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*Lucasforums Refuses to print these profanities*


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1. Why did you make a C in the first place? If you did all your work and studied (I know you'll say this anyway) it's okay, but if you've been skipping homework assignments or school days, you deserve to be punished.


2. If you've been banned from the Computer, why are you posting at this forum? I thought left-wings/Communists respected rules, decisions, and regulations :rolleyes:?


Out of all things, they take the computer away just for a C? What's up with parents and grades this day and age?! I don't even have to worry if I get at least a C for any class !


What's up with American students these days? If you're happy making a 'C' in a class, don't expect to get into a good college when you grow up. What many seem to fail to realise is grades in school=amount of money earned.. and making money is supposed to be really important to Americans :p.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

What's up with American students these days? If you're happy making a 'C' in a class, don't expect to get into a good college when you grow up. What many seem to fail to realise is grades in school=amount of money earned.. and making money is supposed to be really important to Americans :p.



Really, i'm not happy unless i make an A (except for one class which is commonly regarded as the hardest class in the school, a B is fine in there). If i got a C my parents probably wouldn't do anything but i would be very upset with myself.

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Originally posted by Clefo

thanks to this baseless conclusion that using the computer affects my preformence..


I wonder what would happen if you proved to them that your grades go down because you lost computer rights :D :D :D:lol:

Although, if you get a higher grade, then they'll think that it WAS infact the computer that was messing your grades up, but if you get a lower grade or if you don't improve, then they might bann you for a longer amount of time. Either way, your parents got you. IT'S A PARENTING TRAP I TELL YOU! A bloody trap! :p

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Heh, yeah I know exactly what you mean. I was almost banned from the comp because of an interum grade that was a C. I had to tell my parents they were nuts and didn't have a clue about the situation. I mean when EVERYBODY has crappy grades in a class due to a teachers incompetance there isn't anyway to blame a student. I eventually got it up to a B due to the massive curve she has to put on every test because she can't teach. Fun times...

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

1. Why did you make a C in the first place? If you did all your work and studied (I know you'll say this anyway) it's okay, but if you've been skipping homework assignments or school days, you deserve to be punished.


2. If you've been banned from the Computer, why are you posting at this forum? I thought left-wings/Communists respected rules, decisions, and regulations :rolleyes:?




What's up with American students these days? If you're happy making a 'C' in a class, don't expect to get into a good college when you grow up. What many seem to fail to realise is grades in school=amount of money earned.. and making money is supposed to be really important to Americans :p.

I can't believe that a respected member here could be so close-minded and harsh in its comments.


This is Clefo we're talking about here. If I had to name ONE person on this forum who takes school seriously, it would be him... Give the guy a break. He said he would be banned next week.


Bad grades aren't necessarily associated with lack of efforts. Some people simply cannot attain A's, no matter how hard they try. There are plenty of other factors influencing our grades. I'm sure you know them already. If somebody tried his best at an exam and got a C, he should be just as proud as someone who scored an A.


That school=amount of money earned is simply not true. Bill Gates was a college dropout. So was the president of Oracle. Here in Québec you can get a DEP which is lower than a college degree and still make more money than the average person.

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Sorry, sometimes I forget the characteristics of the members :(. Sincere apologies to clefo.


Bad grades aren't necessarily associated with lack of efforts. Some people simply cannot attain A's, no matter how hard they try. There are plenty of other factors influencing our grades. I'm sure you know them already. If somebody tried his best at an exam and got a C, he should be just as proud as someone who scored an A.


I pointed that out, saying that it's not okay if you don't work hard. I never said a C was unacceptable if you worked hard.


That school=amount of money earned is simply not true. Bill Gates was a college dropout. So was the president of Oracle. Here in Québec you can get a DEP which is lower than a college degree and still make more money than the average person.


Hmm.. I still think that generally, you'll be happier getting good grades :)


And some of my post was directed at the other stuff in the thread. I mostly meant that if you don't work hard, you won't succeed as much as you would if you worked hard.

