New Slogan poll. Poll closes Jan 27, Vote Now!
Choose the LucasForums Jedi Academy Slogan
31 members have voted
1. Choose the LucasForums Jedi Academy Slogan
"We are protectors of the peace. Not spammers."2
"One Jedi's home, one Academy's journey... "2
"Where destruction has wrought, heroes shall rise from the ashes..."14
"We are nothing more, nothing less.....we are justice."2
"No spam. No prejudice. No hatred. Only good."3
"There is no flaming, there is patience. There is no prejudice, there is kindness. There is no spam, there is relevance.There is no hatred, there is meekness."1
"Where the real men and women come to play."2
"Love yourself, for if you do not, you are incapable of loving others."0
"There is no dark...only light.1
"The light side will prevail."1
"Come for the community. Stay for the insanity."1
"Welcome to the Acadademy! Remember, don't feed the trolls!"1
"Lucasforums jedi academy, Jedi Outcast's treasure."0
"May the Light overcome you."1
"The truth is not visible in the dark."0
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