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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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Okies - I've gotten the remodel to a semi-presentable state. I still need to remap the hair, but the loss of polygons has been well worth the work. Tell me what you think of this version - I tried to build it to look even more like him, but as I've said before, the perspective throws off my perceptions a bit...


Here's the link!



If that link doesn't work, try this one:



If you notice anthing that's off, just drop me a post!

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Indeed you are powerful...as the Raven has foreseen..


Okay, enough newbie ish quotes ;.; I'm sorry, I won't ever do it again, I promise! Anyway..I am simply loving this model...waiting oh so patiently till the day you release a temporary link(since jkii.net is so slow..if not, i'd be willing to..::flinch:: ) or something. No, I'm not trying to make ole Tercy speed up his progress or anything, I'm actually not wanting him to go any faster...right now he seems like he's doing perfect. I really wouldn't care if he released it now, or kept going, but if he kept going, the model would be simply amazing...


Now that my "on-topic" jibber jabber is done..something a little off topic...does anyone know if you could possibly create models for Jedi Outcast through Poser? It's about the only 3d rendering program that I've used and won't have to spend hours on.

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Originally posted by ZePhyR

IMO, http://www.geocities.com/tercero_bootleg/anakin14.txt looked the best. It seems to me that you had it almost just right, but its kind of straying off now. Oh well, you're doing better than I could ever imagine doing. I'll go back to my little corner now. :dozey:


[edit] Heh heh, 69 posts [/edit]


I am in total agreement with you ZePhyR

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Anakin 10 or 14 was the best. My suggestions are the same as my last couple of posts.


edit: Anakin remodel 1 looked better than this one. You might want to revert to Anakin 14, or remodel 1, and make the changes mentioned.

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I have to agree that the screenshot, before the redo or even #14, looks much better. In the second angle there is something wrong with the right side of his jaw. It seems that the right jaw line is narrower than that on the left.


Is there any way to incorperate features from both the redo and #14? I'm asking because they both have their strong point, and if this is possible, the face weould be perfect.

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Personally, I like the current incarnation :) There seems to be something funky about his left jaw, like morphius_doh mentioned. It makes his face look non-symetrical, if that can be corrected, more people might like it :) It also seems to lack some of the facial details/imperfections of #14, so like Morphius_Doh, I think it would look the best if you made it somewhere between what you have now and #14 :) The neck skin will add a lot of Hayden's likeness once its done.

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I did a bit more work on the remodel - tried to get it a bit more like #14...

As far as his jawline, part of it is that the modeling program I'm using throws a light in just at the point where it lights his jaw completely on the right side. It's really been bugging me as I try to get it right, but I think I'm pretty close on this version.




or, if that's down,



As far as release, I think that I'm going to stop acting on my own on the face now. I'll still work off of feedback from you guys, but I think that I've done all I can do on it on my own. I will still make a more finished texture for it, but I want to get more of the model UV mapped and skinned before I start working up final textures.


That doesn't mean don't keep the feedback coming - I still want to hear what you guys think to get this model picture perfect!

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Oooh! Looks good :D I think it's perfect :) Looking at those shots, I noticed something odd. Should the back of his neck slope outward like that right up into the base of his skull? Doesn't look quite right to me. I think it might need to be a straight line up from the bottom of the neck to the top, so there is something of an abrupt curve outward at the base of his skull.

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Yeah, I pretty much just have the geometry built for the neck right now. It still needs a ton of refining, along with the rest of the body. Right now everything but the face is really a rough draft. I still need to re-order polys, cut back some polys, and add some in on the body. Basically what I did in the facial remodel, but for the rest of his body.

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Looking better. His face and neck are too wide. Besides that, the rest of my comments can be found within my last three posts. As I mentioned earlier the headshape is best on Anakin remodel 2, but the face is best on Anakin 14.

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Wow, I haven't visited this thread in a while. I just went through all of your updates in order (checking out your improvements). You're doing a great job :D

I just want to offer you my opinion. When you started this thread, you posted a few screenies. It was around the 4th one when you could really see a great resemblance. I know that model was way off in some of the facial structures, but from the front, it looked very good. The re-modelling you've done is great and I just wonder if you could capture this remesemblance...


a little more in the final skinning. I think it's just the expression that I find striking about that shot. You captured that brooding look(mood) of his.

Your work is really coming along, and the model's improvements will definitely make for a better product.

I'm glad to see Toonces working with you on this model :D His own work is quite good!

However, Tereco, be careful! Toonces has been working on the Emperor model for a while now, and he may attempt to corrupt Anakin's mind and turn him to the dark side. :lightning



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TOO LATE NOMAD... NO ANI!!! COME BACK TO THE LIGHT! Dont give in to your hatred!!! Damn, oh well... Great piece of work, -Tercero-


Just remember to try to give the model some curly hair, that might help people better associate with the model to Anakin

more. well, keep up the great work...

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