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I preformed at Disneyland and all I got was a friggen T-Shirt.


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I heard that some person was running around killing the people at Disneyland in costumes with superglue and killer roaches on the news. Don't lie, I know it was you:D


*hides under the desk with a hunting knife*

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Well, I'm still writing up a nice little story, and I still need to scan piccies, but here are some highlights of my trip:


-Saw 2 geese having sex.. in Disneyland.


-Learned the fine art of tying someone's shoes together.


-Found out that whoever's in the Pluto costume is a big perv (More on this later)


-I forgot to ask Cinderella if she was a virgin, sorry Rhett


- Splash Mountain was closed! The **** is up with that?


- I did flip off the Space Mountain camera.. It said "Your Picture Has Been Lost In Space" good stuff

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you know, the whole friggen T-Shirt thing is what we like to call a JOKE. Jesus... I'm gonna try to get some scanned tonight, but I am currently without webspace at the current moment.


So here is my account of the whole rancid affair (Not really that rancid, I just like using creative adjectives)


I believe it all started in mid-September. At least I think it was then, anyway, my Sign Language teacher, Natasha Snow (referred to as Ms. Snow throughout the rest of this recollection) announced that our “Service Learning Project” would be to go to Disneyland.


Now, before you ask, “Service Learning” is a term meaning “Something that’s supposed to help for the real world, but I personally haven’t figured out how.” My school is obsessed with this concept, although no one will really give you a definitive answer on what it really is. It’s frustrating like that.


Anyhow, Ms. Snow announced this and the sitcom that was my class was happy. Thus started a 5-month process of fundraisers, screwing the entire freshman out of the trip for funding purposes. We needed a lot of cash. One time we had a car wash IMMEDIATELY after a school fundraiser for an all night bowling thing. It was the car wash of the living dead!


However, we have reached our goal. And I am writing this 5 days before the actual trip takes place. Why? Because I want to outdo every single diary/story of a trip ever made.


At Disneyland around this time it’s both “Magic Musical Days” and “Deaf Awareness Days”. So we’re putting on a show of dramatic performances of “popular” music in Sign Language. Our show is about a half an hour and goes like this:


I Want Candy by Bow Wow

Barbie Girl by Aqua (Funny)

99 Red Balloons by Goldfinger (The one I am most involved with)

I’d do Anything by Simple Plan Artist (My personal favorite song from the whole show)

I Will Survive by I Forgot The Name (Mildly involved in this)

Oops I Did it Again by Satan (Not a bad performance though)

Cuban Pete (You know, that one song from “The Mask”)

YMCA (Big finale)


Sadly my request for Stone Temple Pilots’ “Plush” was denied. Philistines, I’ll try next time. However, it is a good show. If I knew how to I’d turn a tape of it into streaming video and post it somewhere. Our performances are well received. We did a show at school and got a very good standing ovation from everyone. We did it at the “Southern Arizona Language Fair” and all of our stuff won prizes!


So anyway, Thursday night we all got on the bus like the sheep we are. The ride there was tedious. I couldn’t get an eyeful of sleep for some reason. We watched the classic Monty Python Holy Grail Movie™, The Bus ride lasted from 10 PM (Mountain Standard Time) to 7 AM (Pacific Standard Time) During which I slept an estimated 36 minutes. This was in part thanks to people turning their lights on and tying my shoes together (You know who you are). But when we finally got to Anaheim (One of the many cities in America owned by one or more corporations) it was… Waiting for the park to get open. But when THAT finally happen it was fun fun fun! I went on all the rides (Not including ‘It’s A Small World’, I’m not that religious, but I know an act of Satan when I see it). I won’t go too in depth on this subject, since I’m both lazy and a believer in “A picture speaks 1000 words”. However I do have a funny story.


I was at “Ariel’s Grotto” A lowbrow-eating joint in the California Adventure theme park ™. So anyway, Pluto (Or should I say an under performing UCLA student in a funny costume) went up to this girl in the group I was traveling with and, to be blunt, grabbed the ass. Then he asked another person, using universal hand gestures, for her phone number. Traumatized by the experience we witnessed the Electrical Light Parade, and then roamed back to our Hotel.


Day 2 was the day of the aforementioned ASL performance. At about 10 PST my group wandered over to Toon Town. On the way I observed a pair of geese having such hot sex that would put the Discovery Channel to shame. Scarred for life I headed for backstage Disney.


You cannot, for some odd reason, take pictures of Backstage Disney. I think it has something to do with non-copyrighted material. I suspect if you bring a camera out of your pocket the Secret Disney Snipers start pointing your rifles at you, then if you actually take a picture you’re dead within a second. The Disney Company takes no mercy. While backstage we changed into our performing clothing. It was nothing too impressive, just a polo shirt and khakis. Also I had the following conversation with my friend who I shall call “John” because that’s his name.


Me: You Know, there needs to be a deaf Disney character.

John: *Makes a noise not unlike a drill.* That can be arranged!



We got a big group picture (which I will scan once I get it from Ms. Snow) and went out and performed the best damn performance there was! As a reward and gratitude for not having to employ the snipers, our backstage manager gave us all “Magic and Music Days” T-Shirts, hence the topic of this thread.


Afterwards there were still 6 or so hours left to do park stuff, these remaining hours are uninteresting at best. They would be better, but I don’t think any of you know my crazy friends. At midnight it was time to head back to Tucson. But we all marched out of there in style. I do mean march, we did a parade like thing to our Bus, and I had to tell random strangers to “**** off” for laughing at me.


The ride back was uninteresting. I slept like the whole way. When I got off the bus, I knew this was something I’d never forget, or something yeah. I’ll get pictures soon dammit!

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*Sigh* My sister is a bitch...


Now there are many deserving connotations for this statement, but the brat won't let me use her scanner. So, I'll have to go to school for pics needs, stay frosty my friends

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