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Home-Made Rail Gun

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Padanime

i once read how to make a bomb white an a-drive disket. scary

ROFL! you found my tutorial on the Net :D
































J/K :D that'd be a funny thing to see... i saw how to make a bomb out of a speaker O_o

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Honestly, you dont need plans people... You need to make coils..... and get some capacitors..... and get a switch or 2....... some metal projectiles, a tube, wires.... ffs ill just draw a diagram and scan it :)



It's not hard to make a rail gun.... I expect everyone who tried to have a working prototype 24 hours after I post the design :D

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Honestly, you dont need plans people... You need to make coils..... and get some capacitors..... and get a switch or 2....... some metal projectiles, a tube, wires.... ffs ill just draw a diagram and scan it :)



It's not hard to make a rail gun.... I expect everyone who tried to have a working prototype 24 hours after I post the design :D


of course, every one could make one, but I could also load a nail into a modified gun, and get more speed of it then a swamp built rail gun.(no offence)


maybe if we pooled are efforts.... *hrmmmm*


now, on the other hand, when he posts a update saying he straped a mega sized model to the moon, along with 1000 saturn IV knock offs, and just nuked one of saturns moons....


I buy his stock then, lets just say :naughty::naughty::naughty:



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*slaps desclaimer on the side*



This Home maide Rail gun may blow body parts off, please do not try to stop projectiles with hands or other body parts.

Do not use wile asleep

Please do not try to strap skateboards onto the rail and launch yourself off, damage MAY occur

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1




I guess playing with a homemade railgun is infinitly safer





I don't have to hold the rail gun to fire it. You have to hold the gun. And sticking things down the barrel of a gun, other than bullets, has never ended well. :D:wavey:

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