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Really Realistic Dreams


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Originally posted by Elessar-Eärfalas

hey guys, lately i have been having really weird dreams. when i wake up in the morning, they seem to have really happened. its weird. like when i see my cat or someone at school, i think of the dream and cant tell if it happened or not. is this kind of thing normal? :confused:


This has happened to me on many ooccasions, I remeber once I dreamed I was in class and I put up my hand to answer a question and on my wrist was a watch I had never seen before. The next day (or two) I received that watch in the mail for my birthday from my aunt and uncle and that day I saw exactly what I saw in my dream. WEIRD!:eek:

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i get very vivid dreams and when i wake up it takes a short while to realise it was just a dream.

i get a lot of dreams after i've been playing video games,after playing bf1942 i started to dream about being in world war 2.

i've not had a star wars dream yet,but that would be pretty cool:D

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Originally posted by Aru-Wen

Yo, Morpheus, give him a break - I think he's serious. ;)


You think that's air you're breathing now? Hmm? (:


It's actually funny how our brain can accept it's own phantasms as real as reality. Maybe you're dreaming while awake, and awake during the night when you're dreaming - and none can tell.


For all you know, what you're reading here might be a dream ;)

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I've had weird dreams too. It's normal. :)


And yes...there have been times when I've mistaken a dream for reality...even started to talk to someone, reminding them of such-and-such event, and they give me a totally blank look - because I dreamt it.


Of course, the real kickers are when you wake up from a dream...and then realise you've woken up into another dream... American Werewolf in London has nothing on me when it comes to that... :eek:

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ive been kind of reading up on my experiences with my dreams. and i realize that i have lucid dreams. i can control them and make my fate whatever i want to. pretty cool, considering i can do whatever i feel like in my dreams. i control them and remember them like they really happened.


anyone else ever had experiences like this or something like it?

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You know, as a young kid I never had any control over my dreams at all. But as I got older...yes, I could start to affect what happened, and gradually got better at it. So instead of being trapped in a situation...I switched bodies...or sometimes switched dreams. It doesn't always work...there are occasions when I still have no power over what happens, but a lot of the time I can affect the outcome. :)

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Originally posted by Elessar-Eärfalas

may i ask how you control your dreams and travel from body to body, etc?


Well, first of all, many of my dreams are actually nightmares - there will be some point where I am in a dangerous situation, and I am no longer comfortable with what is going on. Before I could control some of my dreams...I would simply have to accept what was going to happen, and it was like an electric shock...I'd usually jerk awake sweating.


Eventually, when I knew something bad was about to happen...I just willed myself out of that situation...and sometimes it would kick-start another dream (like being transported), or I would transform myself into something else...sometimes assuming the mantle of the aggressor. For example, I had a dream where I was at the bottom of a flight of stairs, looking up into a pitch-black void...and there were dark, malevolent spirits that used to come down those stairs at me... One night I transformed myself into one of them...and went up the stairs into their domain...


In some other dreams, I might just get bored with the plot, so to speak, and like a director, take control of the proceedings and introduce some action...


I don't know exactly how I do it...other than willing it to be so... Sometimes the will isn't strong enough...

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im really interested into this dreaming sort of topic, i find the whole thing about finding out the mind's capabilities fascinating.


anyway,i get that deja vu thing as well. i love getting it because i think that next time ill be able to predict the future! but that never happens. i really dont know if its just deja vu or whether you actually get a glimpse into the future, the fanciful part of my mind wants it to be looking into the future but its hard to working out how this happens. im going to try and write down the next vision i have before the event happens, if i can do this then i have proved that it is a glimpse into the future! :D


about the lucid dreams bit, one of my friends claims she can do it and she knows loads about it - i cant remember what she told me tho because she went on and on about it, she almost sent me to sleep!she said something about meditating before you sleep:thinking about what you want to dream about and you will dream it. im 17 now and its only been in the past few months that i think im gaining some control. its not really control though its a bit like 'i want something to happen' and slowly it does happen but i cant actually control things they just change according to my inner will.


and sometimes i get those dreams i cant work out if theyre true or not, i usually end up asking my mates if events happened or whatever. it gets kind of annoying but usually ill know if an event feels a bit vague or something so i can guess if its happened or not.


so in summary, dont worry about it at all - consider it as the exploration of the powers of your mind! :)

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Has anyone ever seen The Sixth Day?


Well, in that, some of the bad guys kept dying, and they'd have there sinstrings(???) copied so they could be cloned again with every memory, including the way they died. Well, there was this one guy who got killed by having his chest crushed by 2 cars, and when he was cloned, he said he couldn't breath and his chest was killing him. Then he got his neck broke, and when he got cloned*again*, he said his neck was hurting.

What does this hafta do with anything? I dunno, but sometimes in dreams if you get hurt, you wake up feeling it...like Hellfire said.


My experience: I was playin SR and I saved it after the long ass opening movie and went to bed. Well, when I was sleepin, I had a dream were I was Raziel, and when I woke up*after I hit the water*, I was sweating to the point of soaking my shirt and I was burning hot. Wiggy, no?

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I had a really realistic dream just this morning. It was really sort of a false awakening. I dreamed that my friend called me and woke me up. I had the phone while I was still in bed. I heard his voice, just like real life. We then started talking about that Renegade Mech Pursuit game (I forget its name) and I started talking about the intro to the game (the intro is really cool). I said, "Yeah, I loved the intro to that game... I loved the intro to..." at this point I started struggling with the name trying to remember its name. Then I said "Yeah... I loved the intro to..." and then I seemed to fall asleep again. I then woke up again a split second later, and the phone was gone, but I was in the same position. I was convinced that maybe my mom had come in and moved the phone or something, so I asked her if my friend had called me, and she said no.


The dream was so freakin' real! AAAGH! :eek:

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