing Rogue Squadron a lot and so i found a link to Rogue Squadron.net. and there was a forum with it. i joined up there in september. well... at my school there was this realy idiotic guy a class lower than me :p:D. he said to me when he saw me on Rogie Squadron.net... that he went to Galactic battles.com. i visted it once or twice.. and in October i joined up here.... and when all the forums were joined up together... i was on the Lucasforums :D!


-Wraith 8-

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i bought jk2 and weny looking for some stuff so i came at jkii.net. i wanted to know something on the game so i clicked forum and from that moment i got in a spiral of spam :p.


i thought ppl were stupid posting at forums and reading it, but as u can see im an addict also. so u may call me mr stupid from now on :D

and btw, u ppl r the best. :thumbsup:


and whats all that fuzz about that invasion? :confused:

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I got started on the forums because I wanted to know more about KOTOR......then I saw a link to the Jo forums.......then I was hooked, I haven't left since. I'm addicted :D


Pad, I think Rogue might be joking about the invasion, you never know though.....I've been seeing more and more of those guys @ the swamp.......:indif:

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