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Post-Smeagol - Pre-Gollum Picture!

Boba Rhett

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Ehhh. just hire a couple of NYC Firefighters, and the Balrog is extinguished:D But seriously, Gollum is Smeagol, and Smeagol is Trallad (or something like that.) I read that the name Smeagol isn't even his real name.


And over 900 years, dont you think the cells that make up the bone structure would decay and become reformed because of the ring. Remember, Gandalf said it gave him unnatural long life. And because of that, his physical appearances is that of normal body decay once one comes to think about it.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett



"Maybe everyone's seen this picture but me and I'm just stuffing your box w/ more bloody rubbish - but I found an interesting picture of Smeagol over at American Cinematographer. I haven't read the article yet - don't know if they talk about this pic - but I'm speculating that it's from one of the flashback scenes that was cut out of TTT and being saved for TROTK. Part of Smeagol's transformation into Gollum. I've heard about the scene but haven't seen anything from it till now."





I thought this was pretty cool and it's new to me. If it stops working, don't blame me. :p


Whoa, great find! :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Katarn07

I was confused about the whole Gollom thing though, when I first saw LotR: FotR.


I had no clue who he was. That little narration in the beginning, if I remember correctly, is a combo of what is said by Gandalf to Froto at Bilbo's house and the Council of Elrond (finished that chapter a few days ago). But they don't go in depth about Gollom/ Smeagol. I had to ask a AD&D friend of mine to explain.


Practically anything you want to know about Gollum and his link in the movies must be read in The Hobbit.



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