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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*Finishes Force healing the huge burned cut in his torso that nearly severed him.*


"I think tonight Ill sleep in a bacta tank. :p Hey CorranSec watch where your flying next time ok? *Looks around* Uh oh, it looks like its gonna get really ugly here fast, I got your back."


*Force pulls out second saber ignites it. The crowd advances. CorranSec's orange-white blade deflects dozens of blaster shots as JediNyt's blue-white blades spin with the Force in front of him slicing and dicing Darth Homer, SmartDragon, and StarWarsPhreak. StarWarsPhreak has just enough strength left to fire one shot which hits JediNyt through the arm and CorranSec defects right back at StarWarsPhreak leaving a smoking hole in his head.*


Darth Homer, SmartDragon, and StarWarsPhreak are out for 4 and JediNyt is out for 2 while he rests in a bacta tank.

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*in ghost form :holosid:*


*after waiting tirelessly for somebody to try to remove him or exorcise him Darth Zaius decides to have some fun*


now its your turn CorranSac, to die


*darth zaius jumps into Corransac`s body, Corran (Darth Zaius) orders a beer from the bar, and another and another and another untill the point Corran passes out, and zaius leaves his body to die of alcohol poisoning*


*CorranSac is dead for 4 posts*

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Originally posted by teutonicknight

teutonicknight walks in, and stares at all the commotion. He takes out a sword, but acidently stabs him self.


teutonicknight is out for 2 posts


teutonicknight screams at everybody in the bar while he is being carried out on a strecher.


"I'll be back, you'll see, I'lll be back!" [insert evil laugh here]


teutonicknight is out until he escapes the insame asylum... er I mean hosptial.



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*Star Wars theme* JediNyt has reached 1000 posts!! Woohoo!


Upon reaching 1000 posts JediNyt becomes super charged with the Force, bursts out of the bacta tank and kills everyone in the cantina! Brilliant blue blades swishing and slashing cutting down everything in their path, people and furniture thrown around with the Force smashing into walls, and finally when hes finished he drops a thermal detonator and walks out of the cantina. BOOM! :D

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*CorranSec wakes up, and looks around blearily*


Corran says, "Wow. I can't imagine what came over me. Drinking that much....... wait a second! ZAIUS!!"


*Corran goes to his ship and gets his handy-dandy Un-Ghostifying-thingamajig and runs outside*


"Zaius! I'm coming for you!"


*Corran runs out of the cantina and sees Zaius' specter floating around. He zaps it with the Un-Ghostifying-thingamajig, and Zaius becomes just a perfectly normal, everyday, non-ghost Sith Lord.*


"This is for giving me alcohol poisoning!"


*Corran ignites his saber, twirls it above his head, and leaps at Zaius.*

*Zaius dodges and tries to zap Corran with lightning, but Corran twists aside at the last moment.*

*Corran flicks his saber up and feints a slash. Zaius slips away, but Corran's saber is there to meet him with a deadly overhead stab, which takes him right through his blackened, evil heart.*


Zaius yells "Arrrgh! I am Sith! I shall rise again!" and explodes in a blast of dark side energy.


*Wave after wave of Sith energy batters Corran. He tries to resist, but eventually the power overwhelms him, and he slumps to the ground, drained of all force energy.*


Zaius is preparing for the Sith to rise again for 5 posts

CorranSec lies on the street, unconcsious and nearly dead, until another Force-user imbues him with strength

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JediNyt sees what happened with Zaius and Corran. He rushes over to Corran and kneels placing his hands on his back. JediNyt is reenergizing CorranSec for the next 2 posts. Hmm better start looking for another cantina while Im at it.

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Ummm... Man - can the wookie in my head please stop singing!


*looks around groggily*


My own misses bashed up.... Thats no right....


*sees JediNyt and CorranSec on the floor in a... comprimising position*


Man, I'm out for 6 posts, and the place becomes a gay bar!


*wanders to the bar*


Drink. Large, stern and free refills....


*evils from the bar man*


Screw you - I am not up for this.


*bashes bar man repeatedly with one one of Zaius randomly strewn limbs until he is little more than a pool of primodial sludge of the red variety*


Um - felt good.


