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do you like anime?

El Sitherino

do you like anime  

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  1. 1. do you like anime

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I dun really like anime, the first time you watch it its not as bad, but then soon you'll realize all anime series (such as DBZ) repeat the same thing again and again and again. Not once in my life i've ever seen anime series either not have reruns for like 5 months then have 1 month of new episodes or at least something different... Just my opinion.

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Ugh, I hate anime with all of my soul. It has to be the worst crap ever conceived. I think someone began making it to torture innocents like me. >_< Oh...*flash*...oooh...colors...*flash*...*flash*...is there even a name for some much crappy animation. I don't think a series of colorful flashes even constitutes animation. What is it animating? Color? Bleh. My eyes!!! Not to mention all the people I know that watch anime sit home and only do just that. Ever. Messed up. Oh, and while I'm at it...the Japanese stole all they know from the Chinese. Who do you think invented fireworks? Or paper? It sure as hell wasn't the Japanese. God, sometimes I wonder why some people practically worship anything Japanese, even animation that sucks feces-covered asphalt. Whew!!! Now I feel better. :)

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Okay... I want to set a few little things strait... Japan is much like England... Started of empty... and people moved there... mainly outcast and refuges... :o from guess where!!! CHINA!!! :o OMG!!! (Sorry first sarcastic remark of the day and im about to go to bed... O_o had to let it out before I went to bed...) Anywho... Not only are the similar they also brought over similer things... which would include blackpowder and paper... :) And... They didnt steall all they know... Katanas are one of the few weapons even China feared... :) then again I would fear crossing a samuri also... :) With a Katana sheathed its can make the strongest blow... When being drawn... last second Samuri pull Katana out cut the first man down take two steps forward fallow threw with a down slash and cut the second one in half... :) trust me... China didnt use the same ways of forging weapons like Japan did... :) Just thought I would get the facts strait...

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I would suggest you get your spelling "straight" first. And I don't think China ever "feared" Japan, except perhaps just prior to and during the Second World War, under somewhat different circumstances.


Hmmm...with your extensive knowledge on samurai warriors certainly you must have seen one in battle? Or perhaps you fought with one? Oh, wait--you've never seen a frickin' samurai in your life. Don't believe all the crap the movies give you. There is a difference between real life and "reel" life.


Much of what the Japanese know was stolen from the Chinese. Their writing and style of government, for instance. I'm sorry, but for most of their past China has dominated Japan.


Edit: This is referring to Camus' comments above, naturally.


Edit again: The comments way up the page, that is. :\

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I think my avatar will convince you of my poll choice.:D I just love mechs! Impractical, but if you watch some gundam, one shot is all it takes in that universe(UC). (Assuming you don't have some type of field or armor.)


What I have watched:


Robotech: Macross Saga

Gundam Wing

Endless Waltz

All of Mobile Suit Gundam except the last 3.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counter Attack

Mobile Fighter G Gundam (Super Robot show!)

Some of Inuyasha

Gundam 0083 and 0080

Gundam SEED 1-13 (Currently airing in Japan, watched fansubs.)

Cowboy Bebop

Some of Yu Yu Hakusho



Digimon (1-3 seasons)

Outlaw Star (all, including the one episode never aired.)

and other's I cant think of. Most of them are dubbed, but I know what was cut from some sources, so it isn't that bad.


*Runs from the mecha haters.*

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Originally posted by Pedantic

I would suggest you get your spelling "straight" first. And I don't think China ever "feared" Japan, except perhaps just prior to and during the Second World War, under somewhat different circumstances.


Hmmm...with your extensive knowledge on samurai warriors certainly you must have seen one in battle? Or perhaps you fought with one? Oh, wait--you've never seen a frickin' samurai in your life. Don't believe all the crap the movies give you. There is a difference between real life and "reel" life.


Much of what the Japanese know was stolen from the Chinese. Their writing and style of government, for instance. I'm sorry, but for most of their past China has dominated Japan.


Edit: This is referring to Camus' comments above, naturally.


Edit again: The comments way up the page, that is. :\

sorry if this seems like picking but can you keep your fued with camus out of my thread. i dont want it shut down. thank you
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I take it youve never seen a real katana... Im not talking about one of those cheap props... Im talking about the 400 fold blades... the ones that cut threw bamboo better than a fricking machete... With one swipe... I may not have seen a battle but I have seen demenstations of thier weapons and Ive dont a lot of reports on japan and the samuri... So dont accuse me of seing it on a show... I fully know of what the katana can do... I said it before Japan didnt steal anything!!! They came from China...

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

sorry if this seems like picking but can you keep your fued with camus out of my thread. i dont want it shut down. thank you




Sorry... Me stopped... :) sorry about that... I dont want it closed either... :) InsaneSith whats your favorite anime game???

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yay another anime fan... :) by the way Nitro we are still on topic about anime... :) somewhat... :S but thats because if we started up topics about anime games they would drop so fast... :( Oh well might as have 1 anime thread and talk about anything releated to anime... :)

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I know you have all heard it. Hoards of the ignorant defining Anime as what is seen on Cartoon Network. People just shouting far and wide that "Anime is for kids" or "All Anime is violent." This Anime fan has had just enough of all that. To make things simple now before going on a huge rant and detailed thesis on Anime, I will say just this: Anime is merely a form of telling your story.


