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Dogs Or Cats?


Dogs or Cats?  

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  1. 1. Dogs or Cats?

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Ages ago in college about 20 of us had a huge argument...Dogs or Cats. I like both so I cant go either way....their both cool in their own ways. If I came back in this universe Id be a cat though........sleep 16 hours a day, you can go anywhere and do your own thing, no forced walks :). Thats the life for me :D.

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Posted by CaptainRAVE

Well I'll try harder this time. I did say ages ago that I was gonna stick around, and I said ages before then....but thats life I suppose.

Isn't it just? :D


Ah well, Ihope you visit less infrequently fron now on, at least :D;)

These forums have changed loads since I was here last though :s
Haven't they just?


Some of it's for the better, I'm sure... I just can't see what that "some" is yet... :(


I miss digl and Stormy never posts in here any more and Vag... *sigh*


Oh well, at least you and wardz are still around :)

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Wardz is still around...cool. I noticed the moderators are much harsher around here than when I was here last. Last time I was here the moderators said that some spamming was allowed in the swamp. Its annoying when they close a thread just because two people were having a genuine conversation, they should concentrate on the people who do actually spam and take more action. I blame it on whoever makes up the forum rules. And TO THE MODERATOR THAT CLOSED MY THREAD........I tried the search feature, but couldnt remember the exact name of the thread. Anyway, better get back on topic...


Did you know that if a cat is cornered by a dog the dog will come out with more damage than the cat, as the cat has very sharp claws and is fast meaning it can get out the way before the dog has a chance to do any damage. Depends on the size of the dog though ;).

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I like dogs, not just my own. I hate my friend's cats. Cats seem to be cool only with the person who owns them. I had a cat that died couple years ago and he was awesome. But he hated all my friends that came over.


Luckily for them, he had no claws! Unfortuanately for me, theirs did!

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Originally posted by Jedi_Monk

In the middle-ages, they thought that cats were demons, familiars of the devil--and I'm inclined to agree with them! My grandma's cat, especially, is a little wingless spawn of satan that tries to eat my face in the night!


However, the Egyptians considered them to be important gods, and even mummified them. :p

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Yeh cats can be energetic or lazy arses.

My cousins dog is a king charles spaniel (toy dog) and we tired it out by throwing a ball up and down the stairs continuously. It was shattered after a while and i pretended to throw the ball down the stairs again. The dog turned roudn too quickly and fell down the stairs. Now the dog thinks i'm a monster when i paly with balls (shutup) :/ The same dog is a very lazy dog it's a companion dog = lazy dog! :D it can sit by the fire 9 hours straight or sit on your lap for hours on end and issn't actually forced out the door for walks.


Cats : My old cat was great fun, it used play with string all the time and twirl roudn your legs begging for food. It reguarly sat on my keyboard and lap :) It was a great wee cat but my dad is allergic to almost all animals :rolleyes::( so now we have goldfish. But they're great too of course :)

But i go with cats :D

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Cats are evil! :D


I go with dogs, I have 4 (2 Labradors and 2 Dandie Dinmonts), I love them. Whenever I take something to eat the youngest Labrador (wich name is Laika) allways comes after since she knows I allways end up sharing it with her... ah, you just cant resist how they look at you!


My sister owned a cat some years ago, my mom and sister was allergic though so we couldnt keep it...

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