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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*Darth Homer suddenly reappears, the Dark Side coursing through him*


You may have noticed that I have been absent for quite some time. I have been building my resources and planning my attacks in preparation for my return. Now I am here and the time of your doom draws nigh...


*Homer looks around the bar at all who are standing. He spies Wesia trying to slip out of the door.*


Where do you think you're going?


*force chokes Wesia & lifts him off the ground*


I think someone needs to learn how to listen politely...


*an evil grin crosses Homer's face*


Time to die!


*Wesia body spasms and he collapses to the floor, dead.*


Now then...who's next?


*Homer ignites his double saber & goes into a defensive stance*


Wesia Daoke is dead for 2 posts

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*cracks Homer in the head with the skull on the Soul Reaver*

*Homer turns slowly*

Me: Uh oh...it was JediNyt! I swear!

Homer: *Vader breathing*I am your father!*heavy breathing*

Me: Um, no.

Homer: Damn, it worked for Vader! *uses Grip on me*

Me: *choke* Ow...*gag* Lemme go!

Homer: No way, this is fun!

*realizing I still have the Reaver, I jam it into Homer's eye, sending him screaming blindly into walls, tables, and chairs*


Darth Homer is knocked unconcience for 2 posts and blinded until he is healed

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Boinga1 uses the infamous red DFA on Psion, killing him.


"ah-ha! Wilson's back!"


Boinga1 grabs a baseball bat and duels Captain Wilson, who has grabbed a chair leg. Wilson attempts to use Wesia Daoke's leg as another weapon, but Boinga1 knocks away this groteste weapon and the chair leg, knocking Wilson to the floor. Boinga1 stand poised above Wilson, bat raised above his head, ready to strike.


Oh yes, Psion is out for 3 posts.

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*Becomes conscious after hearing too much bantering going on and busts a pop bottle, aiming for Samfisher's throat. Fisher also busts a bottle, ready to fight.*


me: You're goin' down!!!!

Samfisher: Over my dead body and yours!


*Fisher charges towards me with bottle in hand. I swiftly dodged and twisted his arm behind his back.*


me: Give up yet?


SF: No way!


me: Fine then. Say Uncle!


*I twist his arm even tighter, then hit 'im over the head with the pop bottle.*


SamFisher is out for 3 posts or until somebody heals him.

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Hey boinga1 let me buy you a drink ol buddy.


*Orders a drink for boinga1 and when hes not looking JediNyt pours a bottle of laxitive into it and then casually pass it to him.* :evil2:


Enjoy. You deserve a break...hehehe. :D


*boinga1 downs the drink and leaps back into the brawl. JediNyt watches and waits.*

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*Corran gets up from where he's been lying unconscious behind the bar for the past page or so*


*He glances over at the fight*


Nice move, Nyt. How about I speed things up a little?


*Exchanging grins with JediNyt, Corran flicks his fingers and uses the Force to slightly accelerate Boinga's metabolism. A few seconds later, Boinga suddenly gasps and begins to rush towards the toilets*


Boinga is out for 2 posts... but will he make it to the toilets to begin with?

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*kicks the door in and bears a mini-gun in one hand and a bazooka in the other*

*fires aimlessly into the cantina*

*people dive for cover and dive out windows*

*the bullets simply made a smiley face on the back wall*

*fires the rocket into the supply of liqour destroying it*

HAHAHAHA!! Booyaaaaaaaacaaa!!!

*reloads the bazooka and fires it into the bathrooms, destroying them so boinga must find other means to relieve his problem*

Hehehe...I'm bad...

*boinga is out for an additional post whilst he searches for a toilet(I know its not aloud but it makes sense, ya?)*


Now...what to do...*leaves*

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*Grabs Psion before he makes his leave.*


Well, well, if it isn't mr. Psion? How ya been?


*Extends his hand in mock welcoming, grabs Psion's left hand, twists it behind his back and prepares to knock him out by soaking his head repeatedly in the fish tank, then lifts his head out of the water.*


Say good night, floppy!


*Rams Psion into a nearby wall.*


Psion is knocked out for 2 posts.

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ALRIGHT...you've had your fun, now, haen't you...



Boinga1 charges into the bar. His clothes are now black, his saber red, his face alight with fury. He slices topshot with his saber. CorranSec tries to deliver a kick to the face, but Boinga1 launches a burst a Force Lightning at him, taking him down.


Boinga1 sees JediNyt, and growls, "This is all your fault...you set me up."


Jedi Nyt draws his weapon and begins to duel. He forces Boinga1 back, when suddenly his head explodes.


"What the..." thinks Boinga1. He then sees an ugly, idiot Gran with thermal detonators. The Gran throws 3 detonators at him. Boinga1 dodges them, ala Neo, and they impact CorranSec's dead body. Boinga1 kills the Gran and moves on.


"Now who else..."


Topshot is out 2 posts. CorranSec is out 4 posts. Jedi Nyt is out 3 posts. Thr Gran is dead forever.

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*smashes the fishtank on topshots face*


*realizes he's a vampire and water scorches like acid*


*screams and runs around in horrid horrid pain*

*runs into Wesia and accidently knocks him onto a stray table leg*



topshot is knockedout for 2 posts

MydnightPsion is running in pain for 1 post

Wesia is impaled for 3 posts

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I'm sorry, but if we're all dead, there will never be three more posts. Hence, one of the unwritten rules is to never take out everyone in bar, to prevent such an event. If you are delibrately trying to stop the thread, know this: I and most others here will not allow you to ruin a little fun, and that act is called trolling, which is illegal by forum standards. Hence, I declare your last post null and void. Please do not try to kill everyone again.


This post does not count as a post for those waiting to reincarnate (like myself :( ).

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Thank you, for the drink, Zaius. Thank you even more for bringing me back to life. I see the same is true for Psion, and topshot.


Boinga1 grabs Psion's drink and smashes it over Psion's head. The bottle explodes. Psion doesn't even blink. "Wow...that one thick skull, there Psion..." taunts Boinga1.


Psion draws a weapon, but Boinga1 grabs him by the collar and chokes him to death.


Boinga1 senses trouble, and does a Matrix dodge out of the way of a flurry of shots by topshot.


"AUGH! MY BACK! OW!" screams Boinga1.


Psion is dead for 2 posts. Boinga1 is lying on the bed for 1 post.



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Picks up WD's leg and starts eating it

Wilson: mmm leg

walks over to the bar and picks up his drink.

Wilson: Hey boinga1 come for a drink

*drags boinga1 still twiching body from whervere it was*

Wilson: Now, carnt we all just get alo.....hey you tried beat me to death didnt you.

*pulls out stolen white lightsaber ands stabs boinga1.




looks shifty


Stabs again


Drinks some drink


and throws up over boinga1*


Wilson: eww that leg was salty :D


boinga1's out for 3 posts

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Hey Wilson give poor boinga1 a break for a minute!


*Walks into destroyed bathroom and rips out a toilet then smashes it over Wilsons head.*


Uh oh I think there some stuff left in that one, eww.


Captain Wilson is out for 2 posts and needs to decontaminate himself.

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I walk back into the bar and see myself sitting in a nearby booth. This one, sitting in the booth, had a robotic right arm when the genuine article had a robotic left arm. Anyone should know that, I thought.


"What the heck?"


The other Topshot looks up, eyes me, and tries to make a run for it.


"Hey! Someone stop him! He's a bad program just like Agent Smith!"


I take off after him, out into the streets where seeminglessly, there's nearly a squad of bad programs armed with weapons of mass destruction.


"This is not good........"


I take out my AMD .65 Hungarian and take out a couple bad programs with a few rounds. Other bad programs had circled the cantina, waiting for the other guys to make a move.

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Well, I think I've waited long enough to regen.



OK, bad programs. Oooh...the possiblilites.



Boinga1 comes back to life as Persephone...with silver bullets. Begins shooting bad dude ouside the bar.


Bad guys laugh, "Look! It's the lesbo!" (Those who have played Enter the Matrix know what I'm talknig about).


Boinga1 flushes red "I forgot about that bit..." and self-destructs, taking out 3 bad programs, himself, and topshot's mechanical pinky finger.


B1 is out 2 posts, or 2 weeks.

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gets up, brown and smelly

Wilson: right!

Still with the stolen saber he wanders over to jedinyt and slits his throat. puts lightsaber away. fingers turns into long curved blades and huge bladed arm guards come out of elbow. looks mencing, in a smelly kinda way. tries despratly to pick up last of alchol. fails.

Jedinyts out for 3 posts

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