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Back in my day...


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*the object of this thread is to discribe precious forummy memories of old...but in the tone of a Grandpa/Grandma, have fun...and you'd better post on this too! This is my first thread in months!*


Back in my day...


we didn't have any oldbies...we were all just newbies treading on new ground. Not the white and gray forum here. No. Our forum was brown and white...AND it had destroyer droids! Not some Coruscant landscape. And there weren't any of these newfangled points to buy things with. No. We had to use plane old hard work to get anywhere. And there weren't any of these debate threads. No. All we had were good, old fashioned, spam threads! Why we'd post 50 times a day and nobody would so much as gripe about it. Just look at all the newbs nowadays. They can't even post a decent sentence, letalone make a decent spam thread. Ah, them were the good old days.

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Back in my day, there weren't all these newbies! We were starving for every new member we got! There were all these threats going around, "The Forums are dying, the forums are dying!" But they was just chicken little running around squaking the first thing that came to her beak. We stuck through it, and for what? I don't know, my memory started to fade after about 300, which I got in the first week. Yep. Back in my day we knew how to spam good and proper, you could make 300 in a week and be considered an upstanding Forumite! Course being among the old people wave 3.1 I'm not allowed to jabber on about the true spamming days.


Yep, life was good back in the day... :o

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Back in the old days when the forums were brown and white...I reckon I remember one particular thread 'bout girlfriend problems and therapy. Now there was a helluva thread. Pr'haps th' best thread from that era of the forum. It's what got me attached to this place. That and I figgered you guys needed another gunslingin' sheriff in town.


Those were the good ol' days...

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Back in my day also, the forums were brown and white and we had destroyer droids! :D Back in the day I thought darthfergie was drdeath under a different identity. Back in my day, I posted (spammed, as you like it) many times a day, many a topic, many a useful and well thought reply, but I wasn't fully appreciated...People don't understand that the reason I posted/spammed was because I liked having many posts. Yep, plain and simple. Well, he who shall remain unnamed (myself), raced to x number of posts before people were peeved. And so krkode had to stop. Anyway, back in the day, flood control was shorter - not that it matters today. My average post length is longer and the average time spent thinking before I post has raised by 2.34 seconds, which isn't bad.:rolleyes: Anyway, back in the day, there was this pivot of beauty and glory named "Tell you I will" which was very hot...but then it got watered down...

Back in the day, I used to play some RPGs. I remember one time when I got extremely vexed at Eets and Heavyarms for plotting against, teaming against, and killing me. But 'tis all good...I guess 2 badguys are better than 1 hero... ;)

Back in the day, I used to visit the galactic battles forum...pfftt...that plase ain't worth ma' tyme anymor! :indif::D

Back in the day, I would type with attrocious spelling and grammar and I would vex many a good forum member. But now, I won't hesitate to say I've improved. I see full stops, apostrophes, and all that good junk.

Back in the day, I used to love these smileys :);):D:eek: and I still do.

Anyway, 'tis all I have to say. I never bought what this set of forums was supposed to be for (SWGB) but I come here all the same :)

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"The girlfriend problem therapy thread"... I remember that, I started it!



When I first walked into this forum, when it was brown, white and a lot of other great S***, Tie guy and I were buddies. I got in a fight with eets, too. And a bunch of other peoples. Also, rhett was just a mod, and sherack was a admin!

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Well, i don't know about ya'll, but i wasn't a newbie when i got here. I'd been going to LucasForums for over a year before this placed opened, and i know some people *cough*Rhett*cough* have been here even longer than that.



But back in my day, JKII hadn't even been anounced yet, and JKII.net didn't exist, it was only lonely JK.net, and wild speculations by everyone that what turned out to be "Obi-Wan" the game was JKII or Bounty Hunter. Maybe that's too far back....


Back in my day of GB.com, there were seven (yep, i counted) non-admin/mod members here. Gary Gaber had the only post in Gallactic Discussion.

Back in my day, eets, the noob, was named mijtechguy or something weird like the.

Back in my day, JayVizion actually posted, and so did Rommel and Kvan!!!

Back in my day, the RPG board was among the living.

Back in my day, we could actually have images in our sig. (grrrr..... ;))

Back in my day, Redwing hadn't even reached 5000 posts! :eek:

Back in my day, Heavyarms had a new clan every third day. :D


And ah yes, the brown boards, with the destroyer droids on the banner and fire of the letters. Can't say i miss 'em.

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I don't wanna disturb the thread but the brown sucked!!!!


Back in my day... I was still in my first account of 6 (:D ) and the first mod was Paragon_Leon. Tie Guy had somewhat like 50 posts per day, and the old RPG thread was started. Not like I went there at all. Too hip for me.

And that damned spammer Viper was around, creating a spam thread, getting banned, joining again, getting banned. About 4 times.

And there were all those server changes. God smite 'em.

There were some fun threads, were we weren't running out of ideas and someone posted that Star Wars was real, someone had a girlfriend therapy thread, I posted some stuff on wether aliens exist, the original TUIW and the predictions about the SWGB X-pack.

And the whole Senate thing.

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

I don't wanna disturb the thread but the brown sucked!!!!


And that damned spammer Viper was around, creating a spam thread, getting banned, joining again, getting banned. About 4 times.


4x10^12. You forgot the whole number...



Back in my day...


We didn't need any of this moderat'n. No. We had wide freedoms and only a few Super Mods to stop us. Thems were the days. It was all fine and dandy until those flabberjabbin flammers waltzed in like they owned the place and messed it up for all of us. Wish I could go back and wring there necks so's I could teach them a thing or two about posting properly.

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Back in my day, being a spammer was considered as being royalty!


Back in my day, Luke Skywalker and I fought to the death while spamming the GeeBeeDotCom boards. We were always neck and neck for post counts, until one day I went on vacation... He spanked my arse. But finally, he left for a LOOOONNNGGG time! *glee*


Back in my day, I had no idea who Sherack was ^_^

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Originally posted by Eets

Back in my day, being a spammer was considered as being royalty!


Back in my day, Luke Skywalker and I fought to the death while spamming the GeeBeeDotCom boards. We were always neck and neck for post counts, until one day I went on vacation... He spanked my arse. But finally, he left for a LOOOONNNGGG time! *glee*


Back in my day, I had no idea who Sherack was ^_^


At one time I had more posts than you :p

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Back in my day....I had a different name. We had interesting threads dealing with science (One I reallly liked concerned Cold Fusion). Rhett gave gift basket to new memebers (and forgetting to give one to me). The elite ring of overposters. Threads about nothing that would never seem to die. Those were the good days, before the darkness....

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Back in my day, I guy could get beat up for his avatar, back then I was actually funny I did stupid stuff like have a battle with parenthese (hey (wh)at a(re these) th(ings i)n my post)),


Back in my day, there was cool people like Krkode, and Havoc (and Stryphe), and Rhett... Oh wait never mind, there was just lest pointless people

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