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SCREAMS :::rips hair out::: AHH!


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I'm going to rant! I need to rant - so if this is too long and boring. I'm sooo sorry but I sooo need to vent and I can't do it in this office right now!!! I know you "guys" can't relate but I'm sure maybe you might sympathize!


Okay - so here goes -


Surprise surprise I'm pregnant. Everyone knows it...I'm not smuggling a basketball...I've been pregnant for 9 months now. I'm due March 12! Well as this may be a surprise for you guys (no not really) would you believe MY BOSS completely flipped our when he found out I wasn't planning on giving birth at my desk!!

Yes that's right, the dumb man, who's known since OCTOBER that I was pregnant was in complete and utter shock to learn that I'm going out on Maternity Leave! Genius! Just Genius. EVERYONE at my work knows I'm pregnant...even my boss. We had a meeting last month and discussed how my job would be taken over. He talked of a replacement etc! I discussed my due date...said I planned on working as long as the Dr. let me. I mean I'm not rich!


So after the meeting, he never mentioned anything again. I don't see him much accept for the morning because I work nights. But I do see him and say hi to him every morning. Well...I asked the people in my department...about the replacement. Do I need to train anyone??? They said Abe hasn't said anything, they told him you know...time is ticking away. Well...anyways. TUESDAY before I left work I got an email from my boss that I would be taking over ALL this stuff while a co-worker went on vacation next week. Great...give the pregnant woman MORE WORK! Well...I told my co-worker that I was going to the doctor that day and I had a feeling he was going to take me out next week because I haven't been doing well. I'm on medication for SLEEP and heartburn. And he doesn't want me working in the warehouse.


WELL. So I go off to my appointment. My doctor says that Friday will be my last day. I am to take M. Leave starting this monday. Okay so I'm HAPPY because I'm TIRED and about ready to pop! Meanwhile...back at the ranch. My co-worker is attacked by my boss about all the stuff I am going to do while she's gone. She metions my appt. and the fact that I am 37 weeks pregnant and probably won't be here next week. HE FLIPS OUT. They said he got ALL UPSET and was "SO WHEN IS SHE GOING TO TELL ME??". My co-worker explained...well she doesn't know...her doctor tells her today! SO...wed morning. My co-workers are gathered around my desk...and look upset...when I ask why...my boss calls and wants to see me. They briefly explain what happened. My co-worker looked like she was in tears because she felt so bad. I was like...why are you upset...he's known ALL ALONG! This is no surprise here...this aint a watermelon!


So I go to his desk and he is UPSET. He asks when *I PLAN* on taking my leave. I said well I had my doctor appt yesterday and he is taking me off next week. He wanted to take me off this week but I asked to let me stay the rest of the week! I said I'm 37 weeks...so he doesn't want me working anymore. My boss is still pissed. He tells me to come in late Wed Night so we can do my REVIEW before I leave!!!! Great...I pissed him off before I get my review.....Well. I've told him before I can't change my schedule around. I get sick...I'm already having sleeping problems. Well I decided not to bring this up...suck it up for the day and come in late.


SOOOO I come in late. He then is not prepared to give me my review. He says for me to Work DAY SHIFT Friday (I usually get off at 8 am and I usually sleep right after!!). I say there is no way...too much of a drastic change. So he fights on it and says then 11 am you can stay till. He talks like yoda. but a bitchy yoda. SOOO. I have to re-arrange my schedule to accomadate for his RETARDEDNESS AND ILLPREPAREDNESS! He wants me to write down EVERYTHING I do and HOW I do it. Gee...that is a SMALL FREEKIN NOVEL! Not to mention...LAST MIN! So


Here I am. My valentines day plans are ruined, after I bitched out my honey that he has to take today off. And now I have to work! WTF! I am SOOO SICK. So now any kind of V-day I have left...I'm going to be miserable. I'm stressed about my review and I hate my boss for being so un-prepared. I keep thinking...was there anything more I could have done for him. Have him come to my doctors appt. with me?? I mean ....duh...I could have left 4 WEEKS before I was due...instead its less than 3. So what does he have to complain about! This isn't new. EVERYONE is frustrated with him. My department because now they are left stranded! They don't know how to do my job! I offered to train them a month ago and they refused! They thought my boss was getting a replacement.


