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Internet security

Young David

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Ceasar had the ambition. Napoleon, Hitler, Bush and Saddam Houssein had the ambition ... taking over the world. Now it's time for the dutch. Ofcourse everyone knows that the key to world domination is infomation, wich the dutch now posses.


Uhm ...


That would be a nice intro to explain the dirty trick I did yesterday :D. For those of you interested, there was a link to a web page where you could find out all about your love life if you only gave the appropiate information. When you did that you would not have a analasys of your love life, but the shocking revelation that the information was sent to me.


Now that's shocking, isn't it :D. Around 20 people were kind enough to give me delicate information ... wich I mostly did not read and what I read is confidential and most likely I will forget it (If you really want to know ... most people gave the same answers, from those 5 I read). Don't worry ... your information is safe ... actually, I deleted it all. You don't think I really wanted to know all that.


Now, what did we learn today (or yesterday)? Be carefull what you do with your information. I had no bad intentions, but there are people who do. There are people who copy the MSN layout and ask you to login (so they have your username/password), people can find out delicate information about you and blackmail you. Yesterday I read about MMRPG player who was tricked in giving his login info and lost his sword in the game ... (A sword that people offered him $20.000,- for)


The internet is corrupt, people want information about you and they have dirty tricks to get it from you. They don't care if you want to give it, they just want to have it.


And if I really did scare you ... my appologies. My intentions were just a little fun and a little education. I was tricked in the same way and I felt really stupid that I was fooled in such a simple way and at the same time I realized the danger. Some of you were smart enough to fake the information first, thumbs up ;)


So, after this post you can flame me about my dirty trick ;) or share your toughts on the subject of internet security ...

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You are a bad man.... a very bad man!!! :tsk:


I looked at the site and thought it was a little personal, but didn't really care who knew that kind of info anyway....can't blackmail me w/ info I give freely....now if it was stuff like "What is your Social Security Number?" or "Please enter your bank account number: ", I wouldn't do it.

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YOU DIRTY **** **** ******** ******* **** *** ***** ******************* **** **** **** ****ING ******* ****er ********* ***** ***** ***** ***ing ****HEAD!


:swear: :swear: :swear: :swear: :swear:


That was cruel and unusual punishment, YD. I'm glad you deleted it all though.

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And if you all don't stop acting like a kid and keep flaming I'm gonna regret deleting it.


It was nothing personal, but you're making it personal. I said I'm sorry, I deleted it all ... Changes are big I didn't even read it, and if I did I'm not even doing my best to remember.


I have/had no bad intentions, never meant any hostility and meant nothing with it.


Grow up, please

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

can't blackmail me w/ info I give freely....now if it was stuff like "What is your Social Security Number?" or "Please enter your bank account number: ", I wouldn't do it.


thank u for the lesson david but i agree with homer. i dont give away like bank number,... if u were askin that i gave u a big NO.

the info u got was just some info that most likely wouldnt even be true. btw, what could u do with it?

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Originally posted by Eets

Well, it wasn't all that bad... But I felt broken, and betrayed! :(


If it helps ...


This morning I recieved 15 e-mails from that site. I deleted all 15 of them without taking a look at them. I'm pretty sure you are among that 15 (most people are)


But I could guess ;)

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