Jatt13 Posted February 7, 2003 Share Posted February 7, 2003 this isn't so much a stupid action as it is just plain stupid. i was in english class today, and these two people in my class started arguing about the differences about a fireplace and a furnace. now, english is normally pretty boring, and i can understand how they started discussing it. i sometimes scrape the bottom of the barrel for topics, too. but these guys weren't discussing. they were getting sorta angry and yelling at each other. it was pretty ridiculous. also, i was at a show called Blast II: Shockwave (which is a FRICKEN awsome show that i'd recommend to anyone who has the oppertunity to see it) the other night with a couple of friends, and we were looking through our programs. on the back, it had an advertisement for tickets to the theater we were at for Cats. now, there was a number you could call to order that had an extension at the end. it looked sorta like this: 555-555-5555 x11 now, i glanced at it and understood that "11" was the extension number, but the 2 people i was with looked at it and started talking about how you had to dial the number 11 times. they couldn't figure out whether you should dial the number, hang up, dial it angain, hang up, and keep doing that 9 more times, or if it meant just keep on dialing the number over and over again until you did it 11 times. they wondered how you'd do that, because your hand would get tired and you'd probably mess up at least once. i think one of them had an idea that it didn't mean dial it 11 times, and still didn't know a/b it being an extension, but the other one was completely clueless. i had to explain it to them, and after i did i got a big "ooooooooooohhhh...". it was pretty stupid. (artoo, i'm talking a/b cowling and jacobs) well, i started this thread to tell you about stupid things that happened to me, but i want to hear yours, too. if anything stupid has happened to you, tell us. i find them pretty funny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagobahn Eagle Posted February 7, 2003 Share Posted February 7, 2003 - A friend of mine's cheecks dimple when she smiles/laughs, and a friend pointed this out to her, except she said braces instead of dimples.. funny thing is, it took my friend a while to figure it out . "Don't smile, your braces show". "Huh?" "Your BRACES. When you smile;)". Shoudn't be too tough, should it? Proves my theory that how stupid you are=how cute you are. All cutes are stupid. Period. - Second one: This girl in my English class who just ran at the door without using the door handle.. twice. Random American ignorants: - On the CIS: "Short for... uhm... 'Communistic'.. uh..." - On Russia: "Russia's now a democracy". -Teacher. "Then why are we against them?" -student. - On Russia, by my history teacher: 1: "The Soviets used the hammer and sickle as their symbol.. don't know if they still do today." 2: (points to map of Russia) "That big orange area in Asia [pointing to Russia] is the Soviet Union the way it used to be. Now it's not that huge, as it's [Russia] has broken up into smaller pieces" ROFL 3: "In '91, they held an election for a president or prime minister or whatever, and now they call themselves a Democracy. Although I'm not sure if they are a democracy..." My friend on the school bus: 1. "Do they eat cats and dogs in Norway?" 2. "Is Germany still under the nazis?" <- Some girl in my US history class also wanted to know this... 3. She also can't find the USA on a map with no labels on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygomaticus Posted February 7, 2003 Share Posted February 7, 2003 A person whose short story I was peer-editing really wrote this: "He was as tall as a six-foot-three tree" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted February 7, 2003 Share Posted February 7, 2003 today on my way home from getting my dog his license i was bored and there was this guy so i kinda stalked him he walked all the way down to the school and then back the direction he came, like what the heck? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ratmjedi Posted February 7, 2003 Share Posted February 7, 2003 Well I wasnt in the class when this happened, but my friends tole me about it. It was in Rotc class and they were talking about the German Air Force or Luftwaffe as they call it. Then this dumb ass kid asks "Why did they call it the Luftwaffe? Couldn't they of called it something that we would all understand?" I laughed my ass when I first heard this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagobahn Eagle Posted February 9, 2003 Share Posted February 9, 2003 Quote today on my way home from getting my dog his license i was bored and there was this guy so i kinda stalked him he walked all the way down to the school and then back the direction he came, like what the heck? It's called exercise. Or were you reffering to yourself stalking someone out of boredom;)? