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How was the Earth formed?


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Hmmm... you sure do like to post topics on things we've already discussed to death. Ah well, I guess it doesn't hurt anyone.


The creation of earth is a bit vague. While many scientists believe there was some sort of "big bang" involved, you can't test that theory as much as evolution, for example.


But to think it just popped into existence suddenly, is false, unprovable and ignorant.


My theory goes as follows: The universe is always expanding, and when it has reached its maximum expanse, it starts to contract - resulting in a new big bang. This could theoretically go on for eternity. To add a little spice to this idea, suppose a new[/b] universe was created in each black hole - completely independant and with its own dimension. This means universes are branching like twigs on a tree.

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I havent noticed this topic yet, and I dont really make much threads.. :(



I think that it took thousands of millions of years to get the Earth actually formed, and at the start I bet the Earth looked like a desert or something like this






Tons of water and a little mountan! :)

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Let's not open up this can of worms, we have already had two threads on Evolution v Creation, which is in essence the same question that you ask here. It is best to leave religion and politics out of a forum, the same as at any bar - all they lead to are arguements and fights........

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Originally posted by BCanr2d2

It is best to leave religion and politics out of a forum, the same as at any bar - all they lead to are arguements and fights........


Argument is not a negative word. Debate is bad as well, I suppose? :confused:


In order to leave religion and politics out of this forum, discussions on ethics will have to go as well. I don't like where this is going...

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"What do you mean, kicked out?" The young man said, as he stood in the middle of the court room, looking up at a rather tall and built judge.


"That means exactly what it sounds like. You are banished from this place!" The judge said, hitting his mallet.


"Well what a load of......" The man began to say, but was silenced quickly by a sharp look from the judge.


You see, this was no ordinary man, this was the all powerful being himself, in control of everything. He was very tall and handsome; his eyes full of fire and love. He was a no-nonsense man; and his work showed for it.


The man that was just tried is named Fallar. He was put on trial for breaking the most sacred law: do NOT walk on the grass. Fallar knew not to do this, but he thought it was the stupidest thing in the entire galaxy. So one day, he decided to walk on the grass. As soon as he was cought, he was taken directly to jail,then tried. Now that his sentance was carried out, he decided to leave the planet and never go back to that ignorant place.


But how am I going to leave?, He asked himself. Soon, he began to devise a small shuttle that would let him leave the planet. The authorities agreed to aid him, to quicken his departure. Soon after his craft was made, he was on his way to stardom (unbeknownst to him).


He traveled around the galaxy, and met several races who think he is God. He sort of chuckled at that. A few months later after a visit to another planet, he ran into an asteroid storm. His shuttle was tossed and turned, hitting one asteroid after another. Some of his fuel from his fuel tanks on the shuttle began to leak onto the asteroids. This was no ordinary fuel either. The planet he is from has a love for nature, and is at peace with it, so Nature does them many favors, as in giving them super-natural resources and power.


After these asteroids began to stick together, they formed a huge asteroid. This asteroid began to fly towards the sun.


"Oh no!" Fellar shouted. "What have I done? This asteroid will hit the sun and kill everything in this galaxy! I must do something!" He shouted, as he took the controls of his vessel, sped towards the asteroid, and grabbed it with a hook. It was a huge strain on the shuttle, but it began to tow the asteroid away from the sun, and set it into an orbit. After the planet set into an orbit, however, the shuttle began to shake, and crashed on the surface, while the fuel tank leaked onto the asteroid. The Asteroid soaked up much of the fuel, and began to grow vegetation. To Fallar's surprise, he survived the crash, and watched life form on the planet for the first time. Fallar was so pleased with himself, he stayed with the planet, and watched it's inhabitants grow.



/end story. :)

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well i think that we were made by the creamed corn people, they zapped a planet into existance with there creamed corn can spaceship.



or you can go for the ludacris idea that the earth and the whole galaxy formed from gases from particles of and exploding star, or something like that...funny i just learned it and i cant remember....but who believes that one anyway..pppfftt

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Marshmellows... thats THE key, i tell you, MARSHMELLOWS, Creamy Marshmellows... they pwn cream corns!!!111:p :D



the current scientifically(meaning, accepted in that community, no flames please) accepted theories is that gases from an exploded supernova condenses under gravity... the matter converges into a spinning disk forming a protostar in the centre, which later evolves into a main sequence star by initiating hydrogen fusion under intense pressure and thus derived heat.


Of the left overs heavier solid matters converges towards the centre while the gases remains on the fringes of the disc. the planets form via the accretion of teh matter. in this theory, rocks which collides accumulates mass and energy(which propells the planets at greater velocity) This continues until the solar system as we know today basically forms. As there are no longer an abundance of straying sizeable paticles, the solar system stabilises.


In this theory, earth like the other 3 rocky planets are formed via accretion of particles of heavier elements such as iron but also others as well. The lighter elements formed the Atmosphere, which composition changed many times before the present.

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Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

U still have the problem if you believe any of these theories... you dont get life from rocks clashing together... so unless you can prove something tha hasent been proven yet... christianity is lookin pretty good right now ain tit ;)


well those two processes are not DIRECTLY linked... but like everything else in the universe are linked together. You cant get life living in a near-vaccum. But evolution isnt based directly on bashing rocks together and then WHOALAAAH! Through the accretion of rocks and in gaining gravity, attracting gaseous particles, key elements are acquired for which life is essential. And it just happened that the planetary condition was just right for life to be accommadated, in the process of rocks crashing together. But other than that, the two process(formation of earth and ecolution) is totally independant of each other. Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago, but life only appeared 3 billion years ago.

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Originally posted by Cjais

But to think it just popped into existence suddenly, is false, unprovable and ignorant.

Its just as ignorant as believeing we poped into existence, or that we suddenly came from nothing to some cells and here we are...


screw it, I dont want to aruge with you Cjais.

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