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Zak McKracken 2

Darth NeoVenom

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I think there have been a couple of Zak 2 projects actually, but it's late and I'm too tired to do the research.


I know one was released, but in the German language only, which may or may not be good news to you. Have a look around, type it into google etc - I definitely downloaded it and it looked and ran like the original, with a nice update to the interface (like Monkey Island received when it was placed on a shiny disc).

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Originally posted by Gabez

I'd be surprised if they didn't know about it already. I hear they keep a pretty keen ear aimed at the fan community.


Yeah, I know LucasArts have a user account that they use to browse anonymously, don't ask me how, I think it was Metallus who posted it.


That's another good reason not to announce a game before you've even started producing it (eg Legends of Lechuck). The guy who made 'Night of the Hermit' defied LucasArts because he kept quiet about his project. The other reasons being that you don't get badgered constantly by people saying "Is it ready yet", you don't get moaned at when you decide "not" to do the projects (eg Zak 2 Rockstars doesn't seem to be progressing), and there's no pressure; pressure being an evil thing when it comes to volountary work.

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Originally posted by scabb

I think there have been a couple of Zak 2 projects actually, but it's late and I'm too tired to do the research.


I know one was released, but in the German language only, which may or may not be good news to you. Have a look around, type it into google etc - I definitely downloaded it and it looked and ran like the original, with a nice update to the interface (like Monkey Island received when it was placed on a shiny disc).

It's being translated into several languages at the time being, or that's at least what I got knowledge of. The creator used backgrounds and sprites from Zak256...


Originally posted by scabb

I think "Alien Rockstars" was hosted by AdventureGamers.

Either that, or they just quit.

Yeah. It was.

I'm looking farward to it, even though, not so helpful crew... They won't share any secrets... :(


I hope there will be an original sequel of Zak though.

Man, I loved the game :)

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Originally posted by Alien426

But without some supportive and encouraging mails to keep you going it can get pretty agonizing to finish a project once the initial pep has worn off.


Yes, I suppose it does have it's disadvantages too.

Still, you could make a few posts in forums and maybe share a few details in chat rooms, and the encouragement would be there with LucasArts none the wiser.

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Originally posted by Lemon Head

word gets around far quicker than we might think, it sounds a little paranoid but LucasArts has had a big crackdown on fan games recently.


Yes, I recall "Legends of Lechuck" and "Fate of Monkey Island 2" having their production halted a few years back, and then there's the whole ScummVM fiasco. I think LucasArts are calming down a bit now due to the backlash caused by their cease and desist letters. I know there were a few mentions of the cancelled games in PC Gamer, and even non-Lucas-fans wrote in complaining.

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