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The Simpsons: Gone after today, the 300th episode?!?!


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Ok, I just logged onto MSN, and the first headling was "Who is killing The Simpsons?" or something like it. According to the writer, before the two new producer and writer, it was "The Best TV-Show", and now it's just...a cartoon (It's not actually 300, it's 302, not counting the two holiday "specials"). I loved the Simpsons, I'd hate to see it go away.:(

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I highly doubt it. The Simpsons is still currently one of the most consistently popular and best shows on the air these days. Even the Simpson's "Worst Episode Ever" is so much better than anything else currently in production that Fox would have to be complete idiots to want to take it off. I haven't even heard of rumors of this being the last season the way you do with many long-lived series.

It will eventually end though. I hope that day is very far away.

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Actually, The Simpsons just signed a contract for two more seasons after the 14th season making it a total of 16 seasons. It is not official if it will end. They interviewed the people who did their voices a couple of months ago and they said they wanted to make the show go on forever if possible or until they stop running out of ideas. Even after that, Groening has said once the tv series is over he is going to do three Simpsons movies as a Trilogy. Long Live The Simpsons! Longest running comedy sitcom! Longest running franchise series is Gunsmoke at 20 seasons so let's hope they beat Gunsmoke's total.

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