EEEEEEEGAD. Well...my boss is almost here. I will getting my review SOMETIME today before 11 am. And if he asks me to stay longer, I'm going to refuse saying that this is ridiculous - I'm sick, I'm pregnant and I dont need this stress! I'm on my leave as of 11 am today. OH and if I worked day shift like he wanted!!! My pay would have been SCREWED. It would have fell on a diff work week and I would be short on this coming check. STupid man. ERRR

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Sorry Shannon, just hang in there.


Just remember that this too will pass, and after all has come to completion you will have a beautiful baby boy who is no less than half of your very being. And at seeing that new life and upon hearing that baby's firt cry, all that you are know experiencing will melt away.


It is the here and now, that you must mount up enough strength the press through, and in the end you will have been tempered and weighed and you will be found lacking nothing and you shall made the stronger for it.


You have made it abundantly clear that the breakdown here was with your boss, not you. Don't bear the burden of fault. Look to this evening and look to your fiance for immediate strength and for the much needed motivation, and when that is not enough look to your frist born son and the new life you'll share. There is too much joy to be had, to breakdown now. Dig deep, Shannon, and find teh will and the strength, to face your boss and make it to this afternoon, and you shall be rewarded greatly for the passing of this trial.


Remember, the forums will be with you... always.

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mutiny. get all the people you work with together and beat the crap out of the guy. people like that don't deserve any respect. pour lax in his coffee or something, get revenge!! you'll feel better! ;)


I had to call off of work for the first time today, cause i caught a cough, sore throat, runny nose, and i feel weak all over, and my back hurts. :( if i was forced into work, they'd regret it.

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I'm sorry, STTCT.


To STTCT the worker:

You know, it evens out. Hell part of the time and the Better Place the rest of the time. Marriage is like Daoism: For every really sad moment there's a really happy moment ...and a heck more happy than sad moments.


And to talk to you as a mom: Never spank your kid. I just try to get this trough to as many people as possible because I consider spanking barbaristic. We're in the 22nd Century. Oh, and if you spank a kid, they'll most likely have problems later on in life (if your kid wets the bed at the age of 14 and she was spanked repeatedly at the age of 2, it's possibly the spanking's fault). Be nice to the boy:)

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ok, let's take stock, I'm 22 years old, no girlfriend for over a year now and even I know that a pregnant woman will go on leave when it gets sufficiently close tothe due date. And I would have prepared for this. It sounds like your boss is a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE idiot. Listen to Havoc, find comfort and strength in your loved ones and friends and you will get through this. Don't worry about your job, either. If he fires you for anything you can probably sue him for wrongful termination, etc. and if he's had any kind of management class he should know that....then again, he did get upset that you had to go on leave :rolleyes:


It's these kind of people that give Scott Adams his ideas for the Dilbert cartoon....

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i was spanked when i was little, i've got serious problems?


i can't stand it when people just let their kids scream in a walmarts it pisses me off. so don't be surprised when yours truly rams a shopping cart up yo kids ass on a rainy day. i believe in the spare the rod spoil the child thingy.


but i can't judge anyone cause i'm not a parent, and i'll never become a parent...the thought of becoming a parent makes me sick to my stomach. cause that would take away too much of my time if i wanted to be a good parent.

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*Forwards rant to boss* Jus kidding.... or am I?? Yes I'm kidding


I'm not smuggling a basketball


LOL, I have never heard it described like that.


Well, at least you got the forums and us to rant to. And you get to skip work. I'm sure all this heck you're going through will be worth it*


i can't stand it when people just let their kids scream in a walmarts it pisses me off. so don't be surprised when yours truly rams a shopping cart up yo kids ass on a rainy day. i believe in the spare the rod spoil the child thingy.


You, know, for some reason, I can picture you doing that.... i dont know how..... but I see you doing that


*Not guaranteed by me

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Off-topic, but not quite as it's also ranting:

I was spanked when i was little, [have I] got serious problems?

Um.. yes ;):D?

I can't stand it when people just let their kids scream in a Walmart's it pisses me off, so don't be surprised when yours truly rams a shopping cart up [your] kids *** on a rainy day. I believe in the spare the rod spoil the child thingy.

So it's okay to slap a kid because he or she is screaming? The reasoning behind your extreme coldness eludes me. Children scream and cry because they need something, be it entertainment, food, sleep, or dry diapers, and you think slapping him is the right thing? Imagine a 14-year old to her friend: "I'm so sad, my boyfriend dumped me.." *Slap!* her best friend hits her to make her stop crying, "for her own good".


