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Jango Fett or Samus Aran?


Who'd win in a fight with Jango Fett vs. Samus Aran?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Who'd win in a fight with Jango Fett vs. Samus Aran?

    • Jango Fett all the way!
    • Samus Aran\'d haul some serious arse!
    • Not sure at this time.

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Alright, we've got Metroid Prime and Star Wars: Bounty Hunter on everyone's "to play" list (I hope), but who do you think would win in a fight: Jango or Samus? Let's hear your feedback on this, because it's been an on-going debate at school for a lot of my friends. Remember to make this a clean fight. LET'S GET IT ON!

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I think this'd actually be a pretty close awesome fight to watch.


They both have plenty of toys, none being all powerful, or exploiting another's weak point, so it'd be a sompetition of brains.


Now I don't really know who to decide on in this competition, so I'm going with Samus. Just to keep it from being a blowout. :D

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It's time for Point-Counterpoint


*big, serious music starts to play*


With your host, Darth Homer!!


Thank you!


*big, serious music suddenly switches to clown music*


Thank....HEY!! EETS!! Get out of the booth and let Rhett do his job!!!


*Eets leaves, yet clown music continues...*


Oh very funny.....ANYWAY, let's get down to business


Jango vs Samus, fight to the death, who'd win?


Jango has a rocket on his jetpack

Samus has lots of rockets fired from arm-cannon


Winner: Samus


Jango has dual blasters on his hips, flamethrower on his arm, and grappling hooks

Samus has a multi-functional arm cannon


Winner: Jango


Jango has a helmet & bodyarmor that are easily damaged (twice his jet pack went out in ep2)

Samus has bulky, pretty much everything proof armor


Winner: Samus (barely)


Jango: Male

Samus: Hottie


Winner: Samus :naughty:


Jango can fly using his jetpack

Samus has nozzles for what I can only assume is a jetpack (see Metroid commercial), but still has to use laser grappler to get across gaps


winner: Jango


Jango has 1 unaltered clone-son & legions of cloned troopers

Samus once saved a baby metroid (which later returned the favor, sacrificing itself)


winner: Jango


Jango's enemies are ***-kicking defenders of the universe

Samus' enemies are slug-like creatures


winner: Jango


Final totoal

Jango: 4

Samus: 3


So there you have it, Jango wins it by a head....errr, uh.....yeah, nevermind


*Clown music starts back up*



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All right. Here we go. Jango would win because he is secure in his manhood.


Samus Aran (a.k.a.- JUSTIN BAILEY!!! *BUM BUM BUM*) is a male transvestite!:eek:


Plus Samus just stands there charging his blaster up to fire and Jango pulls out both his blasters and just busts a cap.:jango:



BTW, "Justin Bailey" is a code to get Samus without his armor on Metriod for NES...makes you wonder...

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You guys so underrate Samus, you're not alone Rogue9, I support the greatest Bounty Hunter in the Galaxy also, and her name is Samus Aran.


I don't think you realise Samus's full potential.


1. The new but-kickin suit, It's fully functional in water, and in areas of high radiation.


2. Those "things" on her back, - actually give her the jumping prowess of about that of a jedi using the force or greater. Now here's were you say, "But Jango can fly..." well it ain't flying but it works just as well in plenty of situations.


3. Grapple-Beam - great toy, good for use in getting hard to reach places or keeping certain people from getting too far away. Here's where you say, "but Jango's got a 'capture-cable' or whatever it's called..." Samus's is very much more versatile being energy-based.


4. Missile Launcher - This thing is awesome, the missiles are quite powerful, and she manages to store more than 100 in her suit, and they of course home in on targets.


5. Beam Cannon - What can you say baout this, 4 different beams. Each being able to fire rapidly (which isn't that weak at all) or charge up and fire one monster of a shot. It has normal energy beam, Electric beam, Ice beam, and Fire beam. Each which can dish out a butt-whooping with it's extra features.


I don't think the morph ball would be that much of an asset unless they were in a very interesting arena, so I won't mention it.


But there is a synopsis of Samus, now I want someone could do one of Jango with similar accuracy.

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt


Clones which get taken out by blind men. Face it, the Fetts are posers.


The clones are programmed that way. They follow orders with "Yes, sir." As for your poser comment... Sure! And both Jango and eventually Boba were the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. How do you figure POSERS would pull that off?! The only reason they both died is because they were both up against Jedi. The force screwed them over, and so did the writers. Had the movies been written in chronological order instead of 4, 5, 6 and THEN the first three, Jango probably wouldn't have died on the same movie he made his intro in. They just had to get rid of him, nothing more. Jango is THE BEST BOUNTY HUNTER THERE IS! Who else could drive into a spaceport in a landspeeder bumpin' to the "Roll Out Song" by Ludacris (With the chromed-out armor, might I add)? :D

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Originally posted by Artoo

But there is a synopsis of Samus, now I want someone could do one of Jango with similar accuracy.


Alright, here you go.


I don't think anyone fully realizes Jango's or Boba's full potential. If you haven't read The Bounty Hunter wars, then you don't know what you're talking about.


1. Jango actually has defeated a Jedi, and make that a dark Jedi. Oh, and she had two lightsabers. Her name was Komari Vosa, and she'd slice and dice Samus before she could even make a move. Oh, and i almost forgot, at the same time he also took down the massive criminal cult known as the Bando Gora, whom even the Hutt's called evil.


2. Boba, an exact copy of Jango, took down the entire Bounty Hunter's guild all by himself. nuff said.


3. That "thing" on his back is a jetpack. He could fly circles around Samus while she jumped in the air.


4. That "thing" on his back also has a missle launcher. They are homing, and he also has ones that can split into three missle, all of which home.


5. Flame thrower. Yeah.


6. Darts. Ok, he's pretty versatile here. He could just poison her with a toxic dart. Or he could blow off her appendages with a high explosive dart. Or he could shatter that shiny little face place of hers with a armour piercing dart and make a nice little hole through the middle of her head.


7. Double blasters. Rapid fire, pretty powerfull, combine them with the jetpack and Samus can't touch him. Oh, and Jango doesn't miss, period. He killed a Jedi with these babies, what's Smaus gonna do?


8. Whipcord. One cord's just like another, who cares if it's energy based or not, they all accomplish the same thing. But i bet Jango has a longer range.


9. Mandalorian Armor. The Mandalorians weren't the most feared mercenaries in the galaxy for nothing. Mandalorian metal is almost indestructable. Hmm...the armour saved Boba from the Sarlaac's digestive track. Let's see Samus's suit do that. Plus, the gloves give Jango (and Boba), incredible strength, more so than any human could have alone. And finally his helmet. It is fully equiped with scanning and trgetting information. It has a built in comlink and slave circuits. Plus, it gives him no-light vision as well as automatic polarization, giving him the best possible vision and clarity in all environments.


I could go on, but i think that's plenty for you, Artoo.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Alright, here you go.


I don't think anyone fully realizes Jango's or Boba's full potential. If you haven't read The Bounty Hunter wars, then you don't know what you're talking about.

However, that is EU! Are we sticking to canon Star Wars here, or do we include EU?


I vote SAMUS, because I prefer older franchise icons :)

Also, Samus has yet to die ;)

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