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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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reappears and begins to meditate in the middle of the bar....


he is not disturbing anything, but is sorta in the way, so topshot moves to kick boinga1.




A Force field, projected around boinga1, keeps away intruders.


Topshot is moving at half speed for 1 1/2 posts. Boinga1 is meditating until he wants to stop.

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*Zaius takes the chair out of himself (no notification of death) and uses force heal on himself*


Homer you have forsaken one of your own kind by siding with a jedi and throwing a harmless styraphome chair, and for that you shall suffer


*Darth Zaius uses force pull/grip on Darth Homer and then slams him to the ground , going higher and harder untill he explodes*


*Darth Homer is dead for 3 posts*


and as for you Corran, you shall die *Dath Zaius turns on his lightsaber, flips behind Corran and chops him in half (the slow and painful way)


*Corran is dead for 4 posts*


*raises up lightsaber, in a guarding position*


ok who`s next?!

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" Bar tender Correlians please"


*death used the Correlians on Darth homer and corran, Then looks over at Top Shot*


"For taking me by surprise like that ......you will die"


*Pulls out his blue double blade (Jedi) saber and runs at top shot and chops his happer in half and it falls on the ground, death then kicks it at topshot and it hits him in the head sending him flying into the wall*


"OWW my toe"


*now he is angery and runs up to topshot and stabs him in the sholder and he sinks to the ground, then cuts off his head*




Topshot is out for 3 posts

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*Awakes from his meditation*


Wha-wtf? Where am I?!!?


Reaches for his belt and realizes that he's wearing two lgihtsabers.




Activates both sabers, and goes mad. He stabs Death_Jedi in the chest, then suddenly the sabers dissappear, and so does Boinga1.


Death is out 2 posts.

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*Corran gets up and looks around*


"Hmm. Let's see now. Death has a lightsaber wound in the chest, Topshot has no head, Psion's in the mist, Zaius has a Soul Reaver in his stomach, Homer exploded..."


*Corran double-checks his list, then sits back, satisfied.*


"Nobody's left! PARTY! Drinks on the house!"

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*Homer's pieces liquify and flow back together, reforming on the bar stool next to Corran*


OW!! Remind me to never piss off Zaius again...geez that hurt....got anymore of that Corelian Ale?


*Corran and Homer proceed to have a drinking contest w/ Corelia's finest ale*


------------------Time Passes-------------------



*hic*I LOVE you man!! I means we're still enemeshs and all, 'cause I'm Ssssssssith and you are Jed*hic*I, but I LOVE you!!*passes out*


Homer is passed out for 2 posts & Corran is drunk for 2 posts

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Losing both head and torso, Topshot's body reassembles itself and his head and torso are reattached.


"Ow. Regeneration hurts!"


Then he looks over to Death.


"Was that all you got? If not......."


*Forces Death to explode.*


".....see you later!"


*Walks out of the bar with Death's blue dualbladed Jedi saber.*


Death has become one with the force and only has 2 chances of revival left.

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Laughs evilly...suddenyl....


Boinga1's body turns into Agent Smith! RUN!


Smith begins running around turing everyone into copies of himself....


topshot is a Smith for 3 posts (unless killed)


Boinga1 is a Smith for 3 posts (unless killed)

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joe grabs out a tribarrel heavy revolver and blasts away boinga and topshot. "Sorry...at least ur not smith anymore" :D


topshot and boinga are out for 1 post ;) (I'm being nice)


...but suddenly, joe turns into neo!! YAAAA!!!


*Takes out a gun and starts walking off walls and other matrix stuff you know*

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*From floor, Homer sticks his ignited saber up into the air*


*joetheeskimo5/Neo runs himself right through the saber*


Hmm, looked like Neo, just didn't dodge like him...


joetheeskimo5 is out for 2 posts


Oh well, back to drinking...


Homer is sitting in the corner, drinking uninterrupted for 3 posts

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As if Smith wouldn't have dodged a revolver...



Boinga1 sits at the bar, since no one is fighting.


"Glass of water?" he asks.


Patrons all laugh- water in a bar? Come on!


Boinga1 stabs the bartender, then the guy next to him.


"That'll shut 'em up for a while."


Bartender is dead forever; guy next to Boinga1 is out 2 posts (whoever he may be).

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*Corran recovers from his drunken stupor and looks around*


"Hey, Homer, I won! You owe me 20 creds!"


*Corran glances at the bar to see Boinga stab an innocent patron sitting next to him, as well as the not-so-innocent bartender.*


"Hmm. Time to do a bit of community service."