Like Hollywood uses live actors and CG special effects, authors use the pen and paper, Anime is done by pencil and paint. Anime is not a genre. Anime is made up of all the genres that we have in the United States. The most common misconception is that Anime is violent, science fiction or fantasy related, and filled with an absurd level of philosophy that it would take a PhD to figure out what is going on. People think that Anime is merely a bunch of buxom women with massive eyes and severely disproportionate body shapes. To all those who think like that, sorry to burst your bubble. Anime has comedy, drama, and mystery along with the science fiction and fantasy. Anime is not always a convoluted story line riddled with confusion and violence, but has kinder, gentler story lines.


Another misconception is that Anime is for kids. Of course, you can discover this merely by, you guessed it, taking the easy road and watching network television. Shouts of televised DBZ episodes echo as evidence of such childish behavior while parallels with Disney films fly makes me sick enough to hurl into my hat and place it upon their heads in a comical routine. Dragon Ball Z is hardly anything worthy for the kids in true form. Its bloody, violent, and full of the most vulgar language that would even make a deaf man cover his ears, basically, stereotype in the above paragraph. Another examples are Sailor Moon & Card Captor Sakura. Ah, not only is this show for the kiddies, but its also girly, so says the oh so wise mass public (news flash, the mass public is a mess of uniformed ignorants). Just watch the show, in its pure form. It has story, substance, AND wasn't edited to appeal to a particular market and paraphenelia run-off. It would do EVERYONE a good favor to find an uncut version and watch.


Another complaint I just HATE hearing is about the animation style. "Oh, big eyes and huge breasts are all there is, (euphamism for female dog here a couple of times) whine whine wah wah!" Get off it already! If you simply hate that sort of style, try out stuff like Vampire Hunter D or anything else made by the same guy that does all the art for FFVIII and X. Its gritty and real. Animation styles are abundant in Anime, be it the surreal huge eyes derived from our own Betty Boop cartoons from way back when to the total realism that mimics life itself. If you just can't handle a certain kind (hard to imagine to you fans, I know), just find one that you can, simple.


My last big whine is about those who simply just hate Anime. Do you simply just hate movies all together? If so, I would like to meet you and submit your name to Guiness for being the first. Anime, like Hollywood, is a MULTITIDE of genres. It has shows that appeal to all ages, genders, and interest levels. There is no way you can simply just hate Anime, unless you are a perverse person who is going to keep on insisting it to just be right. If you like a certain type of show, its going to be in Anime. If you can't find it, you are just not looking hard enough.


To sum things up, Anime is not a genre, but a way of telling any story you want. Anime is not limited to the realm if children, its not always science fiction or fantasy, and its RARELY overly violent. Any story you want told has been told in Anime. This little comment is to put some light onto the fact that Anime is not a single genre of copied material, but as varied as the titles in Blockbuster. Get out, its actually a GOOD thing to see a story without a real actor to play it. Too much reality is a bad thing.

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Well, lets see. I've seen Akira (didnt like it), I think I saw that Vampire Hunter D thingy (didnt like it). I saw one where there was a guy and all these girls all around him wanted him, but he only wanted this one girl and she kept ditching him. It was a fantasy movie. The only thing I know for sure about that one is that there was a tall, mysterious looking guy with long hair who was gay. :confused: (a friend of mine made me watch it)


I saw that one with the cops driving around funny looking tanks, and getting out and making stupid poses (you know, where they wink, theres an odd *ping* sound, and the camera closes in on them, freezeframe style). I thought this one was pretty dumb too...


I think I saw a Gundam once, but since so many anime movies include incredibly skinny but insanely powerful mechs with spikes on their backs, I cant be sure. The kid (?) in the mech spent most of the time scared of how powerful his mech was, and people in the spaceship kept going "ah" and "oh" while that stupid *ping* sound kept going off...


And then, I've also seen the mainstream crap, whch even I can tell is crap compared to the other anime (which I also think is mostly crap, of what I've seen). I tried to watch DBZ a few times, but everytime they'd start a show with two guys facing off, they'd spend 20 minutes of the half hour standing their grunting and growling at each other, maybe talking some trash, and then they cut to some stupid comic relief like a house on a tiny world with a road around it with a crazy old man watching it all on TV :confused: . Then they fight for maybe 5 minutes, a guy gets the upper hand, and they finish the episode with a line like "Will <name> be able to take on the awesome power of <name>? Find out, in..etc etc."



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What, do you expect me to watch 10 or 15 animes? I'm not gonna force myself to sit through all those when I've already watched several and decided that I dont like it. Why should I have to watch every single one, or more than the ones I've watched? I've seen anime, I dont like it. Thats it.

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Posted by ShockV1.89

What, do you expect me to watch 10 or 15 animes? I'm not gonna force myself to sit through all those when I've already watched several and decided that I dont like it. Why should I have to watch every single one, or more than the ones I've watched? I've seen anime, I dont like it. Thats it.

I've seen an American, I didn't like him. That's it.






...See the flawed logic? :)


A lot of anime is incredibly good, but a lot of it is at least trying to be more like our cartoons to appeal to the western world more, which often means aiming it at a younger audience... Which means it sux :)



Btw, who would still watch Tom and Jerry now?


I think anyone of any age would, because it's quality - that's what's really important - not whether something is anime or not - it's whether it's good or not that matters... :)



Just my £/$/€ 0.02 :)

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