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In Hell...

Havoc Stryphe

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I just thought this could be a fun thread. We poke fun at companies, countries, people etc... by making comments like:


In Hell, all PC's are forced to have Microsoft Windows ME for operating sytems.


In Hell, All TV stations are Ronco Paid advertisement infomercials.


In Hell, Every Room has a life size photo of Darth Homer staring at you.





Now go on and try your own. Just remember, this is all in fun. No flaming please! :D

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In Hell, your shoes are always three sizes too small.


In Hell, no soup for you!


In Hell, AOL is the only ISP. And why not? After all, it was invented by Satan.


In Hell, the key component of underwear is iron wool.


In Hell, you can never find the remote.


In Hell, All Folk rock. All the time!*


In Hell, you don't eat the ham sandwiches. The ham sandwiches eat YOU!


In Hell, your sandwiches will have a scorpions in them - but not every day. That's why it's hell, kid.




* = well, some is good.

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In Hell, everyone is forced to drive '82 Stationwagons with wooden paneling down the side.


In Hell, all milk is powdered, non-fat!


In Hell, everyone is forced to exercise with Richard Simmons every morning.


In Hell, The grass really is always greener on the otherside.


In Hell, Newspapers are all printed solely in "1337"!

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In Hell, all popcorn is non-fat and butter free :eek:


In Hell, there is a tape recorder in every room that always playing Andrew Carlburg's laugh. If you knew what i was talking about then you'd all convert this instant, no joke!


In Hell, everyone is a pusher. If you played tennis you'd know what i'm talking about


In Hell, the power always goes out just as your about to save 4 hours of Final Fantasy playing....grrr.....;)

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

In Hell, Dark Tides would never get updated....hey, wait a second...


Hey, don't look at me! :D



In Hell, the only sports on TV are Bowling and Ice Dancing.


In Hell, we'd have to go to school for 7 hours a day...err...wait....


In Hell, everytime you get off the phone it rings again right away.


In Hell, AP US History is double block


In Hell, Democrats run the government.

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In Hell, there is no such thing as conservativism, all pain is equal and in great amounts.


In Hell, all the toilets and showers are clogged.


In Hell, there is nothing in the fridge except for moldy leftovers.


I'll think of some more later. :D

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Origionally posted by Rhett

In Hell, your sandwiches will have a scorpions in them - but not every day. That's why it's hell, kid.


caught you! Far Side Gallery 2! I just read it! ha! i foiled your plan of global domination by getting everyone to think you're funny by posting a joke you didn't write!! :D;)


In Hell, the only person allowed to post would be NL_Ackbar.


In Hell, you'd have Mr. Martin every class for all eternity (arky's will get it)


In Hell, the only video games you're allowed to play are Olsen Twin games. *shudder*


In Hell, you'd have a monster sound system for your car, but the bass is permantly turned off. :D

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