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The Alien Invasion: The Swampies Retaliate

Lunatic Jedi

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ckcsaber looked down at the swampies camp as the ship drew nearer. He looked at Obi Bond out of the side of his eye, methodically piloting the ship.


As the craft came down, ckcsaber gathered his spear and hat. He was lucky to still have them.


As the 2 got off the ship, Lunatic came out of the tent and told them the plan...

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I think that'll be more than enough to annihilate those alien bastards. If the men will be ready by 0150 hours, we'll attack at 0200. We need to get Jokemaster out of there as quickly as we can. Those prison facilities sometimes have torture chambers and labs where they test all kinds of poisons on the prisoners.


Yech... nasty.

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Bond: Yeah, I'd suspect that they'd have heavy weaponry also. As for any kind of toxins, I think Lunatic and I can find a cure for one if he is poisoned.


Topshot: Yeah. We must limit our casualties to just Bond and myself. Jokemaster is not an option for such a sacrifice!

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ckcsaber walks to his tent and prepares himself for the upcoming mission. He puts on his green coat, pats his breast pocket for his lucky dice, pulls his hat close to his head, picks up his bow and quiver, and shoulders his spear.


He walks out and awaits the others. He mutters under his breath "We're coming jokemaster."

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Coming out of nowhere, a man mysteriously appears and walks up to Topshot, Obi Bond, and the others.


???: Topshot called me over to help you guys out in this war.


Zehro:My name is Zehro and I don't want to break any ice or anything but I'm Toshot's and Obi Bond's brother. So do you guys need any help with any thing?

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On a ridge about 500 meters from the prison compound, hundreds of shadows gather and silently watch.


Lunatic mutters over the com net, "Snipers take your positions."


With these words, several snipers break off from the mass of soldiers and melt into the night.


"Okay. Infantry and heavy weapons, you wait here. When we give the signal that the security systems are disabled, everyone start shooting."


"Ckcsaber, topshot, bond, let's go."


They slowly slink down the hillside, dodging searchlights. They make their way to the ventilation shaft. They break into the shaft and crawl about ten meters before Lunatic stops.


"Okay. We're going to take out their main power generator, but first we're going to take out their auxilary generator. That way we'll be able to take them by suprise. Oh... and you might need these..."


Lunatic hands out nightvision goggles.


"When the power goes, its going to be real dark, and we need to make sure we can see what's going on. Okay, follow me."


They continue to crawl through the shaft toward the auxilary generator...

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The 4 halt as they come upon the grating above the auxilary generator room. The generator emmitted a low hum. As ckcsaber began to pull off the grating, alien murmers came up towards them.


Lunatic signaled Topshot to come forward and lift the grating as Bond and ckcsaber prepared themselves to jump down.


Removing his bow, ckcsaber pulled an arrow out of his quiver and waited for Bond to unholster his weapons.


With a quick cut of his hand, Lunatic gives the signal and topshot lifts the cover.


As ckcsaber drops down he quickly lets fly an arrow which hits its mark, the breast of an alien, and reaches for another as Bonds silenced carbines pump out bullets....

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Zehro comes in in stealth armour and touches topshot's arm: "What should I do? I've got 2 swords and three guns."


Topshot: "Stand guard."


Zehro mutters under his breath "Fine, but I was hoping for charge forward and anihilate."


Zehro walks back and stands guard.

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Topshot, force-sensitive, hears InsaneSith's voice:


Hello young fighter.



He then turns to Insane's ghost and says:


"There's no need to worry about him needing to use the force, Insane. He has learned something far more powerful. The power to manipulate life energy, or Ki. I know he needs not the training to use the force, because I trained him myself in both KI and Force Energies. He believes that KI is stronger than that of the Force........"

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The 2 aliens fell to the floor, slumped over in their own blood.


ckcsaber caustiosly checked out the rest of the room, while Bond kept an eye out for more aliens.


After seeing the room was clear, ckcsaber signaled Lunatic that the coast was clear.