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Odin Posted February 9, 2003 Share Posted February 9, 2003 Well this was a couple months ago but. I had to explain to a college student that the Al Queda was not a city in Afghanistan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jatt13 Posted February 12, 2003 Author Share Posted February 12, 2003 he he he. stupid people make me laugh. in my health class we once had to convince this one guy that the hot water and the cold water didn't come in two seperate pipes. we had to explain it came in one pipe and the hot water heater heated it, and he still didn't get it. go figure. and the other day i was sitting in math class. there's this girl that sits behind me that's pretty ditzy normally, but this was just weird. it was quite, and she was drinking some fruit drink. we were all doing homework. suddenly, she whispers "Psycho!" and spews the drink all over me! i was like, "what the heck?!" and she just laughed. everyone else just sorta stared. this was a time when the stupid person made me mad instead of laugh. oh well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Homer Posted February 12, 2003 Share Posted February 12, 2003 Quote Originally posted by Jatt13 hot water heater heated it I would just like to take this opportunity to point out that you don't need to heat hot water...it's proper name is a water heater, just fyi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Havoc Stryphe Posted February 12, 2003 Share Posted February 12, 2003 Quote Originally posted by Darth Homer I would just like to take this opportunity to point out that you don't need to heat hot water...it's proper name is a water heater, just fyi Unless of course you are referring to the tank appartus as a whole, including the water heater. Then it is referred to as a "Hot water Tank". But yes, the heating apparatus alone is just referred to as the water heater, whether gas/propane/oil flame or an electric coil. Just F.Y.I! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Artoo Posted February 12, 2003 Share Posted February 12, 2003 Now this is a good thread! Ummmm, let me think what are any random tales of stupidity I can think of. Well... for one that idiot in Health also believes that if you eat half a twinkie there isn't half of it left. That is one funny class. All guys, teacher who doesn't care. the discussions get pretty wild. Also one of the guys at my school wears a thong. I'm not kidding. He wears a female thong. If it's any consolation he wears boxers over it though. That leads to some very interesting class discussions. We think he has gender identification problems. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darthfergie Posted February 13, 2003 Share Posted February 13, 2003 WTF? I hadn't heard THAT one! Good greif... Stupidity...hmmm...now this is a hard one...*avoids sharp looks turning in his direction* How about that person who tried to kill me the other day. Which one you ask? Why it was the one with a sword in her hand and a smile on her lips...blood was soon to be spilt. Entering the classroom I knew something was wrong. Ferren was crying at his desk and yelling something about the end of the world was at hand. I looked around and we had no teacher. I asked Ferren why he was yelling. "Where do you think Mrs. (-----) is?" "Um...I dunno" "SHEEEEEES MAKING COPIES! COPIES DO YOU HEAR ME!!!! WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!!!" By then others had entered the room and were staring at Ferren. But soon it was all revealed to us. Mrs. (------) came into the classroom with the BIGGEST PILE OF WORKSHEETS I had ever seen. It was at least half her hight. I thought "oh sh**." "NOOOO MRS. (-----) YOU CAN NOT DOOOOOO THIS TO US!" shouted a distraught Ferren. "WHYYYYYYY!?!?!?! WHY ME!?!?!?!" "BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Ferren did you really think you could escape my WRATH!" replied Mrs. (-----) menacingly. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! PLEASE NO!!!" "Ok." "WHAT?" "Ok...these are for Senior English...not this class." "BA! MY LIFE HAS BEEN SAVE! THANK YOU MRS (-----) THANK YOU! OH I LOVE LIFE!" "Ferren arn't you over-reacting?" Ferren quickly recides into a curled ball of emberissment. For you see...Ferren is about the most introverted, egoistic, evil dictator this world has ever seen. So naturally it was friggin halarious:D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Artoo Posted February 14, 2003 Share Posted February 14, 2003 Another Random Tale of Stupidity! Anyway this is about that girl in Math that sprayed water on Jatt. Anyway we were taking a quiz and question #1 said, "Write the equation in standard form." And she asked the teacher if it was a yes or no question. To which after people had gotten done going, "Arrrrrrgh!" I said, "No ------, It's true or false." Another good one from today, I was putting change into the vending machine to get a Crunch bar, and I had about 50 cents in and was searching for a dime, when this girl in my grade walked up beside me and put a quarter in the machine. I just kinda stared at her, and asked her if she was going to let me buy something and she was like, "You were paying for something? Oh, my, goodness." And she started laughing, so I hit the change button and gave her quarter back to her (just barely she was laughing prety hard) and bought my crunch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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