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aah, not really egyptian, more of canyon setting, think Valley of the Jedi Tower for JK (the place you fight Maw) only more outside.


I'll give it one more test to make sure it plays well, then I'll release it. Thanks for letting me use the name. :)


also, don't think you're the only one to have their name on a level, I've also got DSS and S1DC. S1DC is probably ready to send, altho it was too intense playing with manowars. ;)

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Last screenshot of the level. What you are looking at is an AT-PT storage shed, but it's alot cooler than that, I made it look enclosed in the canyon wall! :D I made that AT-PT, btw. It's the sweetest 3do I've ever made, and I like to keep it as my 'signature' in levels. :)

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Well, i just got done doing a 45 minute playtest of the level. It plays perfect. Our scores were about even. :) Now ALL I need to do is cleave it until the framerate drops to 15 fps, add some more raindrops, and light it up. It's good for like 2-6 players, would be awesome with 2 teams of 3. :D

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well i got the sky to scroll....now the question is....which is better, the scrolling sky or the rain? (which should i take out) or should i just leave them both in? looks kinda funny, but the sky scroll really adds a nice effect to the level. I've indented a bunch of the walls so it doesn't look too boxy heh.


i'd do more if i didn't have to go to work....ugh 4-10:30 how harsh, and i have to work the same hours tomorrow to. :(


as long as i'm not answering phones i'll be fine. :p


YAY i just realized i work 5-8 instead of 4-10:30! but tomorrow and thursday i work 4-10:30. heh. i can't believe i got like 12 hours of sleep, i went to bed at 1:45 am or something like that and woke up at around 1 pm. that just wrecks the day. :D

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