*Corran hauls the bartender's corpse away and takes his place.*


"Drinks, anyone? Boinga, your water..."


Corran is now bartender ^^

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*Death gets up and feels he has no saber*




*he runs out of the bar and catchs up to topshot*


"Hay! give me back my lightsaber"


*death grabs topshot by the shirt and punchs him in the head*


"now im gonna kill you.....with......a......rock....yea like a ...like a stone....."


*death picks up a rock and hits topshot over the head with it, then steals his blue double bladed saber back then runs behind a bush then comes out dressed in a black cloak with a blue line going around the bottom of it*


"arrr its good to be a jedi"


*runs back to bar and sits on bar stool*


"Corran hit me"




"ow i mean as in a drink..."


*starts to rub jaw*

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*gets enouugh power to take the soul reaver out and takes it out* AAAARRRGGGGHHHHHHAAAHHHH!!!!!!! *force heals himself* since your the bartender now Corran, and this is a party,ill make a temporary truce, so give me 100 shots of guiness so we can play the 100 shots game:guiness:

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*gets enouugh power to take the soul reaver out and takes it out* AAAARRRGGGGHHHHHHAAAHHHH!!!!!!! *force heals himself* since your the bartender now Corran, and this is a party,ill make a temporary truce, so give me 100 shots of guiness so we can play the 100 shots game:guiness:

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The rock only stunned him, so he played dead while he took out Death's real lightsaber, knowing that Death had actually taken the false copy which was set to explode whenever he gave it to someone else.


Well, what do you know? he questioned, then answered,He actually took the bomb! Heheheheheh. That'll actually come in handy for both him AND me! Muwahahahahahah!!!!!!!



(Edited due to proper request by Darth Homer.)

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*Topshot suddenly sees a red saber sticking out from his chest. It quickly retracts, just in time for him to be sliced in half at the waist. Homer then reconnects his two saber halves.*


You really shouldn't talk to yourself like that.


*Homer takes Death's real lightsaber & uses the force to rip the fake one away from Death & hurl it through one of the many holes in the roof before it detonates.*


Here, Death. I think you'll find this one more familiar.


*Homer throws Death's saber to his waiting hand*


Topshot is down for 3 posts

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((ooc: So you're saying that a force user couldn't tell when you were playing dead? Or motives? It also seems that you expressed your thoughts and then the same thoughts again...don't put quotes around your thought, makes people think you're speaking...put thoughts in asteriks or italics, something to make them stand out as different...just a thought. Currently, I will not edit my post, I'll let popular opinion decide. If you think I should pm me about it and I'll make my decision.))

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*Death pulls out his saber and trys to make it come out but it wouldnt*


"What the"


*he thew it away and it hit darth zaius, he looked down at it with a smile then it blew up in his face, death then looked behind him and to see that it had of blown up*




*Zaius is out for 2 posts*

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*Corran fills a drink from a random container, then puts it next to Death's.


"Um, sorry it's late."


*Corran begins to laboriously pour out a hundred shots of Guiness from a seemingly bottomless container, but swiftly gets sick of it and uses the Force to pour all the shots in a matter of seconds.*


"Um... Zaius? Here you go."


*Patrons look over and sees that one end of the bar is entirely covered in shot glasses. Corran waves his hand and they all fly over to Zaius' corpse and land, surrounding him.*


"Be careful when you get up. Anyone for a drink?"


*Hearing no response, Corran shrugs and pours himself some Vanilla Coke. He glances up and sees Homer staring at him with an evil glint in his eye.*


"Hey, Homer. Um... what's wrong? You- oh, no, you're one of those scary anti-vanilla-coke people."


*Homer continues to stare.*


"Stop that! You're scaring the customers!"


*Homer continues to stare. Corran sighs.*


"Fine.. we're going to have to do this the hard way."


*Corran pulls a Stokhli spray stick out of his belt and fires it at Homer. The webbing swiftly immobilises him and he collapses to the ground.*


"Now. Anyone for a drink?"


Homer is out for 2 posts

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*Outside JediNyt lands his YT-2000 and walks into the cantina and promptly ducks a stray beer bottle smashing into the wall behind him. He strolls over to the bar and orders a Ruby Bliels. While waiting he sees MydnightPsion get bashed.*


"Ouch. Nice hit topshot."


*He takes his Ruby Bliels and picks a comfortable spot in the back of the cantina in the shadows and sits in his black Jedi robe and enjoys his drink while watching the fights. His senses are open to possible threats to himself.*

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