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One of those EXCITING days!!!


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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Alright, alright, you don't need to teach me about the Bible. But I still don't think Lot's a good name for you're kid. Lot isn't your typical hero of the Bible you would want to name your kid after, that's all i was saying.


Oh, in that case, I suppose you're right! :D


I don't think so either, but I was just throwing names out there that someone would think sounded cool, regardless of the biblical individual.


Sorry, I wasn't tryint to teach the bible, I was sticking up for the Lots, the world over! :D


You know me, I just like to debate..... :p

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Well, if its gotta be a J name and have shortened nick name, I would go with Joshua - Josh, or Jonathon - Jon. They sound pretty good to me.


Another good name, even though it does not start with a J is Bradley - Brad. Its kinda strenght conveying and has a nick name that has a good ring to it.


By the way: Please give him a good first name so he does not go by his middle name, like I do and lots of others. It will just be so much easier that way on him. :D

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

What about Rohan? Rohan Taylor doesn't sound too bad. I may be a little LOTR inspired, but I think Rohan is a real boy's name. Or, you could call him Ron. Doesn't sound too bad either.


(Hmmmmm, Qui-Gon Taylor sounds kind of cool :p)

I think you mean Johan, pronounced Yoann... I've never heard of a guy named Rohan before.
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Thanks guys! You guys are coming up with great names! Well we saw our little guy and boy is he a lot bigger!!! It was sooo neat. I have like a 20 min video of it too! We got to see him suck on the umbelical cord....kinda wierd but interesting! He was moving around so much that they couldn't take his measurements. And we have definate confirmation that he is a boy. A very well endowed boy...or so the nurses were joking. His dad is very proud. :D . I was like...okay enough of that let me see his face!! It also struck really hard for me as far as a reality check. All night long and today I've been crying my eyes out. I'm sooo nervous! I want to be a very good parent and give him the best. Right now things are not going so well. *vent* we may not have enough money so that I can stay home for long with the new baby. My fiance just had an interview with edison and he won't know for awhile if he gets the job. If he does, i can stay home longer, but my fiance is upset because he will start his new job when the baby gets here and not be able to take time off too. His parents are also critizing everything. From the diaper bad I picked out on the registry to me being too picky about the name. She refers to him as the nameless grandchild. I am just a ball of tears and I can't talk to my fiance about it because he just gets all sensitive and gets mad about it all. :( But I'm liking the names its helping a lot and I'm so happy to have all of you guys's support. means a lot!

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Cheer up Shannon, the person inside of you is going to be strong... Be as strong as him! It doesn't matter what an old granny says about him. Just think of how sorry about her mean words she's going to be when she'll see the baby :evil1:


I'm sad to hear about your financial problems. But don't worry... it's okay if you can't see your baby as long as you'd like to. He's going to spend the next 18-20 years with you, after all :)


You're going to be a great mother. Never doubt that - as long as you love your child, there will be nothing stopping you from raising him the best way possible. Have faith in your own love!

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