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Who hates their Job??

Jon Snow

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I just want to complain about how much I hate my job. I worked at Subways in a local amusement park last semester, and was completely NOT trained for anything but just told to make subs and shown once, learned more from coworkers who figured out things than my supervisors. Anyways, I ended up leaving out of stress crying in the boss' office, b/c A)Working in an amusement park means HIGH demand and ppl were waiting for 2 hours to get a stupid sub. B)Living in Quebec means a huge culture clash b/t anglophones and francophones. I grew up in an anglophone community and even though I can speak decent French, was ostracized b/c of differing views on issues such as seperation (very seperatist place) and had extreme difficulty communicating b/c they wouldn't be willing to slow down a bit to talk to me or be nice about it... like you don't understand french, F*** off we're in Quebec - learn! C)B/t going to a party and getting home at 7, going to the hospital twice b/c I had something, got a blood test the next day, and then put on antibiotics, I was extremely sick (my shift was 4-12).


Well, I spent this semester jobhunting in late October and early November but no luck. Got an interview for an usher at a local movie theatre where I left a CV before the summer, but wasn't given the job even though I was passed up above store manager to head montreal manager. I gave out a few more CVs but was really frustrated when I went to a McDonald's, gave a CV to a positive supervisor but then told ONLY WHEN I CALL BACK they wanted full time... I hate that, they don't tell you anything until you call back, even after they've filled the position :mad: :mad:


Anyways, stop by a Subways by the College I left a CV in a while ago, just to get a sub and was asked if I left a CV. I said yes, and they told me it was a great CV and they wanted references. I ended up getting them but the boss told me the CV was good enough (high marks, scholarships, experience, volunteer work) so he wouldn't bother calling the references and give me the job since he needed someone but didn't bother putting up a position. Well, I did unpaid 3 hours training (just a normal shift really) and one 2.5 hour shift. Not bad but as hard as La Ronde for the work surprisingly, he never lets me relax. Get the next 3 weeks off b/c he couldn't use me and just did two shifts this week... and they were SO HARD.


A)Some employees think I have so much more experience than I do. I only did subs and a small bit of maintenance at La Ronde, and the standards at La Ronde were to get you in and out ASAP, speed not quality. I've also never used a delivery menu before, and have trouble focusing on 1 thing when 5 things are going on and something may be more important than the one thing, gotta do that then return to my one thing... I don't like that much to get "brain overload", and I can have trouble at times focusing so it's hard, also I'm used to an amusement park where customers are waiting in line for 2 hours and aren't willing to wait 5 minutes for a sub... here I'm told to tell them to hold on for a few minutes so I can finish off something (ie a delivery order or rearraging breads)... just a natural instinct that customer DOES NOT WAIT EVER! Especially when I'm used to them going "Ah tabernac on attend encore" (Oh S*** we're waiting again) when I need to go in the back for something. The stupidest part is is the customers don't even MIND to be kept waiting, LOL I know I wouldn't mind at a Subways but I'm not used to it!


B) The work is HARD!!!! I admit physically I'm about 15-20 pounds overweight, although I've built my arms and legs from working out for gym, my stomach and "surrounding areas" are not in good shape ;) And my boss never allows me a break, it's like if you're finished doing something either go back to what you were doing before or find something else to do. Also, like i said SO MUCH GOES on I can't follow it all, and then when I focus on something I'm doing (like preparing cheese or veggies) I'm told I should've payed attention to the guy who called me!!


Well, hopefully if I watch what I eat a *little* bit more :p:P and try to do some cardio every day, wait until next week so I can try to make a routine (been VERY busy lately and not sleeping enough to exercise, ~ 7 hours per night but school's out and work is demanding) and hopefully lose 5-10 pounds before school starts in late January.


Please bitch about your jobs too!!

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I LOVE my job! I work hard at it, I'm efficient, I take the initiative to get my job done. The hours are great, the co-workers few. I'm always on time, and I always get off early.


What do I do?



I, my friend, Work at nothing. :D

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Originally posted by Eets

I LOVE my job! I work hard at it, I'm efficient, I take the initiative to get my job done. The hours are great, the co-workers few. I'm always on time, and I always get off early.


What do I do?



I, my friend, Work at nothing. :D


WOW! Which branch of nothing do you work at? At my branch I'm getting 2 weeks (paid) off for the holidays! Fun times.;)

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All jobs suck like that. That is why they have to pay us to do it...


I can not complain too much. I work hard also, but it is worth it. I do nuclear IT work here at one of the plants fairly close to home. Everything here is serious and needs to done quickly, effiecently, and correctly. The biggest gripe I have is that since electricity is a 24/7 utility, when you are on duty you can be called in at anytime 24/7. Other than that, I am fine with what I do.

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As the Lady said, that is what will be expected at any job.


I like my job, and it is just as hard as your or even harder. I work long hours, and have to juggle many things at once. On Fridays I work as an expiditer (Once food is cooked I get it ready for the wait staff to deliver to the customers). Amoung other things I take care of all the salads, soups and desserts.


Here is a simple example: I have three tables 1 wants desserts, the second wants soup and salad and the third table's dinner is just about ready to go. Now I have to take care all of this in a timely manner. Depending on the type of dessert and if I have to warm it, I place it in a microwave and set the time. I then get the salad, and give the appropiate dressing, and get the sup coups ready (but I don't fill the soup yet). The dinner for the third table is now ready so I set aside the soup and salad and get the dinners ready to go out. Once that is done I go back to the desserts and get that ready. Once the dinners go out, I put hold on the desserts and go back to the soup and salad and get that out. After that I return to the desserts and send those out. Normally I have much more then just three tables, and on top of that as the night goes on I have to make salads (we prep some before the night begins).


This is just the way thing are, and it is what employeers expect of their employees. Oh normally people don't mind waiting if they see you are very busy.

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My job can suck pretty hard sometimes...I do IT work at a help center...right now I'm handling 7 different customer's calls (along with a team of other people, but not all people handle each customer...I seem to headed towards the jack of all trades route)...some calls can be damned annoying because the people on the other side have their own designs...example: Food Lion (grocery store chain on east coast) store calls up and says their ordering gun is not working...now that may be true, but a lot of the time they just want a new gun instead of the old one they have that works fine. So they come up with something wrong...I then have to go through settings and reset everything and practically reprogram the whole thing before I can order the store a new one...a lot of the time this weeds out the fakers, but it takes a long time to do. Other times, it can be smooth sailing, store calls in with something that's easy to fix...it's pretty much luck of the draw

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