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My Country Is Going To Hell v2.0

Doubleplus GC

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So yeah, G.W. Bush snagged the presidency two years ago with almost 50% of the vote, in the midterm elections the most Bush-bootlicking Republicans stole every seat in motherfucking everything, we all got a nice hefty tax break from our loving president (48% of which went to the wealthiest 10% of the country and all of which completely failed to help the poorest 10% because they don't earn enough money to get taxed in the first place). Bush lied to the us about how defiling national forests will give us oil independence from the middle east (as if there were enough oil in the entirety of the westerm hemisphere to make up for what we get from the Arab nations), and when Congress wouldn't pass his bills to drill in them, well, he just went ahead and tried to anyway. Less than half the country voted for him but as soon as he start pitching bombs at people, suddenly 90% of the country is calling him the greatest president since Roosevelt (Franklin Delano, of course, not Teddy). DARPA now states that if I buy a book online, the government is entitled to know what I bought, where I bought it, where the money came from, and if they don't like the content they can walk into my house without a warrant to look for something incriminating, and let's not forget the classic police tactic of arresting peaceful protesters under "felony consipracy" and letting them rot in jail for three months before they even get a trial.


And, of course, the Homeland Securities bill was so porkbarrelled that it includes the rider that states that if I have a kid and I get him a vaccination that is improperly sterilized and contains mercury, and my kid ends up mentally retarted from mercury poisoning, well, I'm just shafted, because now no one is to blame.


But thank you for the tax break, Bush, because it gave my dad another hundred dollars per paycheck for about six months until, in a perfect display of fully functioning Raegonomics, the economy followed 8 years the largest and fastest economic growth in American history with a giant economic recession, the result of which was my father getting laid off. So thanks for the extra $600 dollars, man, it more than makes up for being out 180 grand a year, and I can spend it on college tuition, because California state (which still ranks about 45th out of 50 states in education) has a bill to slash funding to community colleges to put more money towards the war effort and towards building prisons, and if the bill passes tuition will almost quadruple and 500 summer classes will be dropped, and 15,000 more Californians will simply not go to college. They can go to prison instead.


Yes, thank you for the tax break, I'm sure we'll remember it fondly when you jack taxes right back up again to pay for a $379 billion war on Iraq and gas shoots up to four bucks a gallon while Exxon sits on the rights to the electric and hydro-powered automobile which would cost all of $0 to operate during a petroleum crisis.


But I shouldn't talk so negatively, because DARPA is probably watching, and they can fling the name terrorist at whomever they want. See, "terrorist" is such a lovely word. And the genius of Bush is the ongoing "War On Terrorism," and naturally, a terrorist is anyone we omnipotent Yankees fling the term at. And the definitions are ever-changing! Check it: ten years ago (under the loving and guiding hand of the last George Bush), we flung the term happily at this gang of militant gun-toters called the Northern Alliance, and paid this wholesome group of freedom-fighters called the Al Qaeda to take them out (while discretely turning our backs every time the Al Qaeda used their guns and expert CIA training to send carbombs into Israel). But then, ten years later, the Al Qaeda uses that same expert CIA training to hijack four US passenger planes and knock over the World Trade Center, and turn the Pentagon into a quadrilateral. Now, fortunately, we can combat the evil Osama because we can give guns and money to a nearby freedom-loving army; the Northern Alliance. And, if they can't do it, we can simply drop bombs on Afghanistan for harboring terrorists, which is not at all allegorical to some random country threatening to bomb us for not turning over the Unibomber.


And now we're irate about Saddam having weapons in Iraq (several of which are left over from when we gave them to him in the first place), and so we'll drop more bombs on him until he promises to give us all the oil we want and to not keep weapons and to really try to be a nicer dictator, and in ten years when the next George Bush is president, he can run the same routine for a third time! Bush Inc. really has a racket going in the Middle East!


There are several million people in Iraq and only one of them is Saddam Heussein, and as long as he has the oil he's probably the only one guaranteed to live through this. Many of those millions desperately want Heussein gone and want a democracy in Iraq, but by Bush's logic they deserve to die for Heussein's crimes. George W. Bush is responsible for thousands of deaths in Afghanistan, so I guess by the same logic I and the rest of the American people deserve to die for that.


I guess that the world would be a happier place if everone would just realize that the United States invented freedom in 1776, and I guess we still hold the patent. There are severe penalties infringement.

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...oh, for anyone who's been paying attention, you can see that I have actually been keeping up to speed on the situation this time, as opposed to my long and horribly ignorant diatribe post in the weeks immediately following 9-11 in which I proved myself no better than the other ignorant hosebags in this country. Yay me!

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Check it: ten years ago (under the loving and guiding hand of the last George Bush), we flung the term happily at this gang of militant gun-toters called the Northern Alliance, and paid this wholesome group of freedom-fighters called the Al Qaeda to take them out (while discretely turning our backs every time the Al Qaeda used their guns and expert CIA training to send carbombs into Israel).




Anyway, my country is the one going to hell, and people are so beyond caring.

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Hmm. We've been recieving lots of information here about the Al Qaeda "claiming responsibility" for attacks on Israel, but I wouldn't be too surprised if they were unfounded.


Well, scratch that one, they're still bad people and we still gave them lots of guns and money to be bad people. Sorry for the disinformation.


Hey, Bush's state of the union speech didn't have as many funny "breast and brightest" statements, but he did have one really hilarious comment about bringing freedom to the people of Iraq. I guess he likes Kotzwinkle also.


"Death is freedom"

-Dr. Rat

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This would still have happened if Gore has been elected. It's in both America and the UK's best interests to maintain the oil embargo and keep the sanctions placed on Iraq afte the Gulf War, to stop anyone stealing the profits that they are making from Saudi Arabia's increased oil production.


Countries like China, Russia & France are trying to lift the sanctions on the other hand, as they have already made deals with Saddam. Coincidentally, it's these three nations (along with the UK and the US) that basically control the UN security council.


This whole war is simply based on greed. Thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians who have no say in the running of the country will be undoubtedly killed.


This war won't solve anything. Many will die, Hatred towards America will be greatly increased from many countries, and billions of tax-dollars will be blown on a brand new set of toy soldiers for the Bush administration to play with.


And if Hussein does have those nuclear weapons, they're probably being "locked and loaded" about now.

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Like millions of protestors among 6 billion people will change his mind. Also, brainless liberals who blast trite, bullshit rhetoric that's just passed from liberal to liberal by word of mouth, not careful research.


Not that there's anything wrong with Liberals, it's just that many of them around Seattle are highly ignorant of factual information and tend to just make sht up and call it reality. Good, educated liberals are fine with me, and I consider myself among them.

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