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i seriously appologize


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i appologize for my threads last week. i am very sorry and dont know what came over me. now that i look back i want to be a serious active member to your forum. i am asking you to unblock my ip. if you do this for me then if ever do anything in the futur i will be glad to allow you to block the ip. once again i appologize

thank you for listining.



Ps:my previous name was maise_l12003 thank you once again

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I need a better excuse as to why you not only started those threads but also sent malicious PMs to several of our members and seemingly knew about them. In one of them you called yourself Bill. Are you that Bill character who was bothering the GB discussion forums? If not, who are you and how do you know about these guys?

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I need a better excuse as to why you not only started those threads but also sent malicious PMs to several of our members and seemingly knew about them. In one of them you called yourself Bill. Are you that Bill character who was bothering the GB discussion forums? If not, who are you and how do you know about these guys?



Hey, sorry of this happened. Maise is a friend of mine.


Here is the story


He was surfing around on the internet one day using our school's computer and found this forum. He was bored, so he decided join and mess around with the people, just to see what they would say. Before he got banned, he read a few of the threads and discovered he liked the forum. So, please give him another chance.





BTW, his name is not Bill. LOL

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Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

Im not sure if I can say this... but in short... he posted porno EVERYWHERE... and if my memory serves me correctly... rhett spent hours cleaning it all... or one of the mod's... Im pretty sure it was rhett...


I think it was Leon...(or a supermod)


That was before Rhett and Jay became mods (because I remember being on while it was being posted and it stayed posted for several hours because 1 mod was clearly not enough :\ ) and they volunteered the next day to make sure that didn't happen again.


But yes. That is who we were afraid it was.

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You do not mess around with other people to see their reaction. Seriously, you need to get a better grip on yourself before you start communicating with people at all, if this is your ideal of a past time activity.


I'd give him a second chance, but if he screws up just one more time, he's a goner. Keep him on the short leash, and watch him closely.


My take on this.

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I say give him a second chance.


Everyone in here has done something that they regretted afterwards and wished that they could of had a second chance.


Unban his IP but he is going to have to earn our trust cause we aren't going to forget about this.



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Anyway, I believe in second chances, and I'm sure we'd love to have you here atleast *I* would


yeah, right. you just hope he'll give you more oppertunity to spam. ;)


anyway, second chances are good. i'm glad you gave him one. but if you put one toe out of line, mister... [/parental voice]


just kidding (sorta) :D

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