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whats your fav. movie based on a book

Bob Gnarly

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This version with Alistaire Sim is the definitive version of the Dicken's classic IMO. Sim brought more life and humor to the role than anyone I have ever seen. I have seen Broadway versions of Scrooge, and A Christmas Carol, and I make it a point to see every film that is released based on this story,because it has been one of my favorites for a very very long time. Also it was one of the first books I ever read.




Alistaire Sim as Ebenezer Scrooge

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I read a lot and watch a lot of movies.... I have to say that as far as film adaptation goes, the one movie that captures even the most subtle of the author's points is To Kill a Mockingbird. Gregory Peck was fantastic and captured the spirit of Atticus in this.



The worst film adaptations I can think of off the top of my head: Congo and Sphere.... the first seemed to deviate from the book far too much and the second just didn't seem to hold my attention and interest the way the book did.... for the quality of the actors involved, I would have expected more.







LoTR was cool ;)

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It's a shame what they did with Sphere, Congo, and the Andromeda Strain for that matter. I love Crichton's work. The books were oh so much better than the movies. I'm glad his 2 JP movies worked out. Twister too.


I would have liked for "Timeline" to be made into a movie too. They made a game. It sucked royally :)



They make so many terrible movies from books... like 'One flew over the cuckoos nest' (well I hated it anyway) and 'To kill a mockingbird'



Some things are just better left as books, but then theres the books which are dieing to be made into films....


(edit- looks like Timeline IS being made into a movie now :) good)

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-All TomClancy movies

-BandOfBrothers (based on a book about a true story...duh!)

-SavingPrivateRyan (same as above)

-Lords of the Ring

-Lord of the Flies (the american version where everything has been changed in a way to "fit with today's culture". i love it because its unintentionally halarious)

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