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WTF is up with kids today!

El Sitherino

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ok this may be graphic but its a convo i found myself in with a 13 year old girl.

be sure to keep in mind we didnt insult her until well after she insulted and warned me just for not showing her my picture.

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: ha

(dumb aol girl): wah

(dumb aol girl): wha*

(dumb aol girl): omg r u warning me

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: nope

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: so

(dumb aol girl): did u just warn my otha sn

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: no

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: wasnt me

(dumb aol girl): ok

(dumb aol girl): so where cant ufidnthen

(dumb aol girl): u find them*

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: no

(dumb aol girl): no where cant u find them

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: on my comp

(dumb aol girl): amybe in pictures...

(dumb aol girl): maybe*

(dumb aol girl): did u find it yet

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: no

(dumb aol girl): sure

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: ill have one later

(dumb aol girl): later...

(dumb aol girl): when


(dumb aol girl): ok whens that

(dumb aol girl): lol

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: omg

(dumb aol girl): omg

(dumb aol girl): ..

(dumb aol girl): .

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: you got some problems

(dumb aol girl): like wha

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: you dont stop talking... ever

(dumb aol girl): well thats just me good old kayla

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: good? pffft

(dumb aol girl): o like ur any betta

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: yeah

(dumb aol girl): c'on hun

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: hey you got msn messenger?

(dumb aol girl): yeah

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: get on

(dumb aol girl): i dont no how to

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: whats your address

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: omg

(dumb aol girl): cuz my cuz just downloaded it yo use it while she was hea

(dumb aol girl): i dont no how to use it

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: wtf did you just say here (dumb aol girl): cuz my cuz just downloaded it yo use it while she was hea

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

that makes as much sense as a monkey driving a bus

Elite M.A.D Soldier says:


Elite M.A.D Soldier says:

she lives in cali

Elite M.A.D Soldier says:

(dumb aol girl): i dont no how to use it

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: wtf did you just say here (dumb aol girl): cuz my cuz just downloaded it yo use it while she was hea

Elite M.A.D Soldier says:


Hawkeye says:

i've heard crackheads on cops come up with better ones then that

Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

yeah i know

Elite M.A.D Soldier says:

lol i know

Hawkeye says:

copy paste this for her:

Elite M.A.D Soldier says:


Elite M.A.D Soldier says:


(dumb aol girl): i dont no hpow to use it becuase my cuzin downloaded it to use it while she was hea

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: these guys wanna talk to you

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Hawkeye says:

Learn to speak english, and the try to carry on a conversation with someone. Otherwise, they will just copy/paste this convo into their other convo you don't know about, and they other people in that convo will make fun of you.

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: lol

(dumb aol girl): omg

(dumb aol girl): wta fags

(dumb aol girl): i just mis spelled

(dumb aol girl): wat*

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

Dammit women, I've never come accross an airhead like you before. Think before you type if you can

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Hawkeye says:

tell her that i want to give her a mincure and do her hair

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

and she can called us Mr. Paul

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: haha

(dumb aol girl): omg i neva used msn before andi have no idea how and i really dont care because it was just my cuzin using it while she stayed hea

(dumb aol girl): so if they really want me to use it then they can ****in tell me how

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Hawkeye says:

tell her it is "cousin" not "cuzin"

(dumb aol girl): yeah obviously i did that on purpose...

(dumb aol girl): i do have straigh tA's

(dumb aol girl): im not stupid

(dumb aol girl): i dont have to spell eveything right like u do

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Hawkeye says:

tell her this is how to use it:

Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

you got on AIM, you can easily get on MSN

(dumb aol girl): i dont even no how it works!!

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

wow, straight A's and still too stupid to spell

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

lol, at least make some sense women

(dumb aol girl): maybe if u fags had aim then u would no that we just change it so we dont have to spell it

(dumb aol girl): like ya no you is u and are is r and stuff like that

(dumb aol girl): kinda liek slang

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

oh i've got aim

(dumb aol girl): or mabe u dont do that in texas

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: they dont live in texas

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: lynk lives in australia

(dumb aol girl): then their u go

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Hawkeye says:

tell her AIM sucks and msn is better

(dumb aol girl): i live in boston

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: ah

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: no wonder

(dumb aol girl): ya c i dont have a sn thinggy for msn

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

ask her if she wants her computer completely wiped

(dumb aol girl): wha

(dumb aol girl): ?????

