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Favourite episode?


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Now there are star wars films a plenty, which is your overall favourite. Mine is probably The Return of the Jedi. I love the end space battle and everything. Attack of the Clones was an original episode and was quite pleasing, especially the final battle. Sooo many lightsabers.

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Originally posted by JediNyt

I think weve had enough of these favorite movie threads. Way repetative.



Absolutely right JediNyt, good call. It's just that there are no mods here and anymore the posting is very slow compared to what it used to be just a couple of months ago......




btw: A-O-T-C !!!! :D

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"Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones."


Could there be a better movie? I didn't think so... it's the best for three simple facts:


1: Count Dooku, the best movie villain played by the best ever actor, is first shown in AOTC. More in "Episode III", please!


2: Yoda fights with his lightsaber. "Amazing, I think this sequence is! Got a chance to kick butt, I did!"


3: The Fett family getting a decent storyline after all those years of mystery. Plus Jango Fett revealing what all those weapons on the Mandalorian armour did.


All the other films are 99.99% perfect, but (in my opinion) AOTC is 100% perfect, and beats the other films by a fraction. I just hope "Episode III" will live up to the standards set... I'm thinking it will!

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Right now, it's a tie between Clones and Empire, but I've got a feeling that Episode III will bump them both a spot. A movie so dark that Lucas is afraid nobody will like it :D We do love to see our heroes get screwed over, don't we?


On another note, I was watching RotJ last night... it was a movie that was very close to greatness but somehow fell way short. It didn't give us anything really new, in terms of planets and settings. We got Tatooine again (blast, I hate Tatooine! All it is is sand... "It's rough and coarse and it gets everywhere..."), and saw a California redwood forest. Got some terrible acting bits (Luke telling Leia that she's his sister is about the lowest point in the SW saga for me, really. Jar Jar Binks cannot compare to the terrible acting and gross connotation of Leia saying "Somehow, I've always known"... THEN WHY DID YOU FRENCH HIM, PRINCESS?!) and some very rushed exposition. Not to mention the Ewoks, who are the freakiest little buggers I've ever seen! They're little teddybears come to life and become cannibals! They're a race of Chuckies!


No doubt about it, everything that happens in the Emperor's throne room in RotJ is pure gold, but that's about all RotJ had going for it.









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I, too, loved the scenes inside the Emperor's throne room. It's Ian McDiarmid: he is perfect as Palpatine, and is great in both the original trilogy and the prequels.


However, I must ask, Jedi_Monk: why place "The Phantom Menace" so low in your ranking? I know nearly everyone else feels the same, but what is wrong with Episode I? I thought it was amazing, and a brilliant film to either stand alone or start off the Star Wars saga. Why is the film so bad (apart form Jar-Jar Binks, because he is just there for the kids)?

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No offense but Ep. 1 stank, big time. For me it was the lack of backgrounds to all the characters. In the original trilogy, you saw to sides, Darth Vador and Luke, to really powerful characters. In Ep. 1, 2 random people waring cloaks were fighting some horned guy who had the misfortune of falling face first into a can of red and black paint. You just didn't feel connected to it. In Empire you had the whole, I'm so incredible good and I don't want to kill you dad but, well, youre just so darn evil, thing going on.

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Just cause you dont like kids or gungans doesnt mean ep1 sucked. It was great. Even though your entitled to your own opinion. Dont go with what Hollywood and critics and pop culture says. They are full of poodu. GL is one of the best. If his type of movies dont appeal to you then fine. Dont impose on the good fans here. Im making a generalized statement not directed at anyone in particular. Read this:


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You go, JediNyt! Personally, I loved "The Phantom Menace", and even Jar-Jar Binks grew on me after a time. A good, solid plotline (finding the chosen one), great characters (Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Maul, Padme Amidala), brilliant battle scenes (Lightsaber duels, large-scale ground battles, space battles, pod races, Jedi versus Droids and stealth infiltration of the Royal Palace) and talented actors (Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Ian McDiarmid) make the film near-perfect, and a worthy addition to the Star Wars saga. People may say TPM sucked, but I loved it.

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Yes a well, um yeah. I was hoping you wouldn't pick that up. My actual favourite was Return of the Jedi but for some reason a small pygmy jumped on my keyboard while I was typing that message and pounded the keys with his little fists. I dived for the backspace key but he was faster and hit enter before i could stop him. As for the fact that it is highly unlikely that a pygmy hitting random keys would actually spell all the names of the star wars films correctly, i can only say he was a very lucky little pygmy.



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