Of all reasons for punishment, I don't think an attempt to communicate the need of parental love being one.


I suggest you head down to Scandinavia or Germany on vacation some day. Look at how mothers in our society perfectly well manage to cool down a kid without violence. I've got 100 good reasons and dozens of statistics for why spanking should be made illegal, but that would be hijacking STTCT's thread, if I haven't done so already.


Back on topic:

STTCT, are you in some kind of union? Can't you voice a complaint about your boss to the higher-ups to make him be more humane? I don't know because I've never had a job except from that week I worked on a private kennel for school, but I think they should be able to do stuff.

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I've said it once and I'll say it again.

Your boss is a fl_lcking idiot.


I want to know were this b@$tard lives so that I can painball his house and egg his fl_lcking car and just give him a taste of his own medicine.


What kind of moron gets put in a position of management like that. I bet he can't even manage his own simplistic life. People like this belong in a hospital for stupidity.


I'm sorry this had to happen to you. I really sympisize(Sp?) with you Shan. I hope that you get some relaxation when you finally get out of there. I also hope that the Dr. makes you stay in the hospital for a little longer and that your company pays you while you are still there.


Go complain to your bosses manager and seriously try to get him fired. The guy belongs in a Zoo picking up gorilla $hit.


I'll be praying for you more Shan. :)



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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

We're in the 22nd Century.

Are we? *checks date*

Wow, I'm already 118 years old? Time sure flies by quickly :D


As for the spanking part, I think it depends on the kid. Some kids are just too stubborn to be talked out of doing bad things. I didn't need spanking and I turned out pretty well I think. But others do not.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

And to talk to you as a mom: Never spank your kid. I just try to get this trough to as many people as possible because I consider spanking barbaristic. We're in the 22nd Century. Oh, and if you spank a kid, they'll most likely have problems later on in life (if your kid wets the bed at the age of 14 and she was spanked repeatedly at the age of 2, it's possibly the spanking's fault). Be nice to the boy:)


First, we're in the 21st century and second, my mother spanked me all the time and I'm the better for it. I didn't wet the bed when I was 14 or anything like that. I know that if/when I have kids if they get out of line, they will be punished...if I feel a spanking is appropriate, I'll do it. Simple as that. I don't mean to try to disuade you from your views DE, just giving a counterperspective.

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(...)My mother spanked me all the time and I'm the better for it. I didn't wet the bed when I was 14 or anything like that. I know that if/when I have kids if they get out of line, they will be punished...if I feel a spanking is appropriate, I'll do it. Simple as that. I don't mean to try to disuade you from your views DE, just giving a counterperspective.
As for the spanking part, I think it depends on the kid. Some kids are just too stubborn to be talked out of doing bad things. I didn't need spanking and I turned out pretty well I think. But others do not.

To put it this way: There are so many ways to raise a kid that's better than spanking that it's become obselete.


Some mom I knew had this kid who kept being an ass, and in the end she stopped him by giving his video game away for charity (to an orphanage):D. "If you keep on like that, I'll give [another game] away too", she went. Well, the kid behaves now, and he just got another copy of the game as a christmas present.

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Wooo, spanking. I've actually never had it much, but I remember one time I was mad (I dont rememberwhy, maybe it's the spanking's fault < joke) and I kicked the wall really hard and put this hole about the size of my foot. You can sure as **** bet my dad spanked me, I'm suprised he didn't throw me through the wall! (< another family joke). I deserved it. Spanking doesn't really hurt the kid (well, if you smack the kid as hard as you can, sure it will but why would you do it hard?). I'm 16 years old now, and I haven't been spanked since that incident. Because I learn from that "mistake." If you ask me, you shouldn't need to spank the kid more than once. If you ask me, all those "I have problems cuz I got spanked once when I wass a kid" is jus plain bull****. They jus want attention.


[/end incoherent speech]

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eh - don't worry about high-jacking the thread


I know what some of you are talking about. The screaming kids at walmart...the smart ass kid who at age 4 tells you to **** off. That makes you want to go and smack them. heck that's what our parents used to do.


I believe that every kid needs a certain type of punishment. If putting him in a corner is sufficient enough punishment and he learns to respect the rules and others that way...then you should stick with that.


BUTTTTT - if my kid was ANYTHING like those Jerry Springer kids who beat there mom's and are on drugs at like the age of six...I'm sorry but he would learn very quickly the meaning of ass whooping. (not abusive) but you know. He wouldn't do that anymore.

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