*jumps over the bar, landing in goey puddle.*


Barman - I like it. EVERYONRE loves the barman - the giver of alcohol.



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*CorranSec sits up, re-engergised with Force energy, and groans*


"Wow... that really took something out of me. Damn that Zaius! We need some anti-ghost protection in this bar on the double!"


*random people go and get anti-ghost equipment and set it up in the bar*


"Uh.......... thanks."


*random people look happy, and leave*


*CorranSec wanders over to the bar to get a drink, but notices the bartender is now a gooey puddle of blood. He resolves to sit around until either someone comes in who isn't temporarily dead, or someone fixes him a drink.*

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JediNyt mind tricks band to play The Asteroid Field while he lifts up a bunch of rocks with the Force and sends them in a big wave through the cantina smashing in their path. ckcsaber is caught in the wave and pulverized. ckcsaber lays in a bloody heap on the floor and is out for 2 posts.

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*CorranSec sips his drink some more. He glances around at the carnage and destruction, and sighs, realising that there's nobody around to duel apart from JediNyt, and he's a good guy.*


*CorranSec yawns and checks his watch, but isn't arrogant enough to yell something like "Hey! Come and get me!"....*

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*bad thing to shout Corran....*


From across the room comes a deafening war cry....


He has returned once more, this time with his own winged, flying minions - FURY, the big angry red-assed baboon!


Corran - 'I've wasted my life.....'


*nova_wolf gets up in time to see Fury and his monkey minions pick Corran apart in a blood fuelled (and painted :eek: ) frenzy.


Corran out for 5


HEH - BAND! I own this bar, so you play what I ask....


*cowers as the band throw everything they got....*


nova_wolf is out until he can claw himself out from under band's flatulent Gamorrean keyboardist!

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*A doublebladed saber comes twirling through the room, catching FURY off guard. Fury is cut in half. The saber arcs back through the room towards the door where DARTH HOMER stands*


Yes! Now I don't have to worry about that stupid monkey....


*Someone bashes Homer on the back of the head with a frying pan*




*Homer goes down, but his saber finishes its arc and lands squarely in $am's chest*


FURY is dead and unusable for 10 posts, Homer is down for 2 posts, and $sam is down for 5 posts after someone pulls the saber from his chest (until the saber is removed, he is down indefinitely)


Cantina Band - 1 keyboardist starts playing Green Day's Basket Case

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From beneath my smely Gamorean gas chamber, I watch with glee as Fury the Baboon is final cut down in battle.


Darth Homer makes one mistake though....


*cringes as he realises what is about to occur.....*


Darth Homer is unaware as Fury's winged minions creep up upon his inactive form....


*As a further emission from the keyboard player pining me sends me to darkness once more, all I can hear is ....AARRGHHH :confused::eek: ....*


Darth Homer is out for a further 6 turns whilst he attempts to free himself from the horde of flying rabid monkeys attemtping to avenage the death of their leader.

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*a red ligh flashes and slowly diminishes into a form of a man, yes Zaius has been reborn*


*pulls out and turns on his lightsaber*


now for something the vets should have done a long time ago DOG!


*Darth Zaius uses force grip on nova wolf, lifts him up in the air and slams him down, nocking him unconsious*


*Darth Zaius raises his lightsaber and neuters nova wolf*


*waking up in sheer pain, nova wolf summons Fury the Baboon for help*


*fury and his flying minions jump towards zaius but are all cut in peices by his lightsaber*


too bad your little friends are no more,I be off killing someone else now


*going to the other part of the cantina, Darth Zaius notices cksaber to be not dead*


time for you to die


*Darth zaius strikes towards cksaber and they begin to battle, 5 minutes into the saber fight Zaius uses force choke on cksaber and raises him high above and lets him go, as this is happening Zaius uses force drain on cksaber and shrivels up ionce his now dead corpse hits the floor*


*Darth Zaius raises his lightsaber, waiting for somebody to attack*


*nova wolf is alive but in tremendous pain and can`t do anything for 4 posts, cksaber is dead for 3 posts*

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