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What key configuration do you use in FPS games?


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Here's mine:


A=Foreward (pinky finger)

D=Backward (middle finger)

S=Strafe Left (ring finger)

F=Strafe Right (index finger)

E=Jump (middle finger)

C=Crouch (index finger)

Shift=Run (Pinky finger, i then switch foreward to the ring finger, backwards and strafe left to middle finger)

Space=Use (thumb)

W=Lean left (sometimes weapon/force power) (ring finger)

R=Lean right (sometimes weapon/force power) (index finger)

V=weapon/force power (index finger)

G=Weapon/force power (index finger)


That is the ULTIMATE keyboard configuration. I've been using it since Descent, and it works so nicely, i point and laugh at people who use the simple arrow key buttons. :p


I also use a mouse.


I dare any of you to try using that configuration for 1 week straight and then trying to go back to your original. :p


:atat: :atat: :atat: :atat:

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the only one i seriously play is mohaa, and i use this config (in brackets is the finger i use, of my left hand...my right hand is on the mouse)


w=move forward (middle)

s=move back (middle)

a=strafe left (ring)

d=strafe right (index)

r=reload (index)

ctrl=crouch (pinky)

space=jump (thumb)

shift+dir=walk (pinky)


i take pride in my ability to know where all the keys of the keyboard are without looking :p :p


mouse does the rest like sniper scope in, shoot, change direction, etc.


I used to hate this before, and used to use the standard doom thing (numpad for dirs, and ctrl for shoot), but with mohaa and it's complexity, i decided to switch to this more efficient method which i described above :D


btw...whata strange question ;)

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I use the old JediKnight keys with some variations:


Forward: Up arrow

Backward: Down arrow

Turn left: Left arrow

Turn Right: Right arrow

Strafe left: A

Strafe right: D

Shift: Run/Walk

Jump: X

Crouch: C

Use: Space

Fire: Left mouse button or Left Ctrl

Secondary fire: Right mouse button/Z


*Gets all nostalgic*

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Depends ... I don't play FPS a lot tough.


W = Forward

S = Backward

A = Strafe left

D= Srafe right


Pretty standard, huh :D


E = Use / Force Pull (JK2 MP)

Q = Force Push (JK2) / Something else special

R = Reload

Spacebar = Jump

Ctrl = Crouch

Shift = Run / Walk

1 - 0 = Weapons / Force Powers (JK2 MP)

F1 - F12 Weapons (JK2 MP)


Those are most used. I used to play with arrow keys. But after trying once with ASWD I knew this would be much better :D

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