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Well, my first guess was Britannia, and I even tried the long shot of the supercontinent Pangea (I can’t think of a much more ancient Europe).


If it’s invaders its surely either the Saxons (by “Saxons” I’m including the Jutes and the Angles), the Romans, or possibly even the Norse.

Though nothing I’ve tried is working for them.

The other big one would be the Norman Conquest, but no buzzwords that I can think of are working for that either…So either I’m not spelling them right, or you’re not asking anything about 1066.


I can’t think of many other successful invasions though…

I guess you didn’t say it had to be successful. Though if we’re talking “Ancient Britain” then I assume it would have to be one of events/peoples/migrations I guessed at.



…Nope, either my knowledge is failing me or your hints and questions have thrown me I’m afraid.

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The Celts were the indigenous peoples, not the invaders!!


That's a pretty contentious question.


The Celts were the first civilisation in the history of Britain, some argue that they did arrive in the iron age, some say it was the evolution of the local culture influenced from the other Celtic parts of Europe (ie. Ireland, Gaul etc.), and eventuating from trade.


You can hardly call them invaders!

Migrants maybe...

And even that's arguable.






Maybe I'm just disgruntled coz I didn't get it ;) But that is a way shonky question IMHO (or should I say answer) :p


Hahaha Lexx I was surprised when I refreshed and saw someone had answered it before my last post. Stupid ten minutes.

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Answer was: taxidriver.


Ok. Which Indiana Jones movie did Dan Akroyd appear in?

I just recently found out that this character was him. I was suprised.


Again no caps or spaces. Don't put the "Indiana Jones:" .


-Hannibal SWKnights.com

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The answer is Temple of Doom, he played 'Weber', but it won't let me put in any combination. The max amount of characters I can put in is 7.


I've tried:







and none of those worked?

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