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Greatest Fear?


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My greatest fear would be someone holding me underwater, with me unable to move or breath. That would be a horrible way to die. I have nightmares about it on a regular basis.


My other fears would be getting tortured, dying without accomplishing my goals, or seeing my parents or brother die in front of me.

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For humanity as a whole, I am afraid of us getting struck by a meteor or comet; what a stupid way to die, cause you can't even really try to stop it or do anything about it.


For myself, I am afraid of big bugs. Not little ones like ants, but like abnormally big ones. Ok now I'm shaking cause I'm thinking about it...

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Originally posted by SmartDragon

not really scared of anything. And definatly not death or drowning (would I Scuba dive otherwise). The only thing that bothers me is what happens if everyone I carefore dies (not that large a group of people).


For SmartDragon's eyes only (come on guys - be honourable here!)



I'm the one your eant to tell about these things! Whilst I have nothing against the Swampies, there is something about being last to know this stuff after even this guys that just gets my back up! It's not that small a group, and you know full well that where friends are concerned, quality is everything.



And now for the general public:


Yeah - agree - losing those I care for.


Death in general really.


And being alone. When I was young, was the one that was the fan the **** hit, if you get what I mean. I learnt to just get on with what ever I was doing. Solitude became fine.


But now, with Uni, solitude sucks. It still comes around at times, but you rarely need it. And now, when it does come around - it scares me. I will go out with friends when I am REALLY not in the mood for the simple reason that I do NOT want to be alone.


Lost too much of my childhod to being a lone wolf - time to run with the pack.

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Hmm... I'd say having my gf cheat on me. For some reason, I am incredibly protective of her in that sense, and I've had nightmares where she cheats on me. I'm suspicious of every guy she may be friends with, even though I trust her. I dont get mad at her if she's friends with other guys. I just get very clingy of her when we are around them. I dunno, I guess it reeks of some subconcious insecuritys or something.


I'm trying to work past it, and she's helping me. A lot.

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

Hmm... I'd say having my gf cheat on me. For some reason, I am incredibly protective of her in that sense, and I've had nightmares where she cheats on me. I'm suspicious of every guy she may be friends with, even though I trust her. I dont get mad at her if she's friends with other guys. I just get very clingy of her when we are around them. I dunno, I guess it reeks of some subconcious insecuritys or something.


I'm trying to work past it, and she's helping me. A lot.


Dude - try having a bisexual gf and then get attacks of jealousy!


Feels more like all out paranoia that everyone is out t get you when its bad.


Luckily its rare, as my gf is, for some daft reason, completely in love with me ( :p )

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

Actually, with a bit of alcohol in her she is that. But it often works out well for me. ;):D;):D


Okay - I am serious when I ask this...


For my gf's 21st, I wish to set up something which, being bisexual, she hasalways wished to experience (and I would find rather enjoyable also ;) )

How do you go about approaching someone to ask them for a threesome!


So many nice women, but NO idea how to go about it.


Must be bryuatlly, scarely, honest here - my current gf is my ONLY ever gf, and she pulled me! (Nothing wrong with that - pc and independace etc... :p )


Need some tips!


Im scared it will blow up in my face! (its a fear, therefore post is not spam or subject change... kinda! :D )

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