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SWGalaxies.net needs YOU!

Wraith 8

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That's right, folks. SWGalaxies.net is looking to bring a few more talented and dedicated individuals onto our team. There are a few basic things you should have before applying:

Excellent English and Grammar skills.

Time, and a desire to excel in what you do.


That said, here's what we're looking for:


We're looking for two or three dedicated news hunters to scavenge the Official Forums and other sources for the latest Galaxies news 24/7.



Our fan-powered FAQ is currently overloaded with questions! We're looking for exceptionally knowledgeable players who have been following Galaxies from the beginning to help us deal with the hundreds and hundreds of submitted questions.



Got a beef with something? Do others find your insane babble amusing? Find yourself overly opinionated? We want you! We're looking for talented columnists to whip up weekly or bi-monthly columns for our readers to.. er, read..


Contentists: Finally, we're looking for people to help us fill up our databanks and guide section with all of the Galaxies information we can present to you at this time. If you're knowledgeable about the systems and gears that'll keep Star Wars Galaxies running, we'd like you to help us write about it.



check out the site: http://www.swgalaxies.net for all other info.

interested? mail Juztyn: juztyn@swgalaxies.net

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I can babble, ramble and excessively pontificate far beyond the capabilities of your meager intellects. ;) j/k


I would love to do a column though. Even though I may reiterate, restate and often repeat myself......I would love to do a column.


Should I sell myself here or impress you with my extensive knowledge and mastery of the English language? Should I ramble incessantly and bring a new meaning to pointless drivel? Should I simply keep my mouth shut and stop acting as if this were Jeopardy? ;)


Anyway, let me know. I am extremely interested.




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I'm interested. You know what I can do and can't do. I pride myself with mad english skillz, a ridiculous amount of time invested in the SWGalaxies.net board, and a black belt in ranting. As you might have noticed, I also keep on answering n00b questions. Make as well make FAQ's to attempt to shut them up permanently :D!


Seriously, I'll do anything but being a newsie. I don't like the official site, and especially not its board. Those people have no bulletin board courtesy.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Well, D_S, although a fine rambler you are, the job also requires more than basic knowledge of the game aswell. :D


I KIDD, I KIDD!!!! :D:p;)


Wow! You make mod and you're already laying into me? That's almost unbelievable, it took Wraithy a good couple of weeks to realize I needed a lashing every now and then. ;)


Maybe Set and I can run a controversial, debate type column together? We do love to argue. ;)


We could easily meet once a week to gripe at one another and print a brief (as if that would be possible) transcript to put on the site. ;P

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Originally posted by Darth_Sidious

Wow! You make mod and you're already laying into me? That's almost unbelievable, it took Wraithy a good couple of weeks to realize I needed a lashing every now and then. ;)


Maybe Set and I can run a controversial, debate type column together? We do love to argue. ;)


We could easily meet once a week to gripe at one another and print a brief (as if that would be possible) transcript to put on the site. ;P


Hahaha, I seriously love the idea, man! Especially if we had a specific theme each week, or any controvesial SWG issue. That, and I can summarize my "Setsuko's n00b 101" into an FAQ that is updated every time I see another n00b question on the boards :D

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Set, I think that would be very interesting for readers. I would love a column devoted entirely to critical argumentation. ;P


What kind of columns were you looking at Juz? Obviously this one column wouldn't take up Set's and my whole week, probably just an evening or two. I'm sure that at least I could pick up another column if you desired. Anyway, I sent an e-mail to you from my work e-mail, just keep me up to date.




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