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In a few weeks the Gameboy Advance SP will be launched in the UK and in its dudey new design it's just itching to be bought. In your experience have GBA's been worth the money. Be warned, a wad full of my dosh is at stake.


PS. What would you say are the best games. I think I'll get Zelda first (if I end up buying one.)

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I just gave my GB Advance, 6 games and case to my friends son as a birthday present. I didn't really play it, it just sat there so I thought it would be better if someone made use of it. He's 9 so I know he'll play it all the time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

my sister just got hers. The back light is cool! And ya..what is up with the "headphone adapter". Why didn't it come with a head phone thing in the first place like its cheaper predessors? *sp

(sorry I'm tired). She got that "e-card" thing....I am interested in seeing that. I think its cool but here you go and buy this little pocket size gameboy..but after you add all the accesories...it builds and builds until it the size of a game cube. j.k :o)

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