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Hawkeye says:

i have now officialy heard the gayest thing ever said

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: lol

(dumb aol girl): wha

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: thats what he keeps saying about the things you say

(dumb aol girl): o about the msn thing

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: ?

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

gawd i'm startin to feel sorry for this bitch

Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

she's got no idea

(dumb aol girl): o dont even use it i would have never had it if my cousin didnt stay for a friggen week and dowload it so she could use it

(dumb aol girl): its not like she showed me how to use it

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: its not hard

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: its easier than aim

(dumb aol girl): ur friends r fags

(dumb aol girl): tell them to go and suck ****

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

yeah yeah, that's the second time you've said it, go figure it out for yourself

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

nope, only ****ed chicks in my lifetime

(dumb aol girl): then leave me the hell alone cuz i wasnt the 1 who wanted to use it in the first place

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

btw, how old is she?

Elite M.A.D Soldier says:


Elite M.A.D Soldier says:

go figure

Elite M.A.D Soldier says:


Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:


Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

13!! NO ****IN WONDER!

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

Damn bitch, go back to school and learn somethin, come back in 5 - 6 years when you get a shred of intelligence

(dumb aol girl): u dont no wat ur talking about

(dumb aol girl): sure u learn a lo of stuff where eav u r

(dumb aol girl): eva*

(dumb aol girl): LOT*

(dumb aol girl): then tell me y im the 1 of the smartest kids on my team

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

^_^ i'm really feelin sorry for u now kayC... i mean a lil 13 year old... awww... i pity you

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

i can be mean, but someone so pathetic as you i gotta show some sympathy towards

(dumb aol girl): how old r u

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

team of what?

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:


(dumb aol girl): tell me how i am pathetic?

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: i just gotta say HAHAHA!

(dumb aol girl): ur gay

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: not really

(dumb aol girl): yeah really

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

lol nope, i'm straight

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: i have a feelin you are a lesbian

(dumb aol girl): u neva answered my question

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

(hey IS, can we do a 3 way chat with u me and her?)

Lynk Former - Break my heart... Because a red sorrow is spilling out from it... says:

i'm on AIM

(dumb aol girl): can u prove that

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: uhm do you have a bf

(dumb aol girl): not at the moment

(dumb aol girl): i dont need a bf every where i turn wen ur 13

(dumb aol girl): but ya


then in the chat me and lynk made


Lynk Former: ehehe i like the room name ^_^

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: yep

(dumb aol girl): w/e

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: :-P

Lynk Former: hiya KayC ^_^

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: lol

(dumb aol girl): hey fag

Lynk Former: well that ain't nice huh

Lynk Former: why so defensive

Lynk Former: is it cause you're with older ppl?

(dumb aol girl): y dont u guess

(dumb aol girl): o yeah look ay me all afraid

Lynk Former: i can't even see u *rollseyes*

(dumb aol girl): lol

(dumb aol girl): so y do u think i am pathetic?

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: cuz you suck ass

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: i mean

Lynk Former: well just the way u sound

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: oops

Lynk Former: i mean, i know smarter 13 yr olds than u

(dumb aol girl): how do i sound/

(dumb aol girl): ?*

Lynk Former: u sound pretty stupid

(dumb aol girl): in what ways?

Lynk Former: like an airhead

(dumb aol girl): u dont even no me and ur judging me?

Lynk Former: yup

Lynk Former: ain't it great

(dumb aol girl): yeah thats pretty immiture to me

Lynk Former: ^_^

(dumb aol girl): so what do u wnt

Lynk Former: well i'm being mean and nice at the same time

(dumb aol girl): want*

(dumb aol girl): w/e

Lynk Former: nothin, i'm just using you to waste time

Lynk Former: you're not important to me at all

Lynk Former: just another stupid person

(dumb aol girl): then leave me alone

Lynk Former: nah

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: ?

