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Attack of the Clones on IMAX: Impressions

Sherack Nhar

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Well, as you can guess today I went to see Episode 2 on IMAX screens. I walked out of the theater pretty satisfied with what I saw!


The video: Amazing, as you already expected. There are plenty of details that are so much crisper than the original theater print, it's not even funny anymore. The first time I noticed the incredibly high resolution was during the first closeup of Obi Wan's face ("you will learn your place, young one"). You could distinguish all the details of Kenobi's beard at this moment! Likewise, Dex's mustache seems more apparent on IMAX (in fact I never noticed the mustache in regular theaters :) ). Also, the wide shots of the clone army were very impressive, but that may be because of the huge screen in itself ^_^


Oh, BTW I did notice some pretty bad edge enhancement during some high-contrast scenes (like when Anakin talks with Palpy in front of that window). I hope they will not include those enhancements for the DVD transfer.


Sound: Ok, sure the sound was better than most theaters but it wasn't as mind-blowing as the video. The sonic charges always sound so nice, as well as the car chase :)


Film: Bah, you should know it by heart by now ;) Kickass lightsaber battles, cheesy love story, awesome soundtrack, Natalie is too skinny , etc... I'll concentrate on the differences between the original theater print and the IMAX one. They cut a LOT OF SCENES! I sure wasn't expecting that. I'm forgetting some, but here are the scenes that were left out in this IMAX version: The "Annie? My goodness you've grown!" scene, the waterfall scene (bad decision, they should have left the political discussion in), the whole scene with the new Queen of Naboo, scenes with Owen too (in this version he only gets to say "where are you going?", bad bad bad), and the scene where various senators are discussing the option of giving all powers to the chancellor (the one with Bail Organa in it :( ). There are more, but that's all I can remember for now. It's nice to have less cheesy scenes, but they cut some really good stuff that I wanted to see.


That's about it :) If you have any questions feel free to ask (oh and yes, Padme does take Anakin's metal "hand" at the end in this version)!

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I can go see it at the IMAX that's 5 min from my work - but I did see this movie like 3 times in the theater. One of those in Digital. Which I think is the way to go!! Digital was awesome. Is the IMAX one digital too or no? If not I don't think I'd go see it. Usually what they do at my theater is realease them on the IMAX as a "GIANT SCREEN" and thats how I saw TOmb Raider etc. I don't think it makes too much difference. I can't wait for the DVD.

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I saw it on the IMax on opening night. It was cool to watch it on the huge ass screen and the awesome sound system. I was dissapointed about the cut sceens, even if they are, for the most part, chessy. However, the reason why they did that was because they would have increased the size of the film roll by a couple feet!!! I did not realize it until later, but the film for the IMax theator is really really huge. You can only imagine how big the movie already was. WOW.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

That's too bad, Jatt :(


You might wanna make sure by taking a look at this list:



Yeah yeah, rub it in why don't ya! Everywhere BUT Arkansas...kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill

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Originally posted by darthfergie


Yeah yeah, rub it in why don't ya! Everywhere BUT Arkansas...kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill

*points to Rhett's lil' Iowa*


STTCT, the IMAX theater DEFINITELY has a much more precise image quality than any digital theaters anywhere, if only because of their special 70mm film.

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I saw it this weekend by pure luck! I was visiting my sister in Charleston and got to see it there.


It was incredibly awesome. The screen is like 50ft by 100ft, and its a ton clearer than any movie i've ever seen. In other words, it was the best trip to a movie theatre in my entire life!


I was a little dissapointed with some of the cut scenes, especially the part they cut out of the Jango v. Obi-Wan fight, but most of the others were very minor and unimportant.

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