Topshot, Lunatic, and Zehro dropped down, followed by the apparation of Insane Sith.


Pulling out his toolkit, Lunatic prepared to disable the auxillary generator.......

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Lunatic removes a wrench from a pouch on his belt. He whirls it around and starts removing a panel.


"Cover the door," he says. "This should only take a second... woah..."


Lunatic removes the panel to find an innavigable tangle of wiring and machinery.


"Make that a few seconds."


He inserts a fiber optic probe into the jungle of conduits to find which bundle is routed to the power feed.


"Hmm... ah! That's the power feed... now where's the wire... what the?!"


Lunatic hisses a few expletives as the sound of alien chatter reverberates from the nearby corridor. Quickly he silently motions upward with his hand, and everyone leaps into the shadowy ceiling joists without a sound.


A pair of alien engineers stroll in, chatting nonchalantly, when they spot the removed panel. As they move to investigate, they find the body of the dispatched aliens. One of them produces a small communicator to radio for help. Before he's managed to get out two words, Lunatic descends from the ceiling and puts them out of commission with a split-kick.


With relatively little sound, the aliens drop to the floor, motionless. With a sigh of relief, he motions for everybody to come back down.


"Can we do a better job of hiding the bodies this time?" he mutters, and promptly returns to working on the generator.


"Hello? Hello? What happened?" Lunatic freezes and turns around when he hears an alien voice squawking. He turns to find the source of the noise and realizes it was the engineer's communicator.


A few words trail off from the device, "Send an assault team into sector 9 and make sure they have night vision. Its dark in there."


Lunatic mutters a few dirty words and says. "Get ready! They'll be here any second. Don't bother hiding!"


Minutes later talking is heard just outside the door.


"Use a breaching charge..."


"Yes sir. Charge is armed. Fire in the hole!"


With an ear-shattering pop the steel door flies off its hinges and several armed aliens storm the room...

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Topshot, Zehro, and Bond go on the offensive, Zehro pulling out his beam saber, and the others pulling out normal lightsabers.


Heads go flying as the aliens twist and turn trying to dodge their assault, but to no aveil. 3 of them die, the other 2 manage to escape.

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ckcsaber hunches over in the dark side of the corridor, following the two escaping aliens. He pulls out his bow and reaches into his quiver. He quickly grabs and arrow and lets it fly as it thumps home, into the neck of a fleeing alien.


The second alien gives out a guttural screech as it runs even faster. ckcsaber, knowing he must dispatch of the alien quickly, picks up his spear and wildly flings it forward….


As luck would have it, the spear impales the alien cleanly thru the back of his chest.


Wrenching his spear out, he quickly grabs both bodies and drags the back into the auxiliary generator room, much to the avail of Lunatic. “I dispatched of the two, but you have to disable the generator before they send in a backup team.”


Lunatic nods silently as he sets back to his work…..

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Lunatic quickly turns back to the generator, pulling down the goggles linked to the probe and slowly pulling the fiber optic cable out. He tracks through masses of wires, trying to find the exact bundle...


"Aha! This is it!" He produces a pair of pliers from his belt and starts snipping through the wires. With each cut wire the hum of the generator diminishes. Before long, the wires have been sliced through, and the generator has been silenced. Lunatic screws the panel back on and signals to the group.


"Okay, get back into the vent before they get here!" Already Lunatic hears footsteps pounding down the corridor. Lunatic goes in last, closing the vent behind him so as not to leave a single trace. They quickly scramble down the vent as the aliens breach the door only to find... nothing.


"Damnit!" the seargent yells behind them. "They've dissapeared. We'll sweep the area, but I dont' have any idea where they could have gone."


"Alright," Lunatic says in a hushed voice, "now we're headed to the main generator, this way. Be careful. Its more heavily guarded."


Silently they crawl through the shaft...

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Catching the box, Topshot's suit automatically upgrades itself to "Morph Ball Recovery" status. Using the Morph Ball, he easily slips into the vent without getting a cramp in his back.


"This may be pretty useful. Thanks, Zehro......."

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