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Boba Rhett

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I love it.


This movie is going to rock. It may not be as good as Spiderman, but it should rank around X-men's level. It's nice to see Ben Affleck in such a different role. I don't know Daredevil's story (although I know about his characteristics), but if Elektra is DD's love interest, then I guess they had to make her pimpin' hot... otherwise, I would've liked to see a women that is more down-to-earth, maybe even not very pretty (DD's blind, after all). It would have been a nice twist.

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Originally posted by STTCT

i think that is the twist....she's incredibly beautiful and yet he can't see her - so he loves her for who she is.


Besides...if they didn't have a hot chick in the movie no man would go see a movie about ben affleck in tight little suits. unless maybe he was gay...

Count me out of that generalization. Girls like Elektra are a turn off to me, and, if anything, a reason not to see the fricking movie.


But I'll go see it anyway, just to see Daredevil and Kingpin kick each other's asses :)

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I have seen the trailer a while ago and I didn't like it. It will probally be less than X-Men.


Also STTCT, Daredevil can see. ;) Let me just fill everyone in as to his story.

This is right from last time I checked.


His name is something Bradick or Brodick or something like that. When he was a little kid he could see untill a truck with toxic waste ran him over and hit him. He was exposed the toxic waste and he couldn't see. Odly enough his father worked for the KingPin who the toxic waste was being hauled for. He was blind for a while untill later he realized that he saw but with a diffrent view. He kept it secret though. He could see through a lot of things including disguises. He then started to train with this guy so that he could make his senses more and have them at their max. His father then was later killed on KingPin's order. He then vowed that he would make KingPin pay for what he did.


He also became a lawyer because he said that Justice was blind just like he was and that he wanted to fight for the people as well.



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The first trailers made the movie look like it was going to be horrible. The latest shows some promise though. I' just a little wary about Ben Afleck (sp?) playing the lead. He's not the most talented actor out there and Daredevil/Matt Murdok is a very complex character.


To clarify the comic version of his origion:


Matt Murdok lived in "Hells Kitchen" NY. A run down area ripe with crime. He lived with his dad a boxer that was running low on steam. One day Matt saved an eldery man from being hit by a truck. When the truck swerved a chanister of radioactiv materials flew loose and struck Matt accros the face blinding him but also enhancing his other senses to the point where he had a radar like sense, coukd recognize people from the sounds of their heartbeats, could read newsprint from feeling the indentations that the printing press made on the paper etc. His father was killed when he refused to take a dive in a boxing match. Matt dedicated his life to the law and went to law school. He was also taken under the wing of a mysterious martial arts master named Stick who taught him to hone his powers and body. Soon after college he was forced to put these powers to the test to save a little girl from the Kingpin. This event convinced him that fighting for justice as a lawyer was not enough and that he should use his abilities to defend others.


Thats the generall rundown. There is a trade paper back out called Daredevil: Man without Fear that isnt too expensive ($10-$15) that tells the story fairly well.

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