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hmm...i thought you were "comfortable" with school, clefo ;)


Well, work for it, man...that's the only way :D


Besides, looking at another comment, made by Sherack, because i agree with him wholeheartedly.


grades in school and money earned are NOT directly proportional. Infact, grades in school have almost nothing to do with money earned.

You could be a computer whiz thanks to school and end up in a big software company making 6 digit salaries. You could be a failure, and just happen to end up playing sports somewhere making unreasonable amounts of money. You could be a average, and end up having the "feel" for business which allows you to be a kick ass business man. You could also be a school whiz and grow up to almost nothing. All that do well in school don't necessarily succeed, and all that dont do well at school don't necessarily fail. But definitely chances of succeeding are better if you do better at school. Looks better on resumes. :D

Basically what that shows is, your grades don't affect your success...it's the heart, the determination, the dedication, the mind, and the WILL to succeed :o


enough for inspirational speeches.


Work hard, clefo, my man ;)


And pay close attention to Kjolen's advice :laughing:



Stop misspelling his name on purpose, man! :| - Eets

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Clefo, I feel your pain. I haven't been banned from the cpu yet, but I get banned from my Playstation if my parents think I can do better. I have had a B before and been grounded. It's ridiculous, but I am living under their roof. They've also limited my time on both cpu and PSOne, regardless of grades, to fifteen minutes a day. That's why I've been registered since June (or is it July?) and I am only just now breaking 100 posts.







*Jediduo screams in frustration*

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eh...since now I'm gonna be a parent I'd probably ground you from the computer too. Seriously...sometimes we need to study than play games. I should know...I'm a GREAT student...smart and all...but I get BORED and start to fall to the darkside. I usually need a good kick in the rear to remind me to stop slackin. As far as..the computer effects your preformance?? I dunno...if you are playing games more than studying...then I could see the problem. If its some INCOMPETANT Teacher I'd just explain the situation and show them some of my work. They probably aren't (your parents) used to you getting a C - and don't want you to make a habbit of it. Sorry - I'm being the devils advocate.


Hell with them taking the computer away - don't worry you'll get it back before you know it.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Maybe we should stop posting for a week so that Clefo doesn't miss anything?


i wont spark anything, but as long as someone else sparks the discussions, i will reply :D (but i still don't get why Ron didn't get a hug in harry potter 2)




seeing that clefo is the kind that spends quite a substantial amount of his time at the computer, i would think staying away from the computer would dishearten him and maybe bog down his performance. Because to some, the computer is the equivalent of "play" in "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy", be it computer games or just plain forumming :D

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What adds to the cruel irony is that my prog report looks like this:

ACAAAAA... Plus I found out "week" means "3 days" since there's thanksgiving break for me..


On another note, that class I'm getting a C in is flipping hard and no one but me is passing it..


2. If you've been banned from the Computer, why are you posting at this forum? I thought left-wings/Communists respected rules, decisions, and regulations ?


Keep in mind I said next week, 'sides, there's a difference between "tolerence" and "acceptence"

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High grades are a reflection of hard work. Yes there are tons of factors when it come to getting good grades. But being able to over come these factors is a sign of determination and hard work. Your parents just want you to work hard and to your fullest potenitial. If they did not think you could do better, then they would not care. My parents still ask me about my grades when I talk with them sometimes.


Don't sweat about loosing the ability to play computer games and stuff for a week. There are far worest things in the world. Besides, there are (or will be) plently of times to play and free time even when it seems that there won't be.

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Originally posted by Clefo

On another note, that class I'm getting a C in is flipping hard and no one but me is passing it..


Yeah, that sucks. I have a class like that, Latin IV AP, and I hate it. 3 people in out class were passing after the first quarter, one of which had a D, the other a C, and i ended up with an A. Our teacher is really smart but can't teach at all. I'd imagine yours is similar, and all i can say is sorry.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

You have a latin class? Can you tell me if "Tu quoque, fili!" is latin or greek?


Its Latin, it roughly means "You also, son!"


Thats problem with Latin, everything is "roughly" because most words have 5 or 6 different (but usually similar) english meanings.

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