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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*Goes into bullet time and swiftly dodges all the shots fired. Front-flips and kicks vegi in the head, backflips and juggles him in the air with two more. Puts a sharpened pole in the ground where he'll eventually land. Does the same thing to Crow, only it will be more fatal than what he did to vegi.*

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*I get up from the rubble, also in god mode.*


Hah! I knew it! You only formed a temporary alliance against me! I could tell because you knocked 'im out with a metal pi......


*Gets his head smashed by Crow.*


I love pie! :p


*falls unconscious.*

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Oi, this has been a horrible scene ever since the whole 'down for xx posts' rule was disbanned. I take my leave now but not before one final act.

*starts vanishing and reappearing at all the fighters slashing them violently with the Reaver before moving on to the next victim*

*this goes on for about 5 minutes before Kain vanishes again, neva to return*

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*gets killed, then resurrected, then killed, then resurrected, then killed, then resurrected, then killed, then resurrected, then killed, then resurrected*


GAH!! Just let me stay dead will ya??


*gets killed*


THHH-ank youuuu........




*gets resurrected*




*goes to console mode*


Hmmm, let's see...


*types: kill player 'Homer'*




*falls over dead*

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* vegi with god mode breaks out and laughs again then he goes to the bar ha a drink then yelled, "Drinks all around for my oppenents." Give crow the first one and pat him on the back then laughs as the posion eats away at his body while evetyone else has a drink no poison then music but crow is dying and can't talk so no one noticed that he is dying*

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

*pulls down admin console*


hmmm...what does THIS button do


*presses big, red HISTORY ERASER button*


*waits for first person to catch the refrence*


*watches as Homer gets swarmed with popups*


*makes the admin console to where if anybody hacks it, tries to hack it, or even thinks about hacking it, they die...period...and theres nothing anyone can do about it...cept me...and Homer...so deal...cheating bastards*

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*Kain's voice booms over the fighting and everyone stops*

*Kain and Darth Homer stand in the middle of the cantina*

Now...it's time to teach you all a lesson...from this post foward, there will be rules in effect. They are AS FOLLOWS:


1. There will be downtime when someone says you die(or are knocked out, beaten senseless, ect). The range will be 1 to 5 posts. During this time, you may not post until the said number of posts has passed, not including your coming back into play or the post which put you down.

2. No 'KILLS EVERYONE' posts. Fun killers people. Nuff said.

3. No stacking downtime posts on an already downtimed individual. Also a fun killer.

4. No attacking spectators. If someone comes in and looks around but doesn't effect you directly, ignore them until they make a move.

5. No cheating you cheating bastards. If someone says you're down, dammit you're down!


*everyone nods complacently*


Good...now I'm gonna go sit at the old Mod table and have a few drinks. Play nice kiddies...(and if these rules aren't adhered to, I will do my damndest to get this thread closed on account that its turning into a spam-a-thon, worse than before. Kay? GOOD)

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