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: o.0

(dumb aol girl): ya no wat white ass just ****ing go away

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: lol

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: lynk... white

Lynk Former: lol i'm not white

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: hahaa

(dumb aol girl): omg

(dumb aol girl) has left the room.

Lynk Former: lol

FrEaKy WhiTEPuNK: must be cuz you aint white


:edit: i have edited her name at the request of tk please do the same in your quotes :edit:

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oh god... MY EYES! make it go away mommy....


this is what I like about this spot: if anyone ever uses the EVIL murdering of english, to save NO time... I can ban them.


hasn't come up yet, because LFers are of a higher class then the rest of the net, thank god...


1337 I have no problems with, and actually speak quite well, but AOL SPEEK makes me want to hurt things.


oh? yes... advice... dont do drugs. yes, thats it.

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ah yeah. i actually got a few headaches trying to understand what the hell she was saying. and thats weird cuz i can have perfect conversations with people who dont speak english very well. im also wondering why she kept calling me a fag just cuz i didnt wanna tell her stuff or give her my picture. eh oh well.

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the following convo is the same girl on her other account and tk-421. on his request i have edited her screenname.


______: do u know that band t.a.tu

(mystery man): yea

______: do u know thier song all the things she said?

(mystery man): T.A.T.U.? yea

(mystery man): yup

(mystery man): that song

(mystery man): my brother dloaded it and like 10 other Tatu songs, some not even in english, heheh

______: do u know that those 2 girls or lesbians

(mystery man): yup

______: isnt that groos

______: gross

(mystery man): well......

______: omg

______: u get i kick out of that dont u ?

(mystery man): I plead the fifth amendment

(mystery man): :D

______: ur 1 of those boys

______: who

(mystery man): *turns on the song*

(mystery man): :-D

______: like that kind of stuff

(mystery man): one of who?

______: ya no wen 2 girls....

______: thats groos

(mystery man): well

______: gross?

(mystery man): if you say so

______: u like that dont u?

(mystery man): yea, sure whatever *shrug*

______: omg

______: u like that

(mystery man): hmmm

(mystery man): well

______: yes or no

(mystery man): i didnt really think about it, and have no problem with it

(mystery man): to each his or her own, i guess

(mystery man): heheh

(mystery man): who am i to say its wrong

(mystery man): lol

______: i no i get it

______: i meant i thot u like to watch it

______: i dont care if there gay

(mystery man): *shrug*

______: i just thought u liked to watch it

______: i no

(mystery man): lol

______: do u like to watch 2 gurls

(mystery man): i never have

(mystery man): so i dunno

______: omg

______: u like 2 watch 2 gurl dont u

(mystery man): i dunno

(mystery man): like i said

(mystery man): i have never seen 2 girls together

______: i no but if u saw them would u watch like u like to c them kissing/

(mystery man): :-D

______: ur a pervet

(mystery man): no actually

(mystery man): my gf would murder me

(mystery man): so nevermind

(mystery man): heheh

______: wat would say if i said i wouyld like 2 watch 2 guys?

______: wouldnt u think thats wrong

(mystery man): errr......gross

______: u guys think about girls the wrong way

______: c?

(mystery man): lol

______: no

______: u dont take girls seriously

(mystery man): sure I do

(mystery man): just not all of em

______: no u don't

______: u dont have respect or anything

(mystery man): lol

(mystery man): I'm sorry if i offended you, lol,

______: no its not funny

______: haha

______: NOT

(mystery man): heheh

(mystery man): ur a trip

______: ur an ass

(mystery man): k

______: yeah ok w/e

______: no if u will excuse me i have to answer the phone

(mystery man): hmm

(mystery man): k

(mystery man): u hate me now, huh

(mystery man): heheh

______: ya no only a girl sint lazy and would do that

(mystery man): ..................